Favorite Things Tea Party at the Ritz Carlton!

Favorite Things Tea Party at the Ritz Carlton!

It's no secret that I am a sucker for a good tea party. It's the little girl in me. So when my darling anglophile friend Alyson invited me to a tea party in honor of the new royal baby, how could I resist?? And when I found out it was high tea at the Ritz Carlton Buckhead, well, you kind of pull out all the stops to make that kind of affair come to life. Babysitter? CHECK. Good friends? CHECK. Awesome dress from my stylist sister? CHECK CHECK CHECK. Oh, and perhaps a little frou-frou head gear, a la Blair Waldorf. Checkedy check. Gang's all here!

To amplify the fun of high tea, Alyson decided to make this a "favorite things" party, where you bring a gift for each person at the party that is one of your favorite things. $5 limit. You know, one of those fun items that you love picking up at Target, even though you don't really need it. And so everyone goes home with a new favorite thing! It's super fun and girly. LIKE HIGH TEA IN HONOR OF A BABY PRINCESS. I hope that little Princess Charlotte knows that she is being partied for around the world. She's a little angel from Heaven. Loving babies is a relatively new thing for me. Since having my own, you know. And a baby princess?! Well, that's just all the more reason to celebrate babiessssss. Princess babbbiieeesssss.

We three. Wait - four!!

She's the raddest of them all. Look at those pearls. That fascinator. The woman the legend.

Aw macaroons make pregnant friends happy.

I'll have them all, thanks.

How gorgeous is that arm.

I want to put that on my head and be coronated.

With Kate, the gang's all here!

That's my lipstick. I'm officially a grown up.

Pinkies Out!

Okay so tea time. It was decadent. It was fancy. It was fruity. Tasty. Ruffled and spritzed and I might have sipped with my pinkies out. I blame the head gear. And I applaud sweet Alyson, because this girl really knows how to celebrate the great joys of life. And how about Janelle? Is there a hotter pregnant chick around? Well, I know a lot of preggos lately, so I can't choose favorites, but oh Janelle! What a babe, inside and out. The Ritz put on a delicious tea, complete with champagne and strawberries riddled in a bit of Grand Marnier. Yeah, I might have left tea time a little toasted. Those Brits really know how to make imbibing a gallant afternoon affair. The old-fashioned dining room was finished with oak and burgundy leather and crystal chandeliers - all things that make a tea party feel positively princessy. Which was occasion-appropriate, if you know what I mean.

On Set: "Hot Damn" Music Video

Last weekend I was home in Atlanta for the briefest of moments, and I had the chance to work on my friend's music video. Actually, I had several awesome friends involved in this project and it was an absolute blast to work with them all day. The music video was for my friend Ryan Snow's song "Hot Damn" which is the first single off his new album, out in July. My excessively talented friend Drew Kaiser directed the video shoot and absolutely blew me away with his creativity, leadership and precision. His entire team at Southern Lights Productions were so excellent and efficient. I've been on many a set and I don't often brag about the efficiency or just overall niceness of the crew. But these folks are truly golden and deserve a shout out. Many thanks to Drew KaiserJordan McBrideLauren BrockJenna WessingerLogan Freaking ShawverRenonda Andersonand of course, Ryan Snow. This was one for the books.

The video was set in 1920's prohibition-era, so there was no shortage of long cigarettes, sparkly-fringed dresses and fake eyelashes. My favorite part of the day? Hanging out with so many righteously fun people. No lie. My gal pal Katie Casper was in from L.A. and we had a great time catching up in between dancing takes. And I had the super cool opportunity to meet several of the artists on Ryan's label, Big Snow Entertainment, including Dana KelsonJustin Monday and Brittany Young, who were also on set for the day. The only bummer of the entire day? I left my pearl earrings with wardrobe and had to turn around and drive back to pick them up. My silly accident. Oh, and there was a wardrobe malfunction... hopefully that evidence will only end up on the cutting room floor. Haha just kidding. Or am I...?

Major thanks go out to everyone at Southern Lights ProductionsBig Love Cuts and Big Snow Entertainment! Can't wait to work together again!

Stay tuned for more photos and the video to come (probably July) and check out this projecton my site :-)

Why Every Lady Should Visit the Driving Range

Driving Range.

My husband Stevie is an avid golfer. I have this picture in my mind of us playing golf together when we’re old and wizened, donning caps and matching stripey pastel outfits, commenting on each other’s swing. I don’t know why this is a comforting foresight for me, but it is. But there is one problem. I don’t play golf. Like, I have never played golf. But I fear not. I figure I’ve got some time on my side.


The lovely gentleman I call husband mentioned going for an outing to the driving range and I immediately said yes. I think he was a bit surprised. But this was the beginning of the fulfillment of my mediocre golf dream. Even mediocre dreams have a place in life, right? I don't wish to be a mega golf star. I just want to swing a club.

Here are a few reasons why every lady should visit the driving range:

1. You Enter the Man Zone.

And that really means a lot to him. Immediately worth it. To see that man smile.

2. You Get To Swing Hard.

My initial swing was straight, and apparently that is something to be proud of. "Good swing," he told me. It felt kinda good to just take a whack at it and see that tiny little ball disintegrate into the sky, proving my arm's power. Letting loose is just kinda fun.

3. You Get to Have Quiet Time.

One thing I noticed in this predominately male area is that there is no chit chat. No chatter. None at all. Women, we talk all the time. We like to discuss. But these men don't talk. It's so silent, and at first, it's a bit odd. I mean, why aren't they talking? There are hundreds of guys out there, all swinging and stuff, but no one is talking to each other. It's so strange. Odd really. But then the strangeness grows on you and all the sudden you are lost in your own thoughts, powered by the rhythm of your swing and entranced by the arch of your ball's journey into the emerald meadow. And it's good. It's a very likeable feeling. I could get used to this. Maybe soon I'll actually play a round.

Mediocre dreams, people. Sometimes, just sometimes, it's good to have those, too.

Tulips for My Sister

Oh Happy Saturday.

Tulips are my sister's favorite flower. She blushes when someone gives them to her, even when its my dad. God bless him, he does that often. But Rachel is more than just beautiful. She is suuuuper witty, has a serious sense of style, a sincere depth, a ridiculous attention to detail, and is pretty enough to put the fear of God in you. For real.

When I saw these tulips last weekend at the Boston Public Garden, I couldn't stop thinking of my mesmerizing sis and how much she would adore walking through this floral processional. I'm sending her a virtual bouquet today.

My dear sister Rachel is much like her favored flower. She is continuing to blossom this Spring into a striking, gracious and impressive young woman of conviction. Here's to her and her A+ semester.

Acting Website Launch: www.KristenNicoleHale.com

Breaking That Leg

I've totally teased you. But I'm happy to announce that my acting website is up and running and I wanted to share it with my Oy!-letts first. This site houses all the film projects and media that I've worked on thus far. It's a great tool to send casting directors and agents when they want to see my work (and are considering actors for auditions.) It's totally scary to be vulnerable and put yourself out there, but I'm (slowly) learning to showcase what I love to do without apologizing for it. Part of this industry is connecting with as many people as possible, so I wanted to share this site with YOU as part of my way of making those connections.

 I'd love for you to take a peek and let me know what you think!

Beware: Shameless Plug Forthcoming

I am moving to NYC at the beginning of August and I am going to hit it hard auditioning. If you know anyone that I should talk to there and you are feeling generous to make the connection, please let me know! I might just send you a box of cookies. And they might even be Girl Scout cookies.

Thanks again for your love and support!