DIY Trio of Essential Oil Bath Salts.

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Since discovering a passion for my DoTERRA essential oils, I've been reawakened in my love for DIY as well. Now don't get me wrong - I've been talking about recovering the chairs in my dining room for 3+ years now. But mixing up some essential oils in test tubes with some rock salt? That is not only something that is relatively easy (okay really really easy), but it also can be enjoyed right away!

My sister Rachel originally helped me make a batch of these EO bath salts as party favors for my 30th birthday back in the fall. And friends! When I say these are easy to make, I'm not teasing you here. They are EASY, and they make awesome Galentines gifts, along with batchelorette, Valentine and birthday presents! Who doesn't love being pampered with beautiful, nourishing and pure products? I like to give these in sets of 3, so that the giftee can experience all the different blends!

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- Set of test tubes with cork toppers
- Organic Epsom Salt
- Essential Oils (I love and use DoTERRA oils - get yours here!)
- Funnel
- Labels (you can make your own or buy some!) or washi tape
- 3 gallon-size zip-top bags

1.) Pour 3/4 oz. of Epsom salt into a gallon-size zip-top bag.
2.) Drop in essential oils (see blend recommendations below) and zip up the bag.
3.) Shake the bag until the oils are well mixed.
4.) Using the funnel, carefully pour the salt into a test tube. Seal the containers.
5.) Attach label or washi tape so you can tell the difference between the batches.

Clear Your Mind Blend
- 8 drops Lemon essential oil
- 8 drops Rosemary essential oil

Calm Your Heart Blend
- 8 drops Lavender essential oil
- 6 drops Frankincense essential oil
- 2 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil

Respiratory Boost Blend
- 12 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
- 4 drops Peppermint essential oil

Each of these blends makes 1 test tube, but feel free to triple or quadruple the batch to fill all the containers.

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Soaking in an Epsom salt bath is an excellent way to detox the body from toxins and chemicals, as well as supplement the necessary magnesium that most of us are deficient in. The essential oils provide a boost of energy, immune defense and calming properties to help target those specific needs.

A tub soak of this nature is best paired with a mud mask (I just got this one and I'm excited to try it!) along with the Magnolia magazine and a glass of wine. But then again, maybe that's just me.

I hope you have fun giving these bath salts a try! Let me know in the comments section how it goes for you!

Girls Night at Fab'rik!

Last week I enjoyed the silliest, most wonderful girls night. My sis-in-law (and bff extraordinaire) won an exclusive party in a random drawing at a local retailer, Fab'rik, where we had the store to ourselves so we could basically shop, drink bubbly and LAUGH. Baby-free. Boy-free. Dinner time hours. It was the BEST. I love these ladies so much and it was a hilariously random joy to be able to try on some wild trends and then run out into the middle of the store in my bare feet and be all like, "So... what do you think? Go or no-go??" Because seriously, in my stage of life, shopping for cute clothes in a REAL STORE just isn't happening. In the random times that I do shop, it's usually asking my stylist sister to pick something up for me, or, it's simply clicking my size on the website of stores I already know. I never try new things. Because, Everett. Let me just tell you something: Everett and cute shopping stores do NOT mix. I wish I could say they did. If I brought Everett into this cute store, he would have screamed like a velociraptor for me to get him out of his stroller and then I would be wrestle-carrying around my broken-legged baby, trying to figure out how to wiggle out of the fancy jeans that I just HAD to try on. Um. No.

So, SHOPPING PARTY. And the Heavens parted. I had the chance to really engage with my friends and do some Christmas shopping and it was just all the most wonderful things smashed together into one jolly evening. And they gave us 20% off everything. I mean, the Christmas spirit was seriously alive and well. Oh, and did I mention we all rode there via golf cart? THE BEST. I love my community and I love our local Fab'rik. No, they did not pay me to say any of this. I truly love this store and the ladies there made us feel SO comfortable and welcome - thank you to Kelsey and the team! A few photos for your viewing pleasure.

Hi Amanda. You so fancy.

Hi Amanda. You so fancy.

I couldn't resist. I had to buy something red :)

I couldn't resist. I had to buy something red :)

I talk too much at the cash wrap. But it's because they are SO NICE.

I talk too much at the cash wrap. But it's because they are SO NICE.



Awwww you guys are the prettiest.

Awwww you guys are the prettiest.

I'll just take them all. Thanks.

I'll just take them all. Thanks.

I fell in love with these dainty little gold necklaces.

I fell in love with these dainty little gold necklaces.

So I might be ruined for shopping like a normal person after this wondrous experience. You mean other stores don't hand you glasses of champagne when you enter and take your bags and coats and help you in the fitting room and let you run around the premises and goof off like you're a tweenager? Man. Other stores are so behind the times.

Again, many thanks to Fab'rik for hosting this smashing event!