19/50 NYC Adventures: The Soho Saunter.

The Soho Saunter.

Still reminiscing over some memorable moments in NYC from the past few months. Stevie and I spent a glorious day sauntering around Soho (I would say "stroll", but these days, my stroll has slowed down a good bit, thanks to pregnancy feet). We had such a happy Saturday in the sun that we subsequently returned to Soho everyday for about a week in a row, just because we couldn't stop exploring, eating and shopping! It's a bit of a trek down to this hood from the Upper West Side (New Yorkers, permission to obnoxiously eye-roll here), so in the winter we never took the time to wander around this area. Thankfully, a few weeks ago we did and had THE BEST DAY. If you wanted to wander around for a few morning hours in Soho, here's what I would do (because I did!)

Ground Support Cafe OR Brunch at Hundred Acres.

Start with brunch at Hundred Acres. My sweet friend Jenna introduced me to this place in the fall and I just fell for it. It's quaint and delicious, tucked right in the heart of Soho at MacDougal between Prince St. & W. Houston. When you step inside and wander throughout the rooms of the restaurant (it's cozy like a friend's home), there is a warm charm that puts you at ease. Almost as if Christopher Robbin invited you over for breakfast and his mom is in the kitchen, whipping up some honey-brie pancakes and waiting for the rest of the gang to arrive. It's just got a great vibe :) The menu changes a lot with the season, so everything tastes really fresh and "of the moment". Without a doubt - you must order the "appetizer" cinnamon rolls. SO GOOD.

If you're not feeling a big sit-down, filling brunch meal, you could do a quick stop by Ground Support Cafe. This place has awesome coffee, lattes, you name it, and quiet little places to sit down inside and out. We opted for outside so we could people watch... which we did for a while. So much good fashion walks by you in Soho.

Treats at Laduree.

Post-coffee time always beckons a hit of something sweet. Well, look at that, right across the street from Ground Support is the famed Laduree, the Parisian macaroon parlor. Laduree is known for flying in the macaroons from Paris several times per week, so you can't get much more French than this. You also can't get much more expensive - they are like $3.50 a piece! But we had to try one. I personally love macaroons, but I've never been able to get Stevie hooked - he's more of a ice cream and brownies kind of guy. As you can see:

// Perhaps not totally pleased. But look at him rocking our Euro Trip Kavu bag with pride! //

What can I say? At least he talked me out of buying the $20 box of them... I would have scarfed those puppies down alone. The flavors I personally loved were the Citron, the Marie-Antoinette & the Carmel a la fleur de sel. There are some other equally amazing treats at Laduree. We just drooled, didn't partake.

Ah, the French are so fanciful. At this point, you might be rightfully full and needing a break to just walk around. Wander! Shop! And maybe see a celebrity acting all "please don't notice me", sitting at a sidewalk cafe in gigantic sunglasses. That's right, you weren't hiding, Tyra Banks. Don't act all coy with me. (But people, the eyes? So fierce.) There is so much to see and do in Soho. Yes, it can be a bit touristy, but where in NYC isn't?? When there's great weather, the people are out!

// Totally snapchatted my sisters immediately after seeing Tyra Banks. Because DUH. //

Sweets in Soho. 

Soho, what a wondrous day you showed us. I have more fun spots that we discovered in this neighborhood, but I'll save those to share next! :)