Our 5 Favorite Toddler Reads (Lately).

One of my favorite things in the world is reading books with Everett before we put him to bed at night. He gets so snuggly and focused on the story - it's just the sweetest. I know that every parent must feel like this, but still, the whole parenthood thing somehow feels like a one-of-a-kind wonder when it happens to you. Most people read books with their kids at night, right? But it still feels like our own little ritual and I am just so grateful to have this meaningful experience with him, especially since my days as a mom of just 1 are numbered. I'm really trying to soak up our time together, just the two of us. Sharing my love for books with Everett has been a really special process, because I was a child who absolutely loved to read. It's been amazing to see how his appreciation for reading has grown as he's gotten older and his understanding for stories has expanded. Lately when we're reading, he points to the characters and laughs at the funny parts and imitates the sounds of the animals/cars/trains in the story. He's just the best.

I wanted to share a few of our favorite reads lately. I am always on the hunt for more story books, especially good ones that actually make me laugh, too. Because let's be honest, some kid's books are LAME. The following aren't. :)

1. Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site
This is such a great book for little boys. It goes through the process of each tractor on a job site, what they do and how they work, and then how they get ready for bed in the evening. It's so cute. Everett got this as a gift from his girl "friend" Finley and he has really gotten into it in the past few weeks. He even says, "goodnight, tractor!", "goodnight, dump truck!," and "goodnight, crane!" as each one goes to sleep in the story. It's sort of long though, so it took him a few months to actually finish the book. He would usually get bored halfway through, but not anymore!

2. Knuffle Bunny
This book legitimately makes me laugh out loud. Something about the illustrations of how the parents are depicted in the book is just so spot-on. This is a great one, especially for kids who have a special animal, doll or blanket that they carry around. This story has helped us teach Everett why it's important to take care of our "babies" (that's what he calls his stuffed animals) so that we don't lose them in public places. This was also a gift from his friend Evie - his friends really know how to pick cool books!

3. Dragons Love Tacos
I can't help it - every time I read this book to Everett, it just comes out in a Boston accent. And I do a terrible Boston accent, but still! Something about the main character of the story is just so Massachusetts to me. Bahahah so I end up reading this book and laughing through most of it because I'm a dweeb with a terrible accent and then Everett laughs at me and then we get hungry for tacos. Aside from all of that, the book itself is adorable.

4. Paddington at the Rainbow's End
Another gift! We just brought this one back for him from across the pond from his London pals Ella & Milo, and he's already asked for it every single night since then. He absolutely loves how Paddy walks through the village in his rain boots and coat, finding items that are different colors of the rainbow. It's such a sweet story, and he has a Paddington Bear that he clutches the whole time we read this one. So so good.

5. Peep!
This is an interesting book, because almost the only words used in the entire story are "peep!" It's about a baby duck growing up and how he goes from saying "peep!" to "quack!" But the thing about this book, is that Everett giggles so hard every time I say "peep!", which is obviously a lot in this one. It's not even a funny story, but by the end we are both practically on the floor from laughing and such silliness. It's really wonderful. But then we usually have to read another book to calm down, so it's not a closer, if you know what I mean.

There you have it! Just a few of our favorites lately. Like I mentioned before, I am always on the hunt for great books - any you can recommend? Leave in the comments below please, I know other parents out there would love to know, too!

5 Books to Read This Summer.

Over the past few months, I've rekindled a love affair with a very favorite old pastime - reading. It's been so long since I spent my days nose-deep in a delicious fiction about someone quirky from another time, doing something wonderful or scandalous or noble. It's just the best. I've started making more time for things that I love and reading is one of those decadent indulgences. As a child I used to cuddle up with Nancy Drew and all the Judy Blumes, sit on top of the heating vent on my living room floor and pull my nightshirt over my knees, keeping all the warmth close to my body while I voraciously turned the pages. It's so funny to think about that now, because when I look at a heating vent that's what I remember - that little girl with an insatiable appetite for the alternative world of The Neverending Story, Where the Red Fern Grows and let's be honest, The Babysitters Club. I was hungry for a good story, and it's interesting to see how that desire has evolved as I've gotten older, through songwriting (and writing here!) and acting and of course, reading again! It's been a wonderful season, picking up books that I bought years ago and neglected to read, dusting them off a bit and breaking back the binding. Books are meant to be read! And read I shall! I've just finished The Age of Innocence and started Sense and Sensibility, so I'm kicking it old-school right now and loving it.

