Baby Registry Resources

Baby Registry Resources

Registering for a baby is a KILLER big deal. There are so many categories and brands and selections that it can seriously make your head swim. Feeling overwhelmed by so many options, I started by polling the best mamas I know (and some incredible nannies who know WAAAAY more about babies than I do!) So, so many of you have helped contribute to my understanding of what a baby really needs (and what us mamas really just want! Hello there, you Kate Spade diaper bag, you.) Thank you for all your advice and personal stories. I know that every baby is different, so some people's needs will contradict others, but I am grateful to have a solid launching pad of information! And it just wouldn't be right if I didn't share this golden information with all those pregnant ladies out there :)

A Few Resources that Prepped Me for Registering:

1) Mommy Blogger Registry Guides:

- Oh, Joy! Baby Registry Essentials

- Cup of Joe: What to Register for Your New Baby

- Alpha Mom: Our Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist 

- The Wonderful World of the Pitzer Family: 10 Things I Couldn't Live Without After Having a Baby 

2) Product-Specific Books:

I've been reading a lot during this pregnancy. Probably because I'm a 1st-timer at this whole growing a human thing, but I've found a lot of comfort in learning about what's coming! I've been devouring everything - books about birth technique, staying fit while pregnant, ways to be eco-friendly with my child, sleep training, you name it! A few books have sections devoted to must-have products, which I found helpful while researching. Raising Baby Green and The Honest Life had really helpful product information, especially if you want to keep the environment in mind while you consider certain products. Keep an eye out for an upcoming post on my favorite pregnancy/baby books - I am still voraciously reading!

3) People Watching!

I live in the city, sandwiched between two massive parks. And I happen to live in a baby-hood, meaning everyone around me is pushing a stroller (and sometimes a double) over these city streets. I have had my eagle eyes open, name checking every brand I see, reviewing the safety information and product reviews. It's a little creepy to be the gal staring at a baby stroller in the park, but my recently popped belly has probably relieved some of the stresses of the mothers who have caught me checking out their gear. Women are more than happy to share their advice when they know you're expecting! Although when Stevie does it... he gets the creeped-out cold shoulder from them. Which is just so entertaining.

4) Excellent Places to Register:

- Amazon Baby Registry When ISN'T Amazon the boss at everything? I loved that I could use the Amazon Baby Registry for practically anything on the web, and they offered free shipping on most items over $25. Before I got pregnant, I would always purchase others' baby gifts on Amazon just because it was easier (and free shipping!), even if they weren't registered there. And since I use my Amazon Prime account on a weekly basis, it seemed like a natural choice for others to make purchases that way, too. Let's simplify our lives, right??

- Buy Buy Baby Initially, I liked this store because it seemed to have more brand options than Babies R Us. But that was simply a personal choice! Our experience working with the Buy Buy Baby Registry has been spectacular. Their staff went above and beyond, making sure we had everything we needed to make an informed decision about the products that really mattered to us. We spent hours of time (yes, hours) one-on-one with product experts, testing every stroller, baby monitor, crib, tub, you name it. They have excellent customer service, and for new parents, they really equip you to feel like you're making empowered decisions for your child. They made a believer out of me. And then they gave me free samples of stuff. I just love swag.

- This site is great because it allows you to link and sync all other registries you might have. It's basically Pinterest for registries. Lets say you want to register for nursery decor from Etsy, bedding from Pottery Barn, and other baby gear from Buy Buy Baby? It's no problem! Myregistry indexes all your selections in an easy way, and directs buyers to the original source for purchasing (so you can still get that free shipping on Amazon!) I love the customization of this site. For those of you who have trouble committing to only 1-2 stores for all your baby needs (like me!), this site can give you that sigh of relief. Have your cake. Eat it too.

Take a Breath.

At first, registering for baby gear seemed really, really daunting. But with the help of lots of people and with a lot of research under my belt, I feel like we've made some good choices. However, like most moms I talk to, I'm sure I will make plenty of mistakes and have to figure out what will actually work for my particular child! You can take a peek at my Pinterest board of Baby Registry Picks, although I probably won't post about my favorite baby picks until after I have some experience with what works out and what doesn't.

For all you mamas out there, were there any particular tools/books/people who helped make your registry process a lot easier?