Takeaways From Germany

Night Light.

We are on a night train from Munich to Venice. My oh my, this is quite an experience. We are in a couchette, which is basically a closet with 6 bunk beds (and accompanying people) stuffed into it. My headlamp is on and and my typing fingers are poised. Stevie and I are whispering back and forth so that the rest of the strangers we are closely sharing oxygen with can't hear our semi-ignorant American perspectives on Germany. Here it goes:

1. Everyone in Germany smokes. After like every meal. Pre-coffee, post-dessert, it always seems like it's a good time for a ciggy. I guess it's still cool here. But I'm a bit tired of experiencing second hand smoke, people.

2. They know how to bake mean bread. Baguettes, sandwiches, croissants. Oh yum yes. What are they doing to their bread that we aren't? It's baffling. I want it all the time. I keep finding excuses for giant pretzels. With Nutella. And marmalade. Dear God I need to find a gym.

3. The breakfast menus are Stevie-approved. And that's saying something. This man is obsessed with the first meal of the day. Every day.

4. It's so green. Lush. Luscious.

5. The aesthetic is a bit confusing. There are romantic castles and gorgeous hillsides and then really modern Ikea-type buildings. Clunk. Someone in the laundromat told me it's from all the bombs. Which then makes the aesthetic sort of mournful.

6. The milkmaids. I love them.

7. 80's American music is playing everywhere. Why? Why is that?

8. The history is pretty spectacular and scary, all at once.

Stevie's input:

10. “The beer is better for you out here.” He believes it's nutritious. I like how the foam is really fluffy, like in a cappuccino.

11. “German food is fresh. Russian food in Germany is not so fresh.”

12. Sometimes the touristy spots are better than the non. Just sayin'.

13. The trains are boss. “They put U.S. Metros to shame.” Mmm. Agreed. He's so insightful, yeah?

And we're done. Auf wiedersehen, Germany!

Fussen: Beckon Me, oh Castle.

// Neuschwanstein Castle, It's a boss. //

Fussen. The Castle Town.

Allow me to tell you a precious fairy tale. The Neuschwanstein Castle was built by “Mad” King Ludwig in the late 1800's in the mystical, sleepy town of Fussen, Germany. Ludwig's family ruled the region of Bavaria for a thousand previous years, so he had a rich heritage of ruling and reigning in his blood before he ever took the throne. At the ripened old age of 18, he took over for Dad and began constructing the ultimate dream castle. The castle to take the cake. Little did he know that his design would inspire another man of vision: Walt Disney. Disney returned to the states after his inaugural visit to Fussen, armed with specific ideas of how to build his own version of a kingdom (and a mildly influential one), Disney World. Enter Cinderella's dream home, AKA the epitome of all little girls' dreams. Ever. In the universe. Way to go, Ludwig. Way to inspire, quite literally, drillions.

// We toasted. Give honor where honor is due, right??//

Cheers to the King.

Fast forward to my  participation. Stevie and I took a 2-hour train, a 30-minute bus, and a steep 30 minute hike to summit this castle's entry. WORTH IT. I wasn't allowed to photograph the inside of the castle, but let me just tell you that it was majestic. Tapestries decorated the walls, jewels crowned each chandelier, and portraits displayed both Jesus and dragons (not in immediate vicinity of each other, but still a humorous juxtaposition) and also displayed throughout was the most intricate woodwork I have ever seen. The really unfortunate part of the story is that Ludwig only lived in his dream castle for a total of 6 months until he unexpectedly drowned in a lake outside of Munich. I know. It's really awful. People have been touring his impressive abode ever since.

After our royal tour, we hiked up to Mary's Bridge where we could get better views of the breathtaking castle. Hence the sick photos. All via iPhone! Bless the Lord for Apple products.

// Um, yeah. I know. I half expected water nymphs and fairy angels to emerge from this lake dream.//

Swiss Mist.

It rained on us a bit, but that only added to glorious atmosphere. Because then there was mist. It was a castle set in the misty, mysterious mountains of the Swiss Alps. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the freaking glory.

// Our freakish drop-off from the bridge. // Someone had attached a lock to the bridge with our initials! A happy love coincidence.//

// Yep. That's a poncho. Sooo hot.//

Up Next: Venezia!

Off to Venice tonight, via a night train. I'm armed with ear plugs, an eye mask and the will to sleep!

Love love love.

Lufthansa: It's A Love Affair, People.

The One.

I'd like to take a moment to introduce you to my new girlfriend, Lufthansa.

She's hot, she's classy, she's unexpected. God, she's good. Holy cow. I had no idea flying could be like this. I am holding a coach ticket, nothing out of the ordinary, and yet... Lufthansa has treated me so incredibly well. So well, in fact, that I'm not totally sure how to describe it. But I shall try. Because this trip is already epic. And I'm only in the air so far.

// There she is, landing like a pro in Munich // Clutching my passport for the first time in YEARS // Stevie sporting good ol' Elliot Hunt's gear - thank you so much! // Plane planning with the travel gospels. Rick Steves preaches the good news, on travel, that is. // Wine, Pellagrino and movies. What more is possibly needed? //

Talk to Me.

First of all, everything on this darling airline is in German. How grand. I've seen enough of Delta's safety videos, so it was a nice break to not understand a THING on this flight. Gee golly, thanks so much for not speaking English. Seriously. I am happily ensconced in my RS travel books and this throaty, exotic language is just icing on the Euro cake. The flight attendants just smile at me and all I see is blonde. Girls who speak foreign languages are hot. And Lufthansa is no exception.

She Feeds Me.

Second of all, Lufthansa fed me like a queen. We are talking big time. After 2 glasses of wine, dinner, dessert, tea AND a digestive in the form of Baileys (all complimentary!), I was about ready for bed. In my sweet bulkhead chair. With my chic Euro yellow and gray blanket. Let's be honest, that's all anyone really wants in this world. A warm blanket, a hot and tasty meal, a sufficient buzz and falling asleep to a good ol' Hollywood entertainment (over 64 movies available for my viewing pleasure!) And now I've fallen in love. Oh Lufthansa.

PS - The video below looks a little trippy, but it should straighten out once you hit play. Hee hee hee.

Lufthansa, How I love thee. from Kristen Hale on Vimeo.

She Leaves Me Be.

It's time. I'm off to sleep. The soft Lufthansa lights have dimmed and I'm feeling warm and tucked into airborne Heaven. Stevie is already snoring next to me. His movie finished a good thirty minutes before mine (Let's be honest, Melissa McCarthy, I love you, but Identity Thief was far too long, k?) and now its my turn to, well, turn in. I shall probably dream in German. How enlightening. First stop, Munich! Only a few hours to go...