Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July

Just sitting here on the front porch, drinking the coffee, listening to the rain pelt the earth and watching my babe pitter patter around in front of me. His little feet. Well, his little big feet. He shuffles around, stopping here and there, staring into the yard in wonder as everything is saturated, soggy flowers and limp bushes and a dark sky that doesn't look like it's ready to lighten up anytime soon. A few ants try to peck at his feet, but he's too quick for their nuisance. In this quiet moment, I am reminded of what a thousand previous 4th of July's have meant for me - lots of barefootness, a big juicy watermelon, a zillion cousins running around in sopping bathing suits, perhaps a thunderous Georgia rainstorm like today's, probably some good barbeque, and of course, the epic, magnificent fireworks. My hometown really knows how to put on a show. In fact, in all the years of living other places, even Boston, where patriotism runs deep, I've never experienced a fireworks show like my little suburban Georgia town puts on. Of course, with a baby this year, I won't be venturing out past 9pm to catch those bright lights. But I will probably be right here, lazing around, barefoot, sipping something good, and watching my child discover ants and eat watermelon and watch the sky fall in a melodious pattern. And that. Is lucky indeed.

Thank you to all the men and women who have yielded their comfort, time with their loved ones, and given up the "normal" way of life to fight for our country's freedom. Your service allows me to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, the sweet joy of a safe nation where my babe can play on the front porch in quiet peace. Your service is a gift to every man, woman and child and I am absolutely humbled as I consider what life could look like without our military's day in and day out efforts. Thank you thank you thank you. I wish I could give you a big hug. But my awkward musings will have to do for now.

Happy 4th of July, to every American today :) I hope you enjoy lots of barefootedness, ant-free watermelon (but let's be real, those little guys always manage to tackle it), and crazy chaotic family fun. Oh, and fireworks. Let freedom ring!