Labor Day Weekend Snapshots.

It's official. Labor Day is over and so I shall henceforth invoke a week-long sobfest and gnashing of teeth, mourning summer's bittersweet goodbye to us all. I mean, technically we still have a few more weeks of this insanely hot season, but let's be real. White is over. Lounging at the pool? Over. Ice cream cones? K, I will probably milk that one a bit longer ( <-- bahahaha MILK!!!) But in all honestly, as sad as it is to watch summer fizzle out, I am so excited to welcome the Autumn season with open arms. It feels like a really good time for a shift in the weather, for my family in particular, because we are truly beginning a new season in our lives. New home, new routine and schedule, Stevie with a new job role and Everett at a new school and everything just feels new. I always love fall because the weather is boss and it means my birthday is soon and I can pull out all my old friends (AKA boots and scarves) and the lack of humidity is just SWEET AS PIE. But this fall feels especially one-of-a-kind in our little home because we are making everything ours for the first time, as a family of three. It feels really good. And really grown up. Which is weird. But a really good weird.

I hope your Labor Day was tons of fun, filled with barbecue and swimming in someone's pool (hopefully yours!) and playing outside and staying up late and perhaps even having an adult beverage, too. We did equal amounts of goofing off and working like dogs. The house feels like a never-ending beckoning of "HELP ME", but we are attempting to draw a few boundaries and trying to have a bit more fun, too. I mentioned last week that I haven't been having all that much fun lately, even though I am really happy to be in our new home. Enjoying the abode and having fun aren't necessarily the same thing though. And thankfully, we decided to be a bit more intentional and have fun during this holiday weekend. Stevie went to play golf and I had a gal's day out, going out to lunch and getting a massage and drinking something called a volcano bowl (!) with my pal Kelley. BEST DAY EVER. We also had a relaxing meal at my parents, swam in their pool, admired their foliage (things have really grown since we moved out!) and I even took a nap. A NAP GUYS. We also chowed down on some killer pulled pork sandwiches (I'll have the recipe up here later this week) and did a TON of working in the yard, sawing off trees branches and chipping them up into mulch. And perhaps planting some tulip bulbs. Because I am out of control in my yard. OH. And my garden is showing signs of life! The tiniest little chutes you ever did see have sprouted and I almost cry every time I walk out there to water them. It was a good weekend friends. I hope yours was, too :)

Adieu, dear summer. You've been a delicious, delightful time.