Everett the Strong.

Yesterday my 14-month-old son Everett broke his leg.

Babies should never ever break bones. It's the worst. We are a mess about his pain. But we are grateful it wasn't worse. And we are optimistic about his recovery.

There is a lot to say, a lot of details that I could dole out about the whole experience, but I will stop before I get emotional. Even though he's okay, we are still pretty emotional about it over here.

But the good news is that today he is laughing, eating ice cream and trying to jail break out of his cast.

I will ask one request of you. If you read this blog, then I consider you a friend of my family. And as a friend, I will ask that you say a prayer for my boy. Pray out loud. We are declaring positive affirmations about Everett's health, his perfect recovery, and his strong body that is fearfully and wonderfully made in Christ's image. My son is absolutely amazing. I know that everyone thinks their kid is the most amazing, but I DO think he is the most amazing. He's so resilient, fierce with conviction, quick to laugh and even quicker to hug my neck and not let go for a while. He's a hugger. And he has inherited his name - he is so so strong. So if you think of my little family today, I ask that you speak that out loud, agreeing with our words and echoing our love for him into the Heavens.

Everett the strong. Everett the healthy. Everett the healed.

Thanks for the love and support, friends. xox

P.S. - If you're following along the Intentional October journey, let's check in on the progress here on the blog Monday. I'm going to spend the weekend playing with trucks and feeding my son half almond milk, half whole milk (his beverage of choice) and gold fish. His favorites :)