10 Essentials for that 1st Trimester Survival.

Pregnancy is the oddest experience.

I know I've done this once before, but this time around has been a brand-spanking new experience. Headaches for days, nausea that just won't quit, and a superpower called hormones that has made me that crazy pregnant lady.

More than once I have definitely found myself crying and frustrated at Stevie about something, and then a moment later I forgot what I was even upset about. Like, I forgot in the middle of the argument that I was trying to win. Craaaazzzyyy lady. Poor guy. He deserves a medal for this pregnancy go-round. But I must say, so do I.

The first trimester has definitely been more challenging than my last first trimester, and I've had to find some new tricks to make it through the days and months. Oh the lengthiness of the first tri. It's such a looooong time when you're exhausted and throwing up and headaching and you still have to feed your toddler and, you know, live. A few things that helped me this time around (even if some were strictly placebo-effect):

1. Sea Bands for nausea.
My amazing doula recommended that I try out Sea Bands for the intense nausea that came in those early weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes I felt like they immediately stopped the sea sick feeling, but sometimes the nausea persisted. They were really 50/50 for me, but I wore them throughout the beginning of my pregnancy, hoping that they were decreasing what could have been even worse nausea. I was willing to try anything!

2. Prenatals for energy.
I noticed an immediate difference in my energy level when I switched prenatal vitamins. I was so exhausted for the first trimester, but I felt a significant improvement when I started taking this Garden of Life RAW Prenatal along with the Garden of Life DHA. Game changer.

3. Sleep for sleep.
I had to nap every single day of my first trimester, and I am still napping a lot now. But I literally wouldn't have made it through the day if I hadn't slept as much as I did. Having a high-energy, busy toddler definitely didn't help in the energy department, so the moment I put him down in the afternoon, I hit the pillow. Only to wake up to his screaming when his nap was complete. Mine was never complete. I could put my head down on the desk now and just zzzzz....

4. Newton Labs Homeopathic Remedy for morning/all day sickness.
My sister swore by this little homeopathic remedy during her second pregnancy, and reminded me of it when I was so, so sick. I would take it in the morning, along with my other vitamins, and then take it as needed throughout the day when I felt the nausea increasing. A little tip - it absorbs into your body faster if you place the drops under your tongue! Per the advice of my naturopathic chiropractor.

5. Tracey Anderson: The Pregnancy Project for stretching/exercise.
I've shared about dear this amazing DVD set before, and I'll do it again. My first trimester was extremely hit or miss when it came to exercise, and I am just now getting back into the routine of moving a lot every week. But if you do this video you will stay suuuuuper toned. I love that she focuses on the pregnant body, and she is pregnant herself in the videos! And it's a great thing you can do at the house if it's too hot to go outside or you can't quite make it to the gym (hello, toddlerhood.)

6. Water + Coconut Water for headaches + hydration.
Because I battled with migraines and headaches during the first trimester, I had to be extra mindful to drink lots of water. Even when water tasted gross (because it totally did.) One way that I could get something hydrating into my system was loading down an enormous cup of ice and sliced lemons, and then pouring this coconut water over the top. It actually makes me a little nauseous to think about this concoction now, because I drank it so much when I was so sick. Oh the memories.

7. Support System for NEED.
I am so grateful I am living back home for this pregnancy. I don't know how I would have made it if I didn't have the help and support system of my family and friends here. On many occasions, my mom came over when I was having a migraine, or my sis-in-law would take Everett to play at her house, or my sister would make me toast and keep Everett occupied while I took a nap. It was seriously survival mode in this camp for a while. And I am so, so, SO grateful for these beautiful souls who kept my pregnancy a secret but checked in on me so lovingly for months on end. If you live without family around you, you can totally do it, but you just need to have a support system that you can count on when things get rough.

8. Preggie Pop Drops for nausea + metallic mouth.
Sometimes your mouth just tastes weird. I can't swear that these Preggie Pop Drops necessarily helped my nausea, but they sure tasted good and gave me something sour to suck on. My sweet friend Natalie sent these in the mail when she knew how sick I was, and every time I ate one of these I was reminded of her sweet thoughtfulness. This might be the one item that had a placebo affect versus a real affect, but it sure left a good taste in my mouth. Pun!!!

