March. Sleepy Baby. Giveaways.

March. Sleepy Baby. Giveaways.
I just had to share these photos. I know they're a touch blurred, but gosh, it's so much fun taking an obscene amount of photos of my child. He was so tired. It was so funny.

HEADS UP: I have a slew of fun baby posts coming at you during the month of March. You could pretty much just call it baby month. Don't worry, those of you who aren't baby people. April will come. But March is for babies and I am suuuuuuper excited to share all kinds of fun content - reviews, baby registry picks, and GIVEAWAYS. Guys, I've got a mad amount of gifts for you. I am partnering with several different brands this month to bring you some really amazing products. Make sure you keep checking back here, and I will also be posting info on my instagram and twitter. Everything kicks off on Monday!

Are you excited? I AM SO EXCITED. Monday, people. It's all going down. Enjoy your weekend, folks! Woohoo!