TASTE: Roasted Cauliflower & Chickpeas

Roasted Cauliflower & Chickpeas

I've got another surprisingly delicious and healthy recipe for you! This is straight out of Gwyneth Paltrow's book, It's All Good, and you guys - this is SO good. There was practically no need for any adjustments to this recipe, because it's just so tasty. I never eat cauliflower, but I've been trying to find fun ways to sneak more vegetables into my daily eats. This doesn't even taste vegetable-y, it's just yummy and warm and nutty. It makes a great side dish but it's also a hearty lunch option!


- 1 head cauliflower, outer leaves & stems removed, chopped into bite-sized pieces

- 1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained

-  1/4 cup Olive Oil + a bit more

- Salt and Pepper, to taste

- 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard

- 1 tbsp. Whole-grain Mustard

- 1 tbsp. Red Wine Vinegar

- 1/4 cup Parsley, chopped


1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

2. Toss the chickpeas and cauliflower together, drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with a bit of salt and pepper. Place on roasting pan.

3. Roast until soft, 30-40 minutes.

4. Whisk together the mustards, vinegar 1/4 cup olive oil and a little more pepper for the dressing.

5. Once removed from the oven, toss the chickpeas and cauliflower with the mustard dressing and sprinkle the parsley on top. Serve warm or at room temperature.

6. EAT IT UP. Because yum. Enjoy!

TASTE: Pumpkin Beer Bread

Pumpkin Beer Bread. 

There's really no need for explanation here. I mean, does one need a reason to make something called Pumpkin Beer BREAD? Dear Lord Almighty, no. It's an autumn recipe necessity. It's the reason why I fall for FALL. When you have all the ingredients, you should just make this recipe over and over and over again. It's the happiest taste. And it will make you super popular with your people. I mean, my crew over here (AKA my parents and Stevie, who will eat practically anything) have nominated me queen of the pack, all due to my production of this breaded treat. And seriously, created by a mere 6 ingredients, this recipe is one of the easiest EVER. Make, enjoy, and let me know when you win popularity points, people.


- 3 cups flour

- 1/2 cup brown sugar

- 1 tbsp. baking powder

- 1 tsp. salt

- 1 12-oz. bottle beer (I gleefully used Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale)

- 3 tbsp. melted butter


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9x5 loaf pan.

2. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.

3. Dump the bottle of beer into the dry ingredients. Combine until mixed into dough. Scoop dough into the loaf pan.

4. Melt butter in a small bowl (I did this in the microwave). Drizzle butter over top of the dough.

5. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes. Once you remove from the oven, let cool for about 5 minutes before you slice.

Savor the Autumnal Flavor.

It's as easy as that! This is a great treat to pair with an autumn soup, like my Turkey Kale Chili, my Spicy Sausage Chili, or my extra-special seasonal favorite, Grandma Soup. I hope you enjoy!

My Favorite Pregnancy Snacks

Image via

My Favorite Pregnancy Snacks!

It's hard to know what to snack on when you're pregnant. Diet and exercise are SO IMPORTANT during this time when your body is forming a baby, so there seems to be a lot of pressure to eat healthy... while trying to balance some pretty wild cravings. I don't like using the fact that I'm pregnant as an excuse for things, but I will admit that there have been some moments when I was craving something and I just HAD TO HAVE IT. Like a really good deli sandwich. Don't judge me. Here are a few snacks/light meals that I have found to be incredibly satisfying without being all that "bad" for you. Snack away, ladies!

1. Grapefruit

- Since the first week I found out I was pregnant, I have wanted citrus. Lemons, limes and especially grapefruit have been a huge staple of my pregnancy diet. Just slice it in half, and eat it ice-cold - mmm SO YUMMY.

2. Green Juice

- I've share my green juice recipe with you before, but I have to tout its benefits again. It is so energizing! Just a wonderful mix of spinach, kale, carrots, an apple, lemon, ginger & mint. Voila! Stevie keeps trying to make me drink this instead of coffee in the morning... good luck with that, bud.

