Noel: This is Christmas

Oh What Fun.

Welp, it's upon us. Christmas Adam has faded into the yesterday and today - Christmas Eve! I can't believe how FAST this holiday season has whipped by. I'm thankful to be in Georgia with my family for this sweet holiday celebration. Coming home for Christmas means all things gooey and righteous - Mom making me berry tea, Dad sharing his latest Lord of the Rings revelations, my sister showing me up with her ridiculously stylish self. My parents' household is pure fun; big laughter and excessive movie quoting and silly teasing. Debates about who would make a better man - Mr. Darcy or Mr. Knightley? I vote Knightley. Oh, and lots of eating. And lots of present hiding and hushed conversations about what Mom's getting from Dad and Christmassy secrets behind each closet door. It's just who we are. I'm reminded of that when I'm home. Especially while staring at their pretty evergreen and silver tree. Christmas means my family. It just does.

// The whole Spencer tribe. //

// Sheesh, perfect little fam. Can't handle the cute. //

// Our family's favorite little Christmas package. //

// The light seriously just did that. //

// These girls. Mmm the love is fierce. //

// Could we look more different. //

// Best grandparents in the world. //

Very Merry.

I hope you are able to experience Christmas with your favorite people this season. There has been a lot of transition since last Christmas (in my life, and I'm sure in yours, too!), and this holiday season may find you thinking about old times, both good and bad. I encourage you to embrace this year for what it is, perhaps unperfect, perhaps hopes were dashed, and perhaps things will never be the same. But it is the hope of things unseen - the belief in something greater - that can lift our human-ish minds out of the concrete parking spot our thoughts have been idling in. Christmas is the time to hope against hopes, dreams big again, and embrace that funny little kid inside your heart. We don't have to be mature on Christmas. We can rip open the gifts we've been given, we are allowed to marvel at them and laugh and cry a little. It's okay. It's OKAY! Christmas is a striking and gorgeous mess.

I wish you the happiest Christmas eve, filled with movie marathons, baking madness, present-wrapping and an excessive amount of hot beverages :-) You go get that Christmas spirit. It's all yours.