One Sweet Day

What a lucky girl I am. In honor of Valentine's Day, I have been drinking my coffee (and reminiscing) on the lovely truth that I have always had a Valentine. Now before you get all judgmental on me, let me explain.

My parents always made sure that Valentines Day was a special day for me and my sisters. They were the most thoughtful, faithful Valentines who always made sure that their girls felt important and loved on this fine day. My dad always bought us ridiculous displays of flowers and candy. So much candy. And cards that were so sappy you would get a cavity just reading them. But what little girl DOESN'T want to hear how much her daddy loves her? Thankful. So thankful for him.

My mom would make us a delicious breakfast and have little Valentines gifts on the kitchen table, waiting to be opened. It was always something frivolous and unnecessary and simply wonderful - what every little girl wants. Lip gloss, pink pajamas, cute shoes, always something fun and pretty. My mom is such a style hound. Needless to say, after a morning of so much love and attention, what need was there to scamper off to school and hope that a boy takes notice in me or gives me a lame, school-bought carnation? There was no need.

Fast forward to 5 years ago. I was dating the love of my life and secretly plotting to get married at like, the age of 12. Just kidding. Sort of. But the honest truth is that I didn't have too many Valentines in between my adolescent years of being doted upon by my parents and the man I share all my days with now. And I am thankful. There is really no need for years of wishing for someone, anyone, to come along and woo your heart with empty words, cheesy cards, or overpriced flowers sprayed with preservatives. Here's to holding out and waiting for the best. So thankful for my faithful and kind husband this fine day. This morning we had a delicious berry pancake breakfast and coffee and that was the best kind of celebration to me.

I encourage you to call your mom, dad, aunt, grandpa, or best friend today and tell them how much you love them. These are the secret rock stars in your life - the ones who love you, support you, and give you a whole lot more than Russel Stover chocolates once a year. Bring on the Lindt.