3. Popcorn

- I only make my popcorn on the stove, in a bit of oil, with a pinch of sea salt. Just like my mom makes it. Of course, it's really fun to add sugar to make kettle corn or to add butter and pretend like you're at the movies. But mostly I've just snacked on it simply, with sea salt and a side of La Croix :)

4. Yogurt, Granola & Berries

- Yum, this is a fun one. It can be eaten as a hearty dessert, too! Just top some low-fat plain yogurt with blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and granola (I also add a bit of honey and a sprinkling of cinnamon) and you have yourself a sweet, satisfying treat! For some strange reason, Greek yogurt has really bothered my stomach during this pregnancy, so I've taken some time off from it. But if you like Greek yogurt, there are even more benefits

5. Peanut Butter & Banana on Ezekiel Toast

- I switched from whole-grain wheat bread to Ezekiel Bread when I really started gaining weight during this pregnancy - the numbers on the scale started to freak me out! Ezekiel bread is an excellent bread substitute because its made from a sprouted grain instead of flour and refined sugars. It is a complete source of protein, and is packed with fiber, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Talk about a super food. Lately, I've been toasting it, then topping with crunchy organic peanut butter and a half (or whole!) banana. It's super filling and energizing.

6. Vita Coconut Water with Lemon slices

- While I would prefer a poolside cocktail, this has been what I've been guzzling since summer has hit its heat peak. I prefer the plain flavor of Vita Coco and then squeeze about a half a lemon into a tall glass of ice. It's tart, sweet (but not too sweet) and super refreshing. It's also really helpful with all the muscle cramps (especially the crazy calf spasms!) because this beverage is loaded with potassium. Yes please.

7. Avocado Ezekiel Toast

- Avocado toast is so trendy these days. Just type it in on Pinterest and you'll see. As much as I hate following trends, this is a pretty delicious one. I like to use toasted Ezekiel bread, smear it with a bit of Veganaise, sprinkle some paprika and load up 1/2 a sliced avocado on top. It's really good because it's savory and filling, the perfect 3pm snack :)

8. Wholly Guacamole

- I actually make a really mean homemade guacamole... but you wouldn't know it since I got preggo! I'm a lazy cook these days. Wholly Guacamole is SO delicious, and just the easiest thing to spread on pretty much everything. Blue corn chips, whole wheat tortillas, burgers, my morning eggs... the list just goes on and on. It's worth the purchase price.

9. Strawberry-Nutella Crepes

- OMG Nutella. I could cry just thinking about it. Why is it tasting so good lately?! Yes, it's wondrous on crepes (or a heated whole-wheat tortilla!), but don't let me fool you. There have been many an evening when I have found myself sauntering into the kitchen at midnight and scooped out spoonfuls of Nutella, along with some strawberries and blueberries. I didn't say everything on this list was healthy. I just said they were my favorites. 

10. Chicken & Whole Grain Mustard Pinwheels

- This is a brilliant Giada concoction. Also an excellent, quirky lunch option. I swapped out honey mustard for whole-grain. You can make the chicken salad ahead of time, refrigerate and then eat it for lunch for a few days in a row!

11. Terra Chips

- Hahhhaaha what can I say. Yeah, they're pretty much potato chips. Freakin' awesome ones.

12. Mini Eggplant Pizza

- I really love these, but my husband does not. However, I still stand by the fact that this is a healthier way to get that pizza craving satisfied. I personally like this recipe.

Things I've been snacking on that aren't pictured? Kind Bars, eggs (scrambled with cheese or over easy), peaches & nectarines, oatmeal, black beans, orange juice & mozzarella cheese slices. Any suggestions on other healthy snack choices? For all you pregnant ladies out there, what has been your favorite pregnancy snack so far?

TASTE: Banana-Oat & Date Muffins

Banana-Oat & Date Muffins 

Always in a hurry to grab something for breakfast and GO? This is a great morning muffin you can prep and bake ahead of time, freeze, and then pull out and take along with you in the car or on the subway. It's happy fuel for the morning commute. And for how delicious and comforting it tastes... it's pretty darn healthy. I mean, it's sweetened by bananas and dates. And just a bit of maple syrup. Please. Can we be any more granola?

