The 12th Day: Holiday Gift Guide 2014 for Him

Holiday Gift Guide 2014: Him

Holiday Gift Guide 2014: Him by oykristen // 1. Banana Republic Plaid Utility Shirt // 2. GoPro Hero 4 // 3. The North Face Men's Aconcagua Vest // 4. LL Bean Wicked Good Moc Boots // 5. Stanley Classic Vacuum Mug // 6. Barnes & Noble The Curious Bartender Book   // 7. Titleist Pro V1 Golf Balls // 8. Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer Classic Sunglasses // 9. Timex Ironman Shock Resistant Watch // 10. Aveda Men's Aftershave Balm // 11. Scoutmob Shoppe Custom Monogram Cufflinks //

Holiday Gift Guide 2014 for Him. 

Oh, how I love the countdown to the best holiday! I'm excited to share this year's 12 days of Christmas posts - 1 each day up until Christmas! Kicking it off here is a gift guide for the manliest of lads in your life. As many of you know, I am a bit of a gift fiend. I just absolutely love finding the perfect present for someone. And it gets challenging with guys, because finding out what they like just isn't second nature to me. It takes a lot of research and "getting into their head", if you know what I mean. Hopefully this will help inspire your gifting and shopping for every guy on your list this season.

1. Banana Republic Plaid Utility Shirt

Because you can't put a good shirt down.

2. GoPro Hero 4

So adventurous, right? This will make you the most epic wife/girlfriend/mom EVER.

3. The North Face Men's Aconcagua Vest

For all your vested interests. 

4. LL Bean Wicked Good Moc Boots

Moccs! I'm having a bit of a love affair with moccs lately. Can't get enough of those toasty toes!

5. Stanley Classic Vacuum Mug

Having a really crappy mug is like having no mug at all. Stanley does the trick every time.

6. Barnes & NobleThe Curious Bartender Book

For the mixoligist in your life.

7. Titleist Pro V1 Golf Balls

These are the best. So I've been told.

8. Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer Classic Sunglasses

Put these on. Cue your iconic at-bat anthem of choice.

9. Timex Ironman Shock Resistant Watch

Excellent watch for any kind of basic athletic training. And it won't break your bank.

10. Aveda Men's Aftershave Balm

Sometimes, just sometimes, they won't admit that they like to be pampered. But they DO! 

11. Scoutmob Shoppe Custom Monogram Cufflinks

A touch fancy, but really spankin' cool for the dude who actually wears cufflinks.

Merry Christmas to HIM. Am I right or am I right?

Just for fun.

// Via 1Via 2Via 3Via 4 //

A Great Day for FUN STUFF.

Good morning! How are you? The birds are waking me up these days... that's been a refreshing wake-up call. I've spent the past week interspersing my unpacking (in air conditioning - what a concept!) with some lazy lounging around the house with my family. I can't tell you how wonderful it's been. These people just soothe my soul, and they're helping me relax... not be so tense about all the transitioning. I'm grateful to have these days where I can just focus on staying fit ("fit" is a fluid concept these days, since I can hardly roll over or bend over without help from others), eating healthy (they force broccoli down my throat) and focus on the baby (whose room us currently a dumping ground for all our storage bins). But what I can't wrap my head around is the fact that he will be making his debut in 8-ish weeks - ah! So much that still needs to be done! Like all my reeeeeeeeading (more on my bevy of baby books later.)

In the mean time, I've been finding some fun stuff around the web this week and I thought I'd share with you.

This Week's Swoons:

- Shop this Anthropologie video, set in Savannah, GA! How sweet is that?

- Get your fresh June Desktop Calendar from designlovefest. I know, I know, it's about a third of the way through the month, but so what? Your desktop could always use some pretty-fying. I chose the strawberries. And now I want to go berry picking :)

- Loving these little baby boy suspenders with bow tie. I die.

- Kourtney Kardashian is preggo again! None of you care? No?? K fine.

- OMG this Kate Spade diaper bag went on sale this week and I'M DROOLING.

- I've been saying this for a while, and I'll say it again: the fanny pack is making a comeback.

- The prettiest temporary tattoos

. A fun way to dress up your summer - and not commit :)

- Mama needs a cocktail. But I shall settle for these infused lemonades

- yummy!

Happy Wednesday to you, friends!

January Delights

January List...

January List... by oykristen // 1. Champion Women's Fit and Flare Tank // 2. Lacroix Pamplemousse Water // 3. Hale Groves Red Grapefruit // 4. Giada's Feel Good Food Cookbook  // 5. Neoprene Flashbulb Handweights  // 6. Vitamix Series 3 Professional Blender // 7. 2014 Paper Source Watercolor Art Calendar // 8. Korres Lip Butter in Quince // 9. Origins Plantscription Youth-Renewing Night Cream // 10. Paper Source Gratitude Journal //

A Jolly January.

It's a new year. Obviously, you know this. I have taken a little bit of time to reflect and think about what I want this year to be about. My bff Trish made a really point about resolutions. She said, "Year resolutions are too much pressure. I like to think about one goal for each quarter." So she makes mini goals for the Spring, Summer, Fall, etc. So smart! And certainly more manageable. That girl... she's a gem. 

So I've been focusing on wellness goals for the Spring (I know it's not quite spring yet, but humor me... I've gotta have some motivation to get through the winter up here!) When I say wellness, I do NOT mean just eating right, dieting or workout goals. I mean overall wellness; spirit AND body. What does that mean?


