Slice of Life.

Slice of Life.

Life has been fast and slow lately. Winter feels endlessly long, but I feel like there are enough things going on in our world to keep us occupied (and exhausted!) by the end of the day. Is anyone with me? It's like that saying, "The days are long, but the years are short" - I am really starting to feel the impact of those words! So true in this season of my/our life. These are the things happening in our corner of the world lately:

1. I started a blogging course.


I am so, so excited about this one. I just started taking the A Beautiful Mess course called Blog Life, and I am a little bit addicted to it. I took one of their courses two and a half years ago when I started this blog (what - it's been that long?!) and it really helped kickstart my ideas. I am ready for more with the blog, and I have been throwing around a few ideas about how to grow it. If you are in a similar place, and you're interested in growing your online business or blog, taking this course is an awesome place to start. Be ready to do quite an alarming amount of soul searching, some semi-time consuming imagining and some creative mining in that brain of yours. But I can personally tell it's going to be worth it! I am feeling those creative juices flowing and it is really fun :)

2. We started feeding Everett solids.

Omigoodness. WHAT A CHANGE. This has probably been the biggest shift in my personal world lately, because feeding my sweet 6-month-old son real food has most definitely impacted his sleep schedule. Which has impacted my sleep schedule. Can I get a hallelujah amen? People - this child is sleeping more than EVER before. Some of you have been mentioning to me for months that I should start feeding him real food, but I wasn't ready to take that step. We started him on solids a few weeks ago, beginning with banana, avocado and sweet potato. It has been quite an experimental process so far, since I've been making everything that he eats, but I love trying to figure out the best things to feed him. It's been a super big learning curve for both of us, but he LOVES eating and I really really love that his sleeping has improved so much - so we are going the distance on this one. I'll share more about our experiences in the baby food department in the coming weeks.

3. I'm drinking a grandmotherly beverage.

This might seem really dorky. But my favorite hot beverage this year has been the most home-made drink in the world: hot water with lemon and honey. Not a fancy latte. Not a holistic tea. HOT WATER. Squeeze in some lemon. Stir in some honey. Bam. It warms me to my toes and it has gone hand-in-hand with my blog course. Give mama a little "me time" and this is what she will be drinking. The times are wild over here.

4. Still saturating ourselves with some good old fashioned family time.

(While we use store products and don't purchase them.)

This picture just makes me laugh. Last weekend Stevie and I were browsing through a very female-ish store, where he was attempting to pick something out because he had a store credit (it's a long story, but yes, it was HIS store credit. To One Magnolia Lane. Hahahaa.) We were joined by Stevie's bro, and we found this darn cool iPhone Selfie Pole, which we used to take this picture. Of course, after two takes, we were good. Selfie taken. Stevie bought some honey instead.

It's cold outside. Go make yourself a grandmotherly beverage, you won't be sorry :)