TASTE: Artichoke & Olive Quinoa

Artichoke & Olive Quinoa

You deserve a healthy lunch. But it can be hard to eat healthy when you're busy in the middle of the day! This month I am going to share with you a few easy make-ahead lunches that are easy to pack in a bag and eat on the go. I've started meal-prepping my lunches at the beginning of the week to make sure that I stick to my goals and eat healthy, even when I'm being pulled in many directions throughout my day. It's so easy to give in and chow down on whatever is accessible. For me, this often means chocolate-chip Kind bars and popcorn. Not exactly a balanced meal. And I need lots of energy, so I have to make sure I fuel up properly.

I came up with this little meal, which is super easy to prep, and some of the ingredients can even be swapped out for other options. This way, you can make it a few weeks in a row and slightly modify the mix-ins to change it up for your taste buds.


- 1.5 cups Quinoa, rinsed and drained

- 3 cups Chicken Stock

- 1/2 jar Kalamata Olives

- 1 jar Artichokes

- 1 bunch Chives, finely chopped

- 1 lemon

- Salt and Pepper, to taste

- Optional swaps: green olives in place of Greek olives, parsley in place of chives, cherry tomatoes in place of artichokes - the possibilities are endless!

- Optional Add-ons for extra protein: tuna, shredded chicken or salmon


1. Rinse the quinoa thoroughly and set aside.

2. Bring the chicken stock to a boil in a medium-sized saucepan. Add quinoa and lower the heat. Cover the pot. Stir frequently until the liquid is completely dissolved.

3. Add in the artichokes, olives, chives. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with lemon juice.

4. Add in your preferred protein, if you choose. I like it with tuna!

Lunch is Served.

I hope you get a small moment for yourself to enjoy this delicious bowl of health! Let me know what you think about this super easy make-ahead meal :) Happy Monday to you, friends!

The Boy's Bow Tie + a Giveaway with Turbans for Tots! (Closed)

Turbans for Tots. FOR BOYS

Yesterday I shared about my son's baby dedication and how meaningful it was. But I'm gonna be honest with you... a significant part about what makes baby dedications so frivolously fun are the outfits. FOR SURE. And I wanted my little baby doll to look like a dream boat, so fresh threads were a must. Enter Turbans for Tots. And this rad bow tie situation.

When I was thinking about what Everett should wear for his big day, I knew the centerpiece of his OOTD would have to be a swanky new Turbans for Tots bow tie. If you aren't familiar with Turbans for Tots, you should be! My friend Jenna makes the most adorable baby & toddler accessories, and when I was pregnant I would find myself pining away as I flipped through her Etsy shop of little girl hair accessories. When I found out I was pregnant with a boy, I knew I would have to put my Turbans for Tots obsession on hold, since her shop didn't offer any boy items. Sigh. But oh, the world has come into alignment, and recently they launched BOW TIES FOR BOYS. (Insert hallelujah hands emoji here).

// His big day outfit: Turbans for Tots Bow Tie, Baby Gap Oxford, Freshly Picked Moccasins, Baby Gap Socks (similar) (Not pictured: Polo Baby Blazer (a few seasons old, a gift!), Baby Gap Jeans (similar)) //


I am excited to partner with Turbans for Tots to gift this Sibling Set, which includes a bow tie and a turban, for those adorable (and necessary!) matchy-matchy moments in your kiddos' lives. Easter Sunday ain't too far off folks, just sayin'. Everett will most definitely be sporting another bow tie for that occasion :) Enter the giveaway using Rafflecopter below. 1 winner will be chosen at random within 1 week. The winner will be announced here and contacted by email. Good luck to you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway