Merry Christmas, from us.

Merry Christmas, friends. I hope you are spending the day with your loves.

I am so lucky, because this is the FIRST YEAR that Stevie and I are waking up in our own bed and doing our very own family Christmas in our very own home. Call us clingy homebodies, but we've spent the past 8 years doing Christmas our parents' way - at their homes, on their terms. Splitting the holidays right down the middle and giving them to the Spencers and Hales, respectively. This year, it feels so intimate and special to do things our own way with our own little boy in our own little warm home. In the previous years, I didn't feel like I was missing out on something by not doing our own Christmas. In fact, we've had such a crazy roller-coaster ride since we've been married - traveling home for most holidays, living in different cities every year, rushing through airports with suitcases stuffed full of wrapped gifts (thanks for making me unwrap so many for you, TSA), that coming home to our parents' just felt like a bit of comfort once we finally arrived. We never minded doing things their way. But this year, everything is shifting and its a really great, really healthy, really exciting time for us.

Don't worry, we are still seeing our families a ton over the next few days. Hello, that's why we moved back to our hometown! Crazy incessant family get-togethers for the win.

I can't wait to see Everett's face when he realizes those boxes under the tree actually have gifts inside. I can't wait to sit with Stevie in the quiet and have morning tea (our new thing!) and watch our tree sparkle. I can't wait for the Christmas traditions that will form over our lifetime together. I just can't wait!

No matter where you are today or who you are spending this holiday with, I hope you carry a little bit of home with you. Merry Christmas to you, dear hearts. XOX.