Hello January!

Well, 2015. There you are.

I hope you are all staying warm and doing oh so swell. I hope your holidays were every bit as indulgent and satisfying as you imagined they would be. I took a bit of time off from social media and this blog after the holidays. I wanted to refocus, spend quality time with my family, catch up on some seriously needed sleep, and simplify all the clutter that has been stacking up like dusty old books in my brain. Perfect timing, too, since I spent the 10 days after Christmas fighting off a nasty virus and just sleeping. And then sleeping some more. I have about a year's worth of sleep to catch up on. Whew. We are slowly getting there!

I have really relished the quiet and rest that this month has ushered in. It seems like everything slows down in January. It's not too fun being outside. The dark cover of evening envelopes the day all too soon. There is a stack of literature that I'd like to be reading, and yet somehow Netflix wins out every time I reach for a book (we have really gotten into The West Wing. It's sort of delicious. And hilariously outdated.) January is an old friend with a minty-fresh feeling. It's the time for dreaming again. Planning. Goal making. Resolutions. Budgeting. Sometimes all of these things can feel overwhelming, I'll admit. But going through the motions and putting a bit of discipline into these tasks can really help solidify that refreshing, refocused mindset, which has been super helpful for this gal who has been living in a bit of a fog for the past 6 months or so. How has January been for you?

Here are a few pics showcasing how we vegged out enjoyed the last little bits of 2014.

// Skewed amount of daddy & baby pictures in relation to mommy & baby pictures. Which is fine by me :) Clearly, Stevie keeps putting all kinds of athletic equipment in our child's hands. And then photographing it. Womp womp. Note the adorable "Marry Me?" photo - found that on a walking trail one day! So sweet! I hope she said yes, whoever she is. //

As for 2015...

I'll be back tomorrow with some resolution snippets. Don't worry. I've set the bar hilariously low for myself this year. I've decided to set myself up to be a WINNER in 2015, which sort of means that my list of "resolutions" are, well, not super resolution-y. Ha. All you new moms know what I'm talking about (as in, a walk to the mailbox crosses off two to-do's on the list: making it out of the house AND exercising).

Let's kick it, 2015. Happy to be back!