Christmas Card Photos.

Oh, Christmas card photos. An event that is equally fun and painful. Babies can be unpredictable, and mine seems to have a short fuse when it comes to me coaxing him (pageant mom-style), "Smile, baby! Smile! Can you smile for mama? SMILE HONEY. DO IT."

But I love the idea of getting some really great family shots of us once a year, so its something I am going to try to continue. I take a zillion photos all the time, but it was so much more relaxing to work with a professional (ha, duh) and get to just *be* with my family while Leidy Beltran did her thing. I did my best this year to make it a fun experience for Everett, by packing an arsenal of snacks and toys, but we lucked out so big because my bro-in-law Joshua showed up at his parents house unexpectedly (where we took our photos) and entertained Everett from afar. Made faces, jumped around, sang goofy songs, threw a tennis ball around. He pulled out all the stops. Joshua is officially a magical baby wrangler and Everett adores him to pieces. The talented Leidy snapped away and we got some sweet family photos of the three of us, just being ourselves, which is the part I loved about it most. We had the setting sun working against us, but she managed to get some shots that I absolutely love. In fact, you will probably get sick of seeing some of these before long, because I will definitely be updating my site in the new year with some of these shots.

Thank you, Leidy Beltran! And Joshua! Now I'm off to finish stamping these Christmas cards :) Merry, merry, friends!