A few old (and new!) loves of mine, that I would heartily recommend to anyone looking for a summer read:

I Feel Bad About My Neck - Nora Ephron
How did Nora Ephron manage to voice every thought in the mind of every woman on Earth? She was more than a gifted writer, she was a gifted human with a heartbreaking, warm, appalling and hilarious voice. You might not think you know who she is, but you do. She was a brilliant screenwriter, penning the infamous lines from When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, You Got Mail, Julie and Julia and this particular book is a wonderful compilation of essays from her life - all written in that familiar voice of hers. I loved reading this and relating to the major and minor life crises that she went through - moving from the Upper West to the Upper East side (gasp!), interning for President Kennedy, and of course, feeling bad about her aging neck. Read it. I pledge that you will love it.

East of Eden - John Steinbeck
I wished I was a part of a book club while I was reading this one, because I wanted to have conversations about the meaning of this epic generational tale. Alas, there was no one to really discuss it with, and since it's such a heavy book, it's not really the kind of thing you can bring up around people. Also, Steinbeck tends to be kind of intimidating because he was kind of a genius, so that just adds another layer of, "what did he mean?!" when he wrote certain chapters certain ways. He was a total genius. This book is super thought-provoking and not necessarily feel-good, but it makes you feel a lot of feels. It's one of my absolute favorites! If there were ever a time for a big read, summer is it.

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
I know I sound like a dork, reading all the classics, but seriously - this book is the most elegant commentary I've ever read about narcissism and vanity. It's hilarious, chilling and salaciously smart. Everything by Oscar Wilde makes me giggle, but this one reeeeeally makes you think. He knows how to turn an argument right on its head. And that's why pretty much everyone hated him when this particular work was published.

The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
Ah, I love this one because the story tackles self-discovery and following one's dreams - especially when they seem impossible. Perhaps you've read a lot of books like that before, but this one is different. Perhaps because this particular story tells it much more interestingly and exotically than most. And in a different time period and curious part of the world and it just makes the whole story so mysterious and alluring. I love this one.

Blog, Inc. - Joy Deangdeelert
I received this as a book when I lived in Boston, and it has been one of the most inspiring and helpful guides as I continue to evolve in this strange and wonderful venture called blogging. This is the kind of book that I continue to pick up, year after year, reading different passages and finding new inspiration every single time. Reading the same words but feeling a fresh sense of enlightenment. I love that it's peppered with stories about other creative souls who have found a passion for blogging along their journey of starting businesses, families, non-profits and careers in creative fields. And I also love it's sister book, Creative, Inc. which addresses creatives at large - full of business tips, practical guides and stories. If you're a creative person, this books will become much like your business bible :)

And a few honorable mentions, because these are totally worth the tears and/or laughter (and also because I can't edit and just leave these off the list) - Bossypants by Tina Fey, The Help by Kathryn Stockett and The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. All are fabulous reads.

What are you reading right now, friends? Any summer books you can recommend? Please share in the comments! I need to add to my stack of "must-devour" books :)

Our Current Reads.

We are loving books in our household right now. Between my Intentional October reading goals and Everett getting chattier and Stevie following suit with my insanely early bedtime schedule, it's all getting very literate up in here. Everett is suddenly VERY into his storybooks and illustrations. When we're reading to him, he often flips back to a previous page, staring at the pictures for a minute longer. I can see him trying to understand. Pointing out the dogs, of course. Then going "Woo-woo-woo", which is his puppy sound. It's the best. For some reason, we have a stockpile of books about dogs, trucks, and New York City. Priorities, folks. I snapped a few photos of him reading with his Aunt Rachel the other day, and they are just too cute not to share :)

Our Favorites Right Now:
Little Blue Truck
This series is darling. Little Blue Truck and Little Blue Truck Leads the Way are a few of our rotating favorites, and I'm not kidding when I say that we read these books 5-10 times a day. When we open the story, Everett goes "Beep beep!" because of the sound the truck makes when he rolls into the big city. It's the best. I think the length of the book, the thickness of the board pages and the illustrations are absolutely perfect, especially for my his age.

BabyLit Don Quixote
Talk about trendy kid lit. Have you checked out these books yet? They are so cool! Everett LOVES Don Quixote: A Spanish Primer, and I will definitely be putting a few more of these on his Christmas List. We've even gifted a few - my favorites for girls are Pride & Prejudice: A Counting Primer, The Secret Garden: A Flowers Primer, Emma: An Emotions Primer & Sense & Sensibility: An Opposites Primer. The colors and descriptions are just beautiful - half the pages I want to frame and put up on my wall. Seriously.

This Is New York
I remember flipping through a copy of This Is New York in Chelsea Market when I was newly pregnant, living in Manhattan. I remember wanting to buy it, because it was such an iconic, vintage kind of thing, but then I didn't, because I felt like my secret would be out. Which is so ridiculous, because there are literally a drillion people living in that city, and I only knew about 10 of them at the time. That just goes to show how pregnancy hormones really do make a person strange. Our dear friends Anthony & Jessica (who I always brag on) gave us this book at our Gender Reveal party, and now I love reading it to Ev.