Being back in the South has brought to mind some recipes that I had honestly forgotten about. You know how that happens? You go home and all the familiarity, the scent of home, the pattern in your steps... your past life just comes soaring back to you. That's what happened this week. I found myself fumbling around the kitchen for some half-spoiled bananas, pulled down my glass jar of oats, and voila, this recipe pretty much made itself. It's reminiscent of banana bread and therefore, highly heavenly and appealing. And homey-ish. This recipe is based largely on Gwyneth Paltrow's version, but I tweaked a few things here and there. You can rag on her all you want, but I really do love her recipes. I mean, the semi-normal ones that I've actually attempted to try. Now she's actually queen of the granola. We don't need to be queen of that. We just need to enjoy our muffins and get on with it. So lets.


- 2 cups flour

- 1 cup old-fashioned oats

- 2 tsp. baking powder

- 2 tsp. baking soda

- a pinch of sea salt (Maldon!)

- 2 overripe bananas, mashed

- 1/2 cup olive oil

- 2/3 cup maple syrup

- 2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk

- 2 tsp. vanilla extract

- 1/2 cup dried dates, pitted and chopped (about 6 dates)

- 1/4 pumpkin seeds, roughly chopped, plus more for topping each muffin


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line your muffin tin with liners.

2. In a bowl, mix together the flour, oats, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside.

3. In another bowl, mix the mashed bananas, olive oil, maple syrup, almond milk and vanilla.

4. Combine the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, mixing together.

5. Toss the chopped dates with the 1/4 cup chopped pumpkin seeds and fold them into the batter. Mix well. Make sure that the dates and pumpkin seeds don't fall straight to the bottom of the batter.

6. Fill each muffin tin about 2/3 of the way full with the batter. Sprinkle each muffin with a pinch of the extra pumpkin seeds.

7. Bake until the muffins are browned and a toothpick comes out clean, about 20-25 minutes.

Worth the Muffin Top.

I promise, you will love these deceivingly decadent muffins. The pumpkin seeds add a bit of salty crunch and the dates add a hit of soppy, southern mapley-ness. The hardest part is only eating one at a time!

TASTE: Granola Protein Bars

Happy Monday!

I want to share a healthy recipe with you from my dear friend Natalie. She is so ripped. Even though we live far apart, she is still a mega inspiration to me on a daily basis. She is a beautiful lady, inside and out, and I often find myself missing her sweet spirit and uplifting view on life. And she can just really make me laugh. Natalie has a fierce dedication to working out and eating healthy, and I am often honoring her recipes and workouts here on Oy!

She is Miss Fresh Life. And she's done it once again.

Getting Fit.

Okay, I know martinis (above) aren't the healthiest choice, but we like to indulge, too! On a much healthier note, I've savored Natalie's Granola Protein Bars after (and sometimes before) my workouts, and these tasty treats have really improved my recovery. These aren't like the sugary bars you buy in the store; they are chock-full of protein and fiber. They contain awesome raw ingredients like bananas, walnuts, shredded coconut and protein powder. I won't list out the details of the recipe, you can link over to her site here to check it out step by step. Here are my highlights of the recipe process:


Yum. These granola bars are killer. Natalie mentioned putting them in the freezer, and that's my favorite way to enjoy them. Usually I only eat a half a bar because they are so hearty and filling. They are the perfect fuel for a pre-workout or a great post-workout snack to tide you over until dinner time. Plus, they are husband approved.

Taste Test.

It has already been determined that I'm a dork. A neon-donning, granola-bar-scarfing dork

(see above exhibits for confirmation.) I was honestly a little nervous about making something with protein powder (since I feel like all the stuff in the grocery store is crap), but I found a pretty legit brand at Whole Foods that was worth the investment. It doesn't taste too chalky and doesn't contain any soy (I don't want my man eating soy!) I used the Garden of Life Raw Protein in the vanilla flavor and I have been very pleased. These granola bars are so awesome; almost as awesome as Miss Fresh Life herself.

Enjoy your healthy treat. You will NOT be disappointed. Bon Appetit!