Adventure: Blue Ridge Mountains


Happy New Year! I hope you are excited for the gift of 2013! My New Years' celebration was spent up in the North Georgia Blue Ridge Mountains. This has become a yearly tradition that my parents graciously treat my family to, and I really look forward to it. This trip to a cabin in the woods is usually the most relaxing time of my entire year, and boy, do I crave relaxation! Now that my family lives in three different states, it is really special when we can all coordinate time to reunite, relax and dream together. The town of Blue Ridge is quaint and makes for a great afternoon of walking and shopping, but for the most part we lounged around the cabin and did what we do best: NOTHING.


We cooked. We played scrabble. We read. And then we hit the hot tub. It's a really rigorous schedule, but someone's got to do it, right? I was spoiled rotten because I got to play with my 3-year-old nephew (and godson!), Oliver, everyday. His imagination is brilliant. He is already a master artist with Play-dough and he sings and plays the harmonica fearlessly. His golden smile lights up the room. I can't believe how amazing it is to see my sister and brother-in-law's traits in him.


It might sound really cheesy, but sitting in the hot tub and staring at the mountain range was really inspiring. There was something therapeutic about being outdoors in the crisp air with the hot water enveloping my crazed mind. I could close my eyes and feel my thoughts quiet down. All the chaos and commotion and holiday stress slowly began to melt away... oh there is nothing like peace. As much as I strive for it in my daily walk, it is usually achieved by deleting the strife and letting God be God. What a concept, right?


I am still in the process of gathering my year-end thoughts and creating some resolutions for the new year. I want to be very honest with myself about what I can commit to doing. Measureable, actionable goals are what I'm going for, but that takes some planning. I think I need to buy myself a cup of coffee and have a bit more "me" time.

What about you? Did you have a holiday getaway that helped you relax? Any tips for creating resolutions?