Jump for Joy.


I'll be honest. Family life is harrrrd right now. Not bad-hard. Just all-encompassing hard. Stevie and I keep looking at each other, when we've both been anointed with spit-up and pee and both the boys are screaming their brains out, and kind of sarcastically say, "You having fun yet??"

We had a LOT of years of goofing off and traveling and dating and having tons of fun, so it's not like we didn't really make the most of our time, pre-babies. We really, really did. We are just in the stage of life where family is our THING and whew, we are in it, you guys. We are in it. Bottles, bedtimes and boogers; discipline, diapers and diets (for me, not them). Haha don't we sound like SO MUCH FUN. Come over. I dare you.

But even in the midst of this stage of life, I literally can jump for joy because I am a blessed, blessed woman. I have so much to be thankful for and I wouldn't trade one second of my circumstance for anyone else's. I truly wouldn't. These people are my joy! Now let's talk about this little jumper/romper situation.

I love it.

There aren't enough clothes in the world that are cute/functional for breastfeeding, so I am going to do my best to share with you when I find something that ticks all of those boxes for me. We mamas gotta help each other out, amen? I found this little number at Target and I love pairing it with my trusty old leather Keds. I got so much crap for buying these Keds about 5 years ago (because apparently its a very grandmotherly thing to wear, white leather sneakers), but I LOVE them. I will gladly graduate to granny status now if that means wearing and enjoying them because oooh, they comfy. And white leather means they clean up so nice with a little rub of nail polish remover every now and then. And apparently these kinds of sneaks are "cool" right now, so that just goes to show ya - follow your own instinct and wear what you think is cool, no matter what anyone else says! And while we are at it... just trust me when I say that fanny packs are coming back, too. All in due time, friends. All in due time.

I also want to point out that this is a great piece to have in your closet when you are like me and in between sizes. The postpartum body is one that is seriously hard to dress - what shirts will fit your new knockers? What pants will actually get over these thighs? Rompers are looser-fitting and only require 1 choice: pulling it out of the closet. It doesn't need a pant/top as a buddy, so it's much less likely to stress you and and cause extra anxiety. I'm all about reducing the stress!

What pieces are working for you these days? Any spring trends that have you excited? Happy Monday, friends!