9. Stretchy Clothes for all that growing.
I pulled out my stored pregnancy box of clothing at about 6 weeks pregnant. No joke. Things have swollen up so much more quickly than the last time around, it's literally been overwhelming and shocking. I'll share a separate post on 1st tri clothes, but let me just say that you need some seriously stretchy pants (I've been loving these) and some comfy, non-constricting tops to bridge you from burger belly to "oh, there's a baby in there!"

10. Belly Balm for stretch marks.
I've readopted The Honest Company Belly Balm for this pregnancy. They've updated the formula and it's not quite so greasy as it used to be. It's a bit more creamy which works well when you want to apply it and then immediately get dresses afterwards. I didn't get belly stretch marks last time, but my hips and thighs tell a different story. I'm hoping not to gain any other new markage during this pregnancy - fingers crossed!

P.S. - Mamas, any 1st trimester survival tips that literally kept you going during those trying first months of pregnancy? I'd love to hear about them in the comments (and so would all the newly pregnant gals who are still in the early phases, hiding their pregnancy but looking for some relief!) xox

P.P.S. - My 1st Trimester Survival Guide, the last time around.

2nd Trimester Must Haves

2nd Trimest Must Haves

2nd Trimester Must Haves by oykristen  // 1. Gap Pure Body Long Sleeve Tee // 2. Gillian & O'Malley for Target Nursing Bra // 3. The Tracey Anderson Pregnancy Project // 4. Belvoir Sparkling Lemonade // 5. Liz Lange for Target Maternity Tank // 6. The Honest Company Face & Body Lotion // 7. Xhileration for Target Sleep Shorts // 8. Mossimo for Target Canvas Sneakers // 9. Nalgene Water Bottle // 10. Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Balm //   

2nd Trimester Must-Haves.

If I could just post a picture of my sisters up here as my 2nd Tri Must Haves, I would do it and be done. But they would probably be embarrassed/horrified/ask me to remove them from the world wide web. So... I can't really do that. But to be TOTALLY honest with you, my sisters (obviously, including my sister in laws) have been so incredibly helpful and supportive during this entire pregnancy. They have lent me clothes, products, priceless advice and unrelenting encouragement during these past 6 months. And they have graciously answered my relentless, unending phone calls (I've been a bit emotional and needier than I ever thought I would be...) But have no fear! If you don't have big sisters to turn to (and ask embarrassing questions to, like, "Hey sis, did you ever feel like your baby's foot was gonna pop out of you because he kicked so hard??"), you're in luck. Because I shall share aaaaalllll the good stuff that they shared with me during this past trimester. And I swear, it's gold. Thank you, sweet sisters. Mega shout out to Kara, Lauren, Rachel & Katie for being my gold-medal supporters. And for swearing to me that this colossal amount of cellulite will melt away after my little boy is born. 

1. Gap Pure Body Long Sleeve Tee

- My darling sister-in-law lent me TONS of maternity clothes when I found out I was pregnant. As in, like 4 storage containers full of clothes. Yes, I am the luckiest girl in the world. Because after 3 pregnancies (and lots of shopping!) she has accumulated quite a fine collection of maternity wear. And since I hate shopping lately, especially for this growing bod, it has been the hugest blessing to open my closet and already have clothes that are soft and fitted. She lent me a ton of these Gap Pure Body long-sleeves, which are super duper soft and fit the belly nicely. I've been wearing them like crazyyyy. La, you are the BEST!

2. Gillian & O'Malley for Target Nursing Bra

- Okay, so you have to buy some new bras when you're pregnant. You can try your best to stay in your regular size, but let's just be honest now: those girls are GROWING. Gotta give 'em some support. I found the idea of a nursing bra horrifying (have you google searched them? Hideous!), but was relieved to see that Target offered some inexpensive, relatively cute options. Since you will have to invest in some nursing shirts/bras once the baby arrives, it's a good idea to go ahead and start making those purchases as you grow. It helps spread out the insane costs associated with having a baby! But seriously - these bras are soooo comfy. Getyusome.

