My Favorite Fall Recipes Roundup.

Eyes aren't even open. But that scent. An early morning waft of warm cinnamon, meandering with hints of tart apple and dancing in aroma land with roasty pumpkin. So roasty. That steamy earthy bid, "Good morning, Kristen! You made me!" That's what I woke up to this morning.


It's my pumpkin apple butter, crockpotting happily for me.


Truth be told, cooking and baking in Autumn is my favorite. It's just the best time of year to create something warm and hearty and savory. Something to be shared. Something to bite into and experience that sense of, "yessssss." I mean, Christmas cookies are fun to bake, don't get me wrong. But don't you always feel so busy at Christmastime? I don't like being rushed when I create. Which is why I love cooking and baking in the fall. You sort of just lazily slide into it. I like that.

I love that.

I love that pumpkin apple butter. It's kind of making me swoon.

My new kitchen has been hard at work lately. I've been making bread, stew, tangine, BUTTER, and a whole bunch of other odds and ends. I like to test things really well before I share them here on the blog. I don't want to share the "okay", I want to share the things that I would earnestly go back and make over and over again. Things that I would consider seasonal staples. So here you are, my friends! Only my very favorite - the fall recipes I make over and over again.

My Grandma Soup - Literally, my grandmother's recipe. I never knew her, but when I make this soup, I feel more connected to who she was. I know that sounds soooooo weird and cheesy. But I don't care. Make a pot of this soup and you will immediately feel all heirloom-y and laced with some kind of kitchen legacy. I promise it.

Goat Cheese & Pistachio-Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Dates - Run, don't walk, to the nearest store and pick up these EASY four ingredients. And you will be the appetizer queen of whatever fall festival party you're attending this weekend.

Lemon & Olive Chicken - Inspired by Gwyneth Paltrow's recipe in It's All Good (which I whole-heartedly recommend), we literally make this recipe at least once a month. It's so delicious and a super clean, healthy meal.

Turkey & Kale Chili - My new strategy with Everett is tell him that everything is Chili. Because once he ate this chili, he never wanted anything else. And again, super healthy and hearty! Great for when a zillion guys are coming over to your house for a football game. Or when you live with a zillion guys who EAT.

Pumpkin & Cream Tartlets - I have made these everything Thanksgiving for about 8 years now. They're my non-pie contribution to the Thanksgiving dessert table and they. Are. BAD. So bad, in fact, that you can just pass the tray to me. The whole tray. K thanks.

Pumpkin Beer Bread - Ate a loaf of this last night. Can't even talk about it. SO GOOD I COULD CRY. Wait, is it weird to talk about your own cooking like this? Am I inappropriate? Don't got time to care. MUST MAKE MORE BREAD.

Banana Oat & Date Muffins - Again, a healthy take on a warm morning muffin. Make ahead and freeze, then take out when you want them and heat up in the toaster oven. Instant, healthy, hot breakfast!

Maple Glazed Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies - These are like cookie pie. Or pie cookies. Or something. I created this cookie in partnership with Epicurious last year and I am still so proud of this one. I MADE THIS TASTE. Try it! You are sure to love it.

I bet you're wondering where that a fore-mentioned pumpkin butter recipe is, huh? Muahahhahaa. Check back here next week friends. I've got a wedding to attend this weekend. MY SISTER'S!!!!!!!

Happy Friday to you! And happy Halloween weekend! xox.

TASTE: Turkey Kale Chili

Chilly? Try Chili!

The weather has officially cooled off to a steady chill here in the city. The wind is whipping around building corners and I have to make sure to don my hat and gloves before I leave the coziness of my apartment. It's officially... November. I've decided to kick off a few of my favorite cold-weather recipes. It's time for soups, chilis and stews! This is a really healthy spin on a hearty autumn favorite. I adapted this recipe from TheKitchn and served it at an impromptu party here at the apartment - it was a crowd-pleaser!

Turkey-Kale Chili Ingredients:

- 1 lb. Turkey

- 1 medium onion, diced

- 1.5 tbsp. cumin

- 2 tbsp. brown sugar

- 2 tsp. Italian Seasoning

- 2 tsp. salt

- 2 tsp. pepper

- 2 tbsp. tomato Paste

- 2 14.5-oz. cans diced tomatoes

- 1 can black beans

- 1 can garbanzo beans

- 1 bag frozen corn kernels (I used fire-roasted, available at Trader Joes)

- 2 cups chicken broth

- 1 large handful of kale, roughly chopped/shredded


1. Head your stock pot over medium and coat the bottom with olive oil. Combine the turkey, chopped onion and garlic and cook it all together (until the turkey turns white), about 7 minutes. Make sure to season it with the salt and pepper! Mmm it already smells grand.

2. Add the brown sugar, cumin & Italian seasoning to the turkey. Make sure to mix it up well.

3. Add the tomato paste and diced tomatoes to the mixture. Stir well.

4. Add the chicken broth, garbanzo beans, black beans and corn to the mixture. Stir well. Cover the mixture and lower the heat to medium-low. Cook for about 20 minutes.

5. Finally, add the kale and cook uncovered for about 15 more minutes. 

Bon Appetit.

I like to pair this recipe with crumbly corn bread and a favorite autumn brew. Your belly will be warm and full! Keep an eye out next week for another (slightly heartier) chili favorite!