Exploring Atlanta's Krog Street Market & the Beltline.

Exploring Atlanta's Krog Street Market & the Beltline.

We took advantage of last weekend's heavenly spring weather and trekked into the city for some fun. Stevie and I (over) packed our gigantic SUV with every imaginable baby-wrangling item and met our dear friends Elliot and Lena (and their perfect baby daughter) for lunch at Krog Street Market, followed by a stroll down the ever-expanding Beltline trail. We tried not to overly-matchmake our kiddos. We sort of failed.

Map. Krog Street Market is the newest addition to Atlanta's Inman Park community. Set in a 1920's warehouse, this market houses a bevy of specialty shops and restaurants in an open-tavern environment. Situated on Krog Street across from an entrance to Atlanta's Beltline, this location boasts yet another reason to believe, nay, know, that Atlanta is indeed becoming more and more stupendous with each development.

These two. Twinning.


A fetching choice.

They're in love. The just don't know it yet.


We ate some killer barbeque from G.C. Barbeque (get the brisket! And the mac and cheese! THEY'VE WON AWARDS) and downed the most delicious canned beer of my life from Hop City - the famously refreshing Hell or High Watermelon by 21st Amendment. Other delicious treats found in the Market? The scrumptious, 2-ingredient chocolate bars from Xocolatl (the Trinidad Single Origin has been on my mind ever since I tasted it) and of course, Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream, providing a winning array of flavors that can only make you leave feeling like you haven't possibly tasted enough. Stevie was so giddy to be out and about that he had ice cream twice - once at Jeni's and again at Jake's across the street. That man seriously loves his cow's milk. It's a point of contention.

All I could think was, "I wish I had brought my blades!" And also, "THAT DOG IS ENORMOUS."

The cutest mother-daughter duo there ever was.

The brotastic toothy smiles happening here. Flawless.

Maybe he will drink from this bottle? No. Just no.


There were all kinds of hilarious, happy moments throughout the day. But at one point I might have lost my phone. Okay, I definitely lost my phone. But as we 6 lounged along the Beltline and watched our babies roll around on the attempting-to-turn-green grass (well, on the waterproof outdoor blanket that protected our children from the grass) and I realized I had lost my phone, a brave sense of "who cares?" washed over me. So calmly. So serenely. I think I was drunk on some preeminent springtime pollen or something. And then when we turned on the Find my iPhone app and actually located it (still at the last restaurant along our string of stops), I was simply on a high. BEST DAY EVER. I misplaced my iPhone, didn't lose my mind over it, and literally found it ten minutes later at a random restaurant! Bless. What a grand, wondrous day. What a marvelous community, this Atlanta town. WHAT A WONDERFUL MATCH FOR MY BABY SON. Okay, too far. I understand that I've gone too far.

But really - too much?

What is too much?


It was the happiest day. Frisbee on the lawn, strolling with the babes, imbibing with old friends, munching on savory treats, and most exciting of all, doing something new in our old stomping grounds. It's not often that something takes us by surprise in our home city. But these two developments, the Krog Street Market and Beltline, I am all in favor of their harmonious presence in Atlanta. Next time, I'm gonna bring my roller blades and leave everyone in the DUST.

Spencers at Sea

Beach Time.

I am a smidge obsessed with my family. I'm just going to start by saying that.

We went on vacation this past week to the beach. Stevie and I haven't been to the beach with my entire family in years, and it really hit me when we were all together again. Wow, I have missed this. It's hard to put the beats of my heart into words, but these pictures really capture the essence of this much-needed trip. Babies. Cousins. Corona. Bocce Ball. Seafood. Sand in absolutely everything. Big hats. Small itinerary. Coffee clutch. And a million new miracles to celebrate. Oh, we found the time to celebrate.

I can't find enough words to encompass how much my hurried little heart needed this pause. The sea has a way of getting underneath my skin and smoothing out the folds of my unnecessarily-panting mind. Clarity always surfaces. God always speaks. And my family always, always makes me laugh big. Being at the beach with these astounding individuals is like taking a deep breath, holding it in and treasuring the moment, and then exhaling like a new woman. I am so thankful for them. The tan is a just an added bonus.

// Victory lap. For laying out all day. //

// Are your teeth rotting yet? That's how sweet these folks are. //

// Sisterhood looks like. We just need some traveling pants. //

// Mom and Cousin Amber (who might as well be a sis) // Sun setting like a champ //

// I know. Dorky. All-American. Linen. I don't even care. //

// Kites really don't get enough credit for being whimsically awesome. //

// These people again. I can't get enough. //

// Cousins. Their babes. Gobble gobble gobble. And again I want more. //

// Dad volleyballing like a champ. //

// The family models. // Rachel Lynn and her main squeeze Charlie. //

// Snorkeling (obviously) // Posing (what's new?) //

// Sunset and family love, with a side of Bocce //

// Morning running club (Los cuatro corredores!) // My mother looking like a French bike lady (we've seen too many Hepburn movies) // Views and Seafood //

This is a mere snapshot. My hurried heart finally took a breather and for that I am so glad. With the upcoming transition of this week, I feel like my head is on straight and my eyes are restfully focused forward. I hope you get the chance to vacation with your favorite people this summer. Take the moments you get with them and cherish it. Because somehow we are all growing up SO stinkin' fast.

Love love love.