Munich: A Bavarian Wonder.


It is the most perfect day in Munich. The sun is shining, the trees are happy and there is the lightest breeze in the air that would confound even a feather. It's storybook weather, really. Which is fitting, because Munich is something of a storybook town.

We wandered around today. Just walked and talked. And ate treats. Because we arrived in Munich earlier than our original plan, it actually gave us some relax time in this city that we weren't going to have much time in, prior. We went for a jog in the park by our hotel. Yes, there were wildflowers. I didn't run with my phone so that brief stint will forever remain in my mind, uncaptured by photos, but that is just ok. We lazily sipped cappuccino. Stevie attacked breakfast like it was the Hunger Games. All was just well.

Then we walked down to Munich's English Garden, which is something like Central Park (but with a lot more nudity - ah!) Since the weather was seriously SO perfect, the rest of the city had the same idea to hit the park; it was more than just crowded. It was crowded with beer lovers. German beer lovers. These kids make it's 5'o'clock somewhere look like child's play, seriously. Girls half my size were double fisting liters of wheat brew. I really didn't know whether to stare in shock or awe.

But I stared.

We engaged in the festivities. Hence, we rounded up our own set of life-sized pretzels and ale and had a good time joining in with the fratty songs of the crowd. There was also a band playing for a wedding that was in the park. So that was that.

English Garden, Munich from Kristen Hale on Vimeo.

We walked from Marienplatz to Odeonsplatz, popped into the famous Haufbrauhaus Biergarten, walked around the old-fashioned Viktualienmarkt (outdoor market) and stared in awe at the New Town Hall, the Frauenkirche and the gothic-style Heiliggeistkirche. Oy.

We ended the day with a delicious outdoor dinner. I was sort of over the typical Bavarian fare (enough with the sausages and bread!) so I opted for a simple salad, but even THAT was delicious (and adorable - they served it in a mason jar! Southerners, take note; its a great way to mix the dressing in.)

Truth Bomb.

I have to be honest. The day was lovely. But I dealt with a bought of homesickness that overwhelmed me. I don't even have anywhere to be homesick for! I live nowhere! (Perhaps its part of the problem, yes.) But the past few weeks have been a bit, um, overwhelming. With goodness and celebration and fun. But also with incredible uprooting, change, and the strangeness of goodbyes. During the past few week, as many of you know, there's been the graduating, the family in town, the moving, the saying goodbye to dear friends, the apartment hunting... well, I think it had to hit me. At some point. But I felt so guilty for being mopey about this stuff on our epic Euro trip, and then I felt worse. Ugh. But Stevie let me cry. And his response to my emotional face mess? "Why don't we get you a cappuccino?" Then I cried all over again. BECAUSE HE IS SO NICE TO ME.

Then the homesickness left.

Guys, we are going to a castle tomorrow. The hyena-like hyper in my heart cannot be contained.

Munich: The Layover of a Lifetime

// Panorama of the Biergarten Airbrau at the Munich Airport. Not too shabby. //

Waking Up in Munich.

I feel like I was hit by a train. Or like I rode in a plane and it's suddenly somehow 10am, but its not. Because its actually 4am to me and I feel really really strange. Like really really whacked. And these wonderful high-cheeked blonde Germans keep feeding me delicious free espressos and I don't really know how to process that. AND everyone's drinking beer in the airport and it's only 10am. No it's 4am. Ah. I don't understand. I think I have a case of the jetlags. Plural. It's a real thing. And Stevie is attempting to have a family meeting with me about Euro-Dollar conversions and our trip budget and he's trying to speak to the Germans in German (which he doesn't speak) and... all I can do is stare at him. He kind of looks like one of them. That golden thicket atop his brow. The latest shot of morning espresso hasn't quite hit my system yet, clearly.

It's Time for My Feeding.

Let me try this again. We are in Munich, hooray! The jetlag made me feel like a drunk zombie, but thankfully, a delicious meal and outdoor beauty has almost cured me. We have an 8 hour layover in the Munich airport today (yes, 8 long hours) before we go to Berlin tonight, but it's actually going really well. We ate lunch at Munich's world famous biergarten, Airbrau, which is the only airport brewery in the world! We had some sausages with coleslaw and a hearty salad AND a legit German-style pretzel. Oh, and obviously beer. Hobbit style. For those of you who know what that means.

// Munich Airport. It's legit. //

Sketchy. Shopping.

I made a fun purchase today. I bought a really cool blank notebook and graphite pencil in the airport. The artist nerd in me wants to keep a record and draw cool buildings/things we see along the trip. To remember. We shall see how it goes. I started sketching the biergarten today and then I sort of fell asleep. So there you have it.

Berlin tomorrow! I have a feeling it's going to be rad.

Lufthansa: It's A Love Affair, People.

The One.

I'd like to take a moment to introduce you to my new girlfriend, Lufthansa.

She's hot, she's classy, she's unexpected. God, she's good. Holy cow. I had no idea flying could be like this. I am holding a coach ticket, nothing out of the ordinary, and yet... Lufthansa has treated me so incredibly well. So well, in fact, that I'm not totally sure how to describe it. But I shall try. Because this trip is already epic. And I'm only in the air so far.

// There she is, landing like a pro in Munich // Clutching my passport for the first time in YEARS // Stevie sporting good ol' Elliot Hunt's gear - thank you so much! // Plane planning with the travel gospels. Rick Steves preaches the good news, on travel, that is. // Wine, Pellagrino and movies. What more is possibly needed? //

Talk to Me.

First of all, everything on this darling airline is in German. How grand. I've seen enough of Delta's safety videos, so it was a nice break to not understand a THING on this flight. Gee golly, thanks so much for not speaking English. Seriously. I am happily ensconced in my RS travel books and this throaty, exotic language is just icing on the Euro cake. The flight attendants just smile at me and all I see is blonde. Girls who speak foreign languages are hot. And Lufthansa is no exception.

She Feeds Me.

Second of all, Lufthansa fed me like a queen. We are talking big time. After 2 glasses of wine, dinner, dessert, tea AND a digestive in the form of Baileys (all complimentary!), I was about ready for bed. In my sweet bulkhead chair. With my chic Euro yellow and gray blanket. Let's be honest, that's all anyone really wants in this world. A warm blanket, a hot and tasty meal, a sufficient buzz and falling asleep to a good ol' Hollywood entertainment (over 64 movies available for my viewing pleasure!) And now I've fallen in love. Oh Lufthansa.

PS - The video below looks a little trippy, but it should straighten out once you hit play. Hee hee hee.

Lufthansa, How I love thee. from Kristen Hale on Vimeo.

She Leaves Me Be.

It's time. I'm off to sleep. The soft Lufthansa lights have dimmed and I'm feeling warm and tucked into airborne Heaven. Stevie is already snoring next to me. His movie finished a good thirty minutes before mine (Let's be honest, Melissa McCarthy, I love you, but Identity Thief was far too long, k?) and now its my turn to, well, turn in. I shall probably dream in German. How enlightening. First stop, Munich! Only a few hours to go...