The Boy's Bow Tie + a Giveaway with Turbans for Tots! (Closed)

Turbans for Tots. FOR BOYS

Yesterday I shared about my son's baby dedication and how meaningful it was. But I'm gonna be honest with you... a significant part about what makes baby dedications so frivolously fun are the outfits. FOR SURE. And I wanted my little baby doll to look like a dream boat, so fresh threads were a must. Enter Turbans for Tots. And this rad bow tie situation.

When I was thinking about what Everett should wear for his big day, I knew the centerpiece of his OOTD would have to be a swanky new Turbans for Tots bow tie. If you aren't familiar with Turbans for Tots, you should be! My friend Jenna makes the most adorable baby & toddler accessories, and when I was pregnant I would find myself pining away as I flipped through her Etsy shop of little girl hair accessories. When I found out I was pregnant with a boy, I knew I would have to put my Turbans for Tots obsession on hold, since her shop didn't offer any boy items. Sigh. But oh, the world has come into alignment, and recently they launched BOW TIES FOR BOYS. (Insert hallelujah hands emoji here).

// His big day outfit: Turbans for Tots Bow Tie, Baby Gap Oxford, Freshly Picked Moccasins, Baby Gap Socks (similar) (Not pictured: Polo Baby Blazer (a few seasons old, a gift!), Baby Gap Jeans (similar)) //


I am excited to partner with Turbans for Tots to gift this Sibling Set, which includes a bow tie and a turban, for those adorable (and necessary!) matchy-matchy moments in your kiddos' lives. Easter Sunday ain't too far off folks, just sayin'. Everett will most definitely be sporting another bow tie for that occasion :) Enter the giveaway using Rafflecopter below. 1 winner will be chosen at random within 1 week. The winner will be announced here and contacted by email. Good luck to you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Everett's Baby Dedication.

Everett's Baby Dedication.

Hi Friends! Last weekend we celebrated our sweet Everett boy by dedicating him to the Lord in front of our church family and friends. It was such a sweet service, and I'm actually surprised at how very much it meant to me. I guess I am a sappy person. Surprise. Stevie & I took a bit of time to discuss what a baby dedication meant to us, and we felt compelled to really celebrate this occasion. And by celebrate, I mean buy Everett a rad new outfit to wear (more on this later!) and host a party after the service. Too much? What is too much? I tend to go overboard, so I probably need some more accountability in my life.

We were excited to stand in front of our loved ones and vow to raise Everett in a home that honors the love and life exemplified by Christ Jesus. Ultimately, it's Everett's choice in his life to select and follow his compass of faith, but it is our responsibility to follow our convictions and "raise a child up in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). To me, it is much like a vow you make on your wedding day, in front of all your friends and family. Making a commitment to another person, seeking the support and accountability from your loved ones to hold you to your word; heavy stuff. But also extraordinary and exciting and suuuuuuper special.

Our church does a really great job of honoring the families by making a fun little film about each babe. Try to tune out the annoying fact that I practically beat Stevie over the head every time he tries to speak. Ugh sometimes I can just be the worst. I need discipline. But many thanks to Daniel Turner and Bethel Atlanta for making this clip!

Hale Baby Dedication from Kristen Hale on Vimeo

Check back tomorrow for more details on Everett's dedication threads and a sweet giveaway!