3. The Tracey Anderson Pregnancy Project

- Exercise. It's a dread. I totally thought I would be one of those bouncy, jogging pregnant chicks, but alas, that is the LAST thing my body has craved. I wish I were bouncy. Lethargic is more like it. But the more I read, the more important I know it is to exercise and train for labor. So it's been a real challenge to discipline/motivate myself during this pregnancy. However, my sister lent me this DVD set and it has truly made a difference in my flexibility. For each month of pregnancy, there is a corresponding DVD to focus on what you need in that month (so you never get bored!) It has helped me hold (some) of the tone I previously had, as well. Tracey focuses on keeping your arms, legs and bottom half as toned and tight as possible, both for a smooth labor/delivery experience and for overall weight management throughout the 9 months. She is a genius. And she doesn't yell at you, like some DVD trainers do (I'm glaring at you, Jillian Michaels). I honestly didn't really start doing this regularly until months 4-5, when I had already gained weight and lost a lot of my previous exercise "ammo", but I have seen some improvements over the past 8 weeks or so. I would really encourage any pregnant lady to invest in this - it has done a lot for my sanity, as well!

4. Belvoir Sparkling Lemonade

- Drinking water gets monotonous and boring. You can snag this little delight at Whole Foods and treat yourself every once in a while. The lemon-rose flavor is also pretty scrumptious.

5. Liz Lange for Target Maternity Tank

- Back to the sister love. My older sis bought this brand/version tank top in every color during her pregnancy, and just rotated them everyday. She was living in South Florida at the time, where the weather was righteously hot, so these worked perfectly for her. She's lent me her rainbow collection and I've been investing in a few of my own - they are awesome to wear with anything and everything. In the winter I wore them under sweaters and long-sleeves, and now I'm starting to pair them with long skirts and (ahhh!!) shorts. They're super long and super soft, and made with a thick enough fabric that feels appropriate to wear over a protruding belly.

6. The Honest Company Face & Body Lotion

- Pregnancy has made me feel so dry. I love this lotion because its moisturizing without being oily or sticky. And its light enough to wear on your face as well! Jessica Alba, you are taking all my money.

7. Xhileration for Target Sleep Shorts

- Since my bottom half has grown, my normal pajamas wouldn't do. It helps to invest in something semi-cute so you don't feel like a whale ALL the time. Sleeping in something cool and crisp helps with all the dry/hot flashes I keep waking up with.

8. Mossimo for Target Canvas Sneakers

- Slip ons!!! They're necessary! Over the past several weeks, I've noticed I'm having a bit more trouble bending down to pick things up/put on my boots/shoes. In fact, I've almost retired my beloved winter boots and I'm in that strange in-between winter/summer stage. Sandals don't really work in NYC yet (though we've had a few almost-hot days!), so these easy Target slip-ons have been in heavy rotation lately. Thankfully, they're inexpensive and come in lots of colors (I literally just bought another pair of these yesterday :) Although soon I'm gonna have to invest in some comfortable slip-on sandals... Summer, I anticipate you!

9. Nalgene Water Bottle

- You have GOT to get your drink on. Minimum 8 glasses of water/day. It's a tedious task, and adding lemon/lime slices most certainly helps. I try to measure my drinking in these handy-dandy Nalgenes (we have about 10, REI has made a killing on us over the years), which has helped me keep track. When you're pregnant, you gotta hydrate! Keep that amniotic fluid fresh! (Did I gross you out? Too far? Okay, okay, too far.)

10. Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Balm

- I ran out of my 1st trimester belly balm, and was gifted this by my sweetheart-of-a-friend Natalie. It has been awesome! It's not oily at ALL, just really soft and buttery. I can't believe how much my belly/hips/thighs have grown, but I've been super diligent about slathering this on and have yet to identify any new stretch marks. Fingers crossed it stays that way! Thanks for the skin treat, Natty!

Hope my must-haves are helpful to you pregnant chicas. Anything amazing that has helped you get through your 2nd Tri? I'm all ears!