Why Every Lady Should Visit the Driving Range

Driving Range.

My husband Stevie is an avid golfer. I have this picture in my mind of us playing golf together when we’re old and wizened, donning caps and matching stripey pastel outfits, commenting on each other’s swing. I don’t know why this is a comforting foresight for me, but it is. But there is one problem. I don’t play golf. Like, I have never played golf. But I fear not. I figure I’ve got some time on my side.


The lovely gentleman I call husband mentioned going for an outing to the driving range and I immediately said yes. I think he was a bit surprised. But this was the beginning of the fulfillment of my mediocre golf dream. Even mediocre dreams have a place in life, right? I don't wish to be a mega golf star. I just want to swing a club.

Here are a few reasons why every lady should visit the driving range:

1. You Enter the Man Zone.

And that really means a lot to him. Immediately worth it. To see that man smile.

2. You Get To Swing Hard.

My initial swing was straight, and apparently that is something to be proud of. "Good swing," he told me. It felt kinda good to just take a whack at it and see that tiny little ball disintegrate into the sky, proving my arm's power. Letting loose is just kinda fun.

3. You Get to Have Quiet Time.

One thing I noticed in this predominately male area is that there is no chit chat. No chatter. None at all. Women, we talk all the time. We like to discuss. But these men don't talk. It's so silent, and at first, it's a bit odd. I mean, why aren't they talking? There are hundreds of guys out there, all swinging and stuff, but no one is talking to each other. It's so strange. Odd really. But then the strangeness grows on you and all the sudden you are lost in your own thoughts, powered by the rhythm of your swing and entranced by the arch of your ball's journey into the emerald meadow. And it's good. It's a very likeable feeling. I could get used to this. Maybe soon I'll actually play a round.

Mediocre dreams, people. Sometimes, just sometimes, it's good to have those, too.

Sunday Gratitude

The nicest thing happened today.

I woke up this fine Sunday morning to a phone call from my husband. He left early to help with church set up, so he was out of the house before I even stirred. Our church is a quick walk from our building (I like to tease that we are very convenient Christians), so even though it's not too far, the early hour mixed with the cold makes it quite the morning sacrifice. Ok I lied. It would be a sacrifice to me, but he actually likes helping out. Imagine that. He is clearly the better one between the two of us. So, like I was saying, he called me this morning and I figured it was because he left something or needed something or something. Shame on me. He was calling to ask if he could bring me Starbucks. You did not misread. Starbucks for my morning. Coffee for me. Heaven's elixir for turning bitter mornings into better mornings. How NICE is that?! He said he had a short break from setting up, so he would walk over with coffee. He came gallantly up the steps of our apartment building, toting the beloved caffeine wonder (and blueberry muffin!) with honor. Ok maybe I was still half-asleep. But he seemed like such a stallion.

I LOVE presents and thoughtful acts of kindness. I just love them. And this morning, my kindhearted husband surprised me in the most special way. It may just be coffee, but it was coffee for me. I am so thankful for his thoughtfulness. I have to brag on him. Sometimes love is hard, sometimes love is awful, but sometimes it is sacred and special and laced with the darkest roast Starbucks has to offer. I think I have a praise report for the morning service. Haaa just kidding. I don't talk in church. I just doodle.

In all seriousness, I have much to be grateful for on this blustery cold day. What's your Sunday Gratitude? Cherish it.