Happening Lately.

Happy Monday, friends!

I hope your weekend was less soggy than mine :) We've been having some dreary, sopping weather that has stretched into weeks over here. I don't mind the rain at all, it's nice to fall asleep with that hushing sound in the background - but - enough is enough. My son really wants to play outside. I want to run outside! It's time, dear clouds, for you to PART.

Which takes me back to last weekend, when we frolicked on the sunny beach for a total of 30 minutes.

We've had a wild few weeks! Two weddings, two weekends in a row! My sister's at the beach, my friend's at the farm. So much love to be celebrated, and it's such a blessing to be part of people choosing each other forever. I'm really honored. I have no "good" photos, because when you're in a wedding you're BUSY. But I have a messy array of selfies haha. I feel like a 13-year old.

As much as I have loved every minute of celebrating these gorgeous couples and their promise to love and to cherish - I have also have missed being away from my son so much. Yesterday I pretty much pummeled him with hugs and kisses and way too much excitement. I made him lay in bed with me, which was nearly impossible, because he is budding into toddler-hood beautifully and wants to MOVE. That's when I pull out my iPhone and we play a few apps and I pretend like he just wants to sit there and snuggle with mama without the coaxing of baby apps. And guys! He's finally saying it! MAMA. He's been saying Dada since he started talking, and he would say Mama every blue moon, but it always came out of his mouth kind of like an accident. But NOW! He looks right at me and says "Mama!" and I can't believe how my insides just turn melty and it's so wonderful. How does this little person have so much power over me? A simple word is arresting.

I'm looking forward to settling into some "normal" life and getting ready for Thanksgiving in a few weeks. Clean up my haphazard-looking garden. Maybe clean the bathrooms, too. And do a few fun holiday things. Like figure out where I'm going to put a CHRISTMAS TREE in my new house! And maybe make an advent calendar :) You know, normal things. I hope you are doing well and settling nicely into this fall season that we're having! I've got some fun posts for this week so make sure to check back tomorrow! Love love love.