Oy! Updates

// 42nd Street. Where it all goes down. //


Hello, dear ones. I've had my nose in the books for the past few days, reading monologues and memorizing commercial copy and attempting to wrap my head around the "business" of this crazy entertainment industry. It's a whole lot to take in but I am up for the challenge! I had a few auditions this week, one for an intensive acting program that I'm hoping to get into and another for a casting director who casts for shows like Celebrity Ghost Stories. Yes. You read that correctly. The best thing I can do for myself is to keep auditioning. The more I do it, the easier (ish?) it gets. Have another one this evening... got any words of advice? Because I've been doing a lot of self-encouraging lately!

Oy! Updates.

The blog is getting a few tweaks here and there, many thanks to Savannah at Maiedae. There is still some construction going on, so bear with me as the dust settles a bit, but feel free to take a peek at my Portfolio page (located up top) and browse through the new Eurotrip Gallery (located on the right.) Soon I will have all the links up for "Taste" a series on recipes/food/drinks/dining and "Guides", which is my take on how to explore a city in 1-2 days. Also be on the lookout for a quick link to the most popular Oy!'s posts!

Just wanted to let you know what was happening here. Many more updates are coming soon (including apartment pics!) Thanks for being awesome.