Making sure I take a few minutes every morning to pray, be thankful for another day of life and health, to read some scriptures or journal a little bit. It's annoying to wake up 15 minutes earlier than my eyes want to open, but I've found that it centers me for the entire day. And sometimes that 15 minutes turns into 45. It's rather peaceful. And it makes me more aware of others and their needs (hello, I write a BLOG, I don't need any extra incentive to be introspective. But I could certainly be less selfish.) This little journal (10. Paper Source Gratitude Journal) and calendar (7. 2014 Paper Source Watercolor Art Calendar) are a few great tools to get that reflective ball rolling!


Lets get real. My holiday was all-consuming. Literally. I vegged my heart out and worked out, um... very little. So I'd like to get back into the swing of balancing cardio and weights, along with some extra stretching. I never stretch anymore! Its ridiculous, because I know how good stretching is for the bod. When I watch TV, I'm taking half an episode to sprawl out on the floor and just stretch. There is just really no excuse. (Especially since I've been glued to House Hunters International and Property Brothers lately.) Oh HGTV. You slay me. I bought this fun workout top (1. Champion Women's Fit and Flare Tank) and have been using these nifty little weights (5. Neoprene Flashbulb Handweights) to slowly regain my strength and stamina. In an effort to imagine that I'm living in the tropics, I've been snacking on grapefruit everything lately, and treating myself to this sparkling water (2. Lacroix Pamplemousse Water) like it's going out of style. Yum. My dear friend and health guru got me this fabulous book (4. Giada's Feel Good Food Cookbook) for Christmas, and I've been trying out a few of the recipes. Who doesn't love Giada? She's such a babe. And a wonder in the kitchen. ANNND (drumroll please) I got this dreamy blender (6. Vitamix Series 3 Professional Blender) for Christmas and I am FREAKING OUT about all the wonderful eats that will come from such a powerful machine. Stay tuned for lots of yummy recipes to come.

Side note: It's winter. It's a real bear on the skin. I'm currently involved in a dysfunctional love/hate relationship with Origins (love the products, hate the prices), and since I am the whipped party, I shell out the cash for the promise of a brighter tomorrow (in this case, 9. Origins Plantscription Youth-Renewing Night Cream.) And to be honest, these products make my skin so soft and less, um caveman-like? I tend to turn sallow-yellow in the winter (thanks, Dad, for that Italian heritage. And thanks, Mom, for throwing in that Native American heritage, too.), so while my lovely sisters got the rosy-pink undertones in their skin, I unfortunately inherited the olive face which means than sans-tan, I am sporting a tricked-out yellow-fever kind of palette. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place. Thankfully, a pretty pink-ish lip gloss (8. Korres Lip Butter in Quince) certainly helps the dismal situation. Am I being too chatty? I'm feeling deliciously girly today.

I hope your January continues in a jolly fashion. Don't let the cold get you down! Blast your heat and wear bright colors - the sunshine is in your future!

December Delights List

December List

December List by knhale // 1. Free People Hiker Heathered Highland Sock // 2. Anthropologie Hand-Crocheted Earband // 3. Starbucks Winter Bev // 4. Anthropologie Aquarella Infitity Scarf // 5. Yarn for Crochet Projects // 6. The North Face Women's Arctic Parka // 7. Michael Buble Christmas Album // 8. Aveda Comforting Tea // 9. Anthropologie Daisy Stitch Fingerless Glove // 10. Papyrus Christmas Cards // 11. Anthropologie Volupsa Crane Flower Candle // 12. UGG Classic Short Women's Chesnut Boot // 13. The Honest Company Hand Sanitizer Spray //

Wintery December.

It's officially Christmas season. There are no more cases of Christmas music violation or Christmas decoration violation because the season is officially official. Break out your sparkly lights, your tacky Santas and piney wreaths, because Christmastime is here! For me, this time of year means unearthing my unnattractive but oh-so-warm North Face Puffer Coat. Stepping outside to run errands can only mean one thing these days: icy wind burn. So I pile on the hefty socks, gloves (I was recently gifted a pair like these by this gem), scarf and headband, too. No point in stopping there. No matter what your opinion is about UGGS (my sister thinks they're ugly as sin), you can't deny their toasty comfort. And of course, while I'm out and about, I like to clutch onto a warm beverage as if it's my personal handwarmer. My favorite fancy Starbucks indulgence is a tall toffee-nut latte. Order it. You won't be disappointed. And don't forget the hand sanitizer, because, ew, everyone on the subway is sneezing. The crochet yarn and the Christmas cards await my attention when I get home; these are my favorite wintery projects. My bff often accuses me of being an old lady trapped in a 20-something body. I just chuckle because she's sort of right. But winter is for hibernating, right?

(Late) Morning Musings

Today I'm recovering from a weekend of skiing in Colorado. My limbs are soar, my eyes are tired but my heart is full as I anticipate this week's activities.


// Komodo Dragon roast coffee, English muffin slathered in this coconut oil. Delish.


// Rosewater + Video by Roost. Adding "Make my own rosewater" to the to-list.


// I stumbled across Nothing But Delicious, a Nashville-based blogger and food stylist. How does one become a food stylist? Figuring out a way to become that. It sounds so nice.


// One of these fine portraits from Rebekka Seale. I can't get over how lovely her work it. I like to taste my coffee, lean back in my chair, and become transformed to Alice in Wonderland-tranquil-like place when I simply look at her enticing paintings.


// Euro trip. Gotta purchase tickets this week. More to come on this impending adventure.


// My friend Savannah as she is featured on Minnetonka's Blogger Spotlight. I applaud your bravery and your insanely cool style.

Enjoy this wintery February day, my friends.