Happening Lately.

Happening Lately.

TGIF Guys. I am happy that we have reached the weekend!


My husband is home from another work trip, and it feels good to all be reunited. He's been traveling every week lately for work and it's been me and Everett against the world. I am so grateful to have my little partner-in-crime, but obviously we are always waiting with bated breath by the door for when Stevie gets home. This week, especially, because Everett started saying "Dada"! All week long its been "dadadadaaaaa" and I've been videoing it and sending it to Stevie. Needless to say, I am really looking forward to the weekend so we can just be a normal family, all together :)


I'm running a race next weekend. I registered a while ago, intending to "train" and prepare for such an event... and well. Well. Then I sort of forgot. I've been exercising more, jogging/walking almost every day (see below, my cutie mom, we went trail hiking the other day!), but by no means would I consider this serious running. I've been doing lunges when I can, squats while I hold the baby, crunches when I can squeeze them in. But I really don't have a formal workout time everyday. And now I feel like I'm going to pay for it. Because this race! It's only a 5K but I would really like to run the whole thing and not take walking breaks, you know? Oh my pride. A lot of you have sent me your tips and ideas for post-baby workouts, which has been super helpful and inspiring. I will have to post some of them when I get in the groove of actually, consistently doing them! Thanks for sharing.

// 1. Cherry blossoms at Zoo Atlanta! // 2. So much joy in the morning. He's the best best best. // 3. Our growing book collection for Everett (we're giving away a book this week, enter here!) // 4. My mom in the woods of Serenbe, doing a bit of trail hiking with me and Everett. A few of our other visits to Serenbe here, here and here. //

Summer Clothes.

I've done a bit of clothes shopping lately. Trying to restock my wardrobe a bit. Summer is quickly approaching, and with a few trips on the horizon, I am in serious need of bathing suits and shorts. I can't wear anything I wore last summer since I was a giant. I haven't really done any shopping since having a baby, because going into stores to try clothes on takes so much effort. And it's often fruitless since I don't even know what sizes I am these days. I've done all this shopping online, and I have to admit, getting all these packages in the mail has been super fun! I am loving the shorts here, dresses here and sportier bathing suits here. What are some of your favorite places to stock up on summer essentials?

Site Makeover!

One other fun tidbit for you - and I could use your help! My site is currently undergoing a significant re-design. I would love to know what you love/don't love so much about the look, feel and content of this site. What do you love reading here on Oy! and why? Any random bits of feedback you have would be super helpful! If you're up for taking a moment to share with me, you can just leave it in the comments section below! Many thanks, friends.

Hope you have the BEST weekend! :)