A Walk in New York
The sweetest book about a dad exploring the city with his son, A Walk in New York warms my heart every time I read it to Everett. The length of the book is a little extensive for him right now, but I think that's a good thing, because he will continue to grow into it. He always pauses on the page that shows the subway system (it's a complex picture, with hundreds of people doing different things like dancing, kissing and eating, on three different platforms!) - he studies the page so intently. Then he finally locates what he was looking for all along - "wwoo-woo-woooo!" Of course. The dog on a leash :)

How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten?
I had no idea this book was part of a huge series, but it is! How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten? is so cute and labels the type of dinosaur doing things like counting his toy trucks, counting his paint colors, counting the socks under his bed, hehe. It's the simplest story, but Everett adores it. He loves pointing out the dinosaur's toy trucks and trains. Of course.

Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?
Who doesn't love these books? Other than the redundancy, the pictures are gorgeous and it's amazing how much babies love them. Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See? is the perfect solution once you get reeeeeally tired of Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Polar Bear, Polar Bear. Of course, in our family, we are boycotting The Very Hungry Caterpillar for very obvious reasons, but if you like the others, you would probably like that one too.

I'm realizing that we need to invest in some more books before Christmas time! Because we are wearing these reads out. And that's a good thing! What are you reading with your kiddos right now? Any recommendations for me?

P.S. - We read more than children's books! I've been tearing through The Happiness Project and For the Love and I am feeling so motivated and inspired by these women. Stevie's reading Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck because he is forever a business school student.

Our Current Reads + a Book Giveaway!

Our Current Reads + a Book Giveaway!

Ah, the joy of opening up a new book.

I am not even going to pretend that I am reading a whole lot these days. I wish I were. I was given Bread and Wine for Christmas, which is excellent thus far, and I've been reading Bringing Up Bebe since before Everett was even born, but honestly? I'll read perhaps two pages a week of something. That sounds incredibly illiterate of me, but that's the truth. This just ain't the season for in-depth reading! I miss it. I miss diving into a great novel, having my mind opened and illuminated to a fresh story, a transformative world. I will live to really read again, but for now, I am enjoying the nightly storytime sessions in the children's book section of our home, AKA, Everett's nursery.

I will often read board books to Everett during the daytime, but when bedtime rolls around, we pull out the lengthier storybooks. Stevie and I take turns doing "voices" for the different characters and I think we might enjoy each other's goofiness more than our child even comprehends. But he laughs (sometimes) and we are all having a good time with it, so you know, there's that.

We love the classics. We have read through the obvious Eric Carle and Dr. Seuss standbys, but lately we've been reading some oldie-but-goodies, like the Winnie the Pooh and Peter Rabbit Collections. We got both of these story sets for Christmas and have been taking our time to get through them because, like I said, we are having so much fun. My "Eeyore" voice is the worst. Stevie's "Rabbit" voice is really the worst. And Everett doesn't always cooperate (he prefers eating the books over reading them). But we pretend that means he has a great appetite for knowledge and adventure and we just keep going.

A Few of our Current Favorite Reads:

- The Jesus Storybook Bible

- Pooh's Library: The Winnie the Pooh Complete Set

- Make Way for Ducklings

- Oh, The Places You'll Go!

- The Complete Peter Rabbit Library

- You Are My Baby: Ocean

If you're anything like us, you enjoy reading these stories to your kiddos, but often get bored reading the same stories over and over again. It's always good to have a new book to dive into! I was recently asked to review the story Homer the Little Stray Cat, written by Pam Laskin, and I am excited to be able to offer two copies of the book as a giveaway!

My take on Homer the Little Stray Cat:

This book makes me really happy because it seems to be set in New York's Upper West Side, a former home of mine. The story follows Homer, a darling adventurous cat who likes to roam the city streets, never looking to settle down in one place. Homer is much like the millennials who are reading the book out loud to their little ones - his heart is ever divided between the joys of wanderlust and the comforts of home. Who can't relate to that? As he simultaneously longs for both, he discovers a love he wasn't sure he was looking for - in the eyes (and arms!) of a sweet boy who needs him, too. Homer is a poignant tale that teaches our littles it's okay to draw strength from the love and support of others. It's the very fuel that propels the discovery of big dreams with wide open hearts!

If you'd like to win a copy of this book, enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter below. The winners will be randomly selected and emailed a week from today, on March 30. Many thanks to Lisa Vanterpool (check out her online magazine Flat8!) for making this giveaway possible :)

Also, a quick reminder that the Lucky Palm Tree $50 gift card giveaway is still going on until the 24th at midnight - if you haven't entered yet, you can do so here! And you can get 20% off "new arrival" items online using the code OYKRISTEN at checkout.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, sweet readers!