The 5th Day: Resting.

"Glory in His holy name; Let the heart of those who seek the Lord be glad. Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek his face continually. Remember His wonders which He has done." - Psalm 105:3-5


Spending time resting today. Being grateful for my family. Enjoying my people. Taking some deep breaths and putting a pause on everything else. All the gifts that need wrapping, they will go unwrapped. All the grocery shopping and baking that needs to be done - that can wait until another day. Today I am grateful to have my husband back home after a week-long work trip. And to be honest, I am having more fun watching him play with my little boy than anything else. I know the holidays are a magical time, but they can also bring on a ton of stress & anxiety. If you are immune to those feelings around this time of year, you are an extremely rare person. I know that, for some, the holidays can be painful. Full of dark memories. Full of unwanted emotions. For some, the holidays are a reminder of what they don't have; who they don't have.

I hope that today you can find some time to sit in a bit of silence, gaze at the world around you, and find something to be deeply thankful for. Because for me, I am sitting here, watching my own flesh and blood play together on the carpet, and I am a little undone about it. To be able to see my loved ones, interact with them, love them with my whole heart and touch them with my own two hands - I am experiencing what is absolute and priceless. To be able to touch my love, to be able to do that, I am the luckiest girl in the entire world. I may not have a fancy job or a big house or a zillion dollars in the bank or anything else that the world tells me is valuable - but I have what I am looking at, I have who is looking right back at me. I have today. I have the 5th day before Christmas. And I am a blessed woman.

I hope this Saturday before Christmas 2014 is a wonder for you today, my friends :)