What's Coming Up.

// Hydrangeas from my mom's yard. Ahhh. //

It's July!

Happy Monday, dear friends. I hope you had a blast celebrating the 4th of July with friends and family and my personal lover, watermelon.

I thought I would give you an update on what's coming up on the blog in the next few weeks.

I'm about to have a baby, in case you haven't heard.

Or noticed my gradual growth.

You are so kind to pretend you haven't noticed. I love you for that. You liar.

I have about 4 weeks until my due date, which means that soon (and very soon!) this little guy will be making his way into our lives. We are excited, thrilled, a little freaked (just of the unknown factor), and busily preparing ourselves, our birth plan, our home, our car, and our brains. But I'll save all those juicy details for this week's Bumpdate.

The past 6 weeks have been chock-full of transition in our world. We just moved out of our 1-bedroom apartment in New York City... into the upstairs of my parents' suburban Georgia home. Talk about a transition! We are all still adjusting. They have been gracious. They have bitten their tongues on several occasions. We will gladly accept your prayers.

Even though we're in Georgia now, I still have SO MUCH about NYC that I want to share. We experienced life in 3-D during our time living in Manhattan, and I wish that part of me could go on living there forever. While also living here. Does that make any sense? Anyway, I want to go ahead and share a lot of NYC-themed posts over the course of this next week, and then we will close the chapter to the 50 NYC Adventures for a season. So far, I've only shared 20 with you. I have so much more that I would like to share about NYC, but in preparation for the baby invasion, I'm going to hit pause on that series and come back to it again after the baby arrives (and after another NYC trip, which we are hoping we can make happen in late-fall :)Yes, we like to dream.

So coming up on the blog over the next month? Finishing up some NYC Adventures, more baby prep/pregnancy-related stuff, some new (WONDERFUL) Georgian tales, and a not-so-surprising lack of recipes (I loathe cooking these days). Once our little man arrives, I'll take about a month off (give or take) from blogging and be updating everyone via Instagram.

Just wanted to give you a sense of where everything is headed, rather rapidly - to babyland! Thanks for being part of our journey :)