Pregnancy Ride-or-Die Products. Baby #3.

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This baby boy #3 isn’t kidding - he means BUSINESS. My body knows what its doing this third time around and everything has happened so quickly - the bump, the swelling, the sore feet, back aches, dry skin and a whole bunch of other weird things. Not to make pregnancy sound rough - but there are definitely some interesting challenges to face and I’ve found some things that have helped ease some of the more difficult tasks! Rounding up some pregnancy-safe products and routines that have been working for me this time around and I hope they help you out, too, sister! Most of this stuff isn’t pregnancy-specific, so you don’t have to be bumpin’ to reap the benefits.

*Also, because I love you, I have a few discount codes at the bottom of this post that you can use if you decide to purchase any of these products - yay! Because I like to shop but I REALLY like to shop with promo codes ;)

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Bath Time.
Follain Rose Bath Salts + Little Barn Apothecary Grapefruit & Honeysuckle Body Oil
You guys. I’ve found the most winning combination and I can’t stop this bath situation - I take one almost every night! During my last pregnancy, taking baths really helped me unwind at the end of the night and sleep better. This time around it’s already helping with my sore back and feet. I simply shimmy some of these bath salts into the running water and then add 5-10 pumps of this oil into the water as well. It’s literally the best scent of my life and the oil really helps your skin stay hydrated, especially when you get out of the bath.

Vitamin Time.
DoTERRA Life Long Vitality Supplements + Probiotic + Bone Nutrient Complex
I take the full dose recommended for these supplements every single day and it serves as a complete prenatal. I also take the Bone Nutrient Complex, the Probiotic AND I’m on an iron supplement (I’m always anemic during my pregnancies). It’s a lot of vitamins, but I just take them with breakfast and a glass of juice and get it done. I love that they are made from whole-food sources, so there’s no unnecessary synthetic ingredients padded in. I’ve learned so much since my last pregnancy about the types of vitamins that really resonate with my body, so this is one of the things I am most proud of using daily!

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Clothes Time.
I wish I could just be naked. But that can’t really happen because this isn’t Papua New Gineua and my kids might get weirded out. But this time around I’ve been wearing some awesome Carly Jane hand-me-downs from my BFF Holly along with a slew of Target Knox Rose dresses (non-maternity). And I’ve been SO comfy! Especially since we’ve had an endless summer over here. Also, I went ahead and busted out all the Blanqi shapewear because I learned about this brand last time and seriously, it’s THE game changer. Helps lift my belly and keep the pressure off my special area and lower back. If you are pregnant, BUY THIS TANK. You will be forever changed.

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Skincare Time.
On my Face:
I often switch up my skincare routine, but I’ve enjoyed cleansing with doTERRA Verage Cleanser, using the Indie Lee COQ-10 Toner, using the Pai Back to Life Serum and the Herbivore Botanicals Prism and Orchid face oils for moisture. These are all safe for pregnancy (I absolutely LOVE the doTERRA Yarrow/Pom oil for my face, but it’s not something that’s pregnancy-safe so I’ve taken a break from it until the baby arrives).

On my Belly:
I have stretch marks from my previous pregnancies, and from what I’ve read they’re just a genetic thing and there’s not TONS you can do about them. But I still try! This pregnancy I’ve been slathering my belly in the Earth Mama Belly Oil (used at night) + Earth Mama Belly Butter (used in the morning) + doTERRA Body Butter (used after showering and swimming) & Immortelle Anti-Aging Rollerball Blend (used to spot treat areas where I already have stretch marks, to help repair the skin). It might seem like a lot, but I really love all these products and the routine of using them really relaxes me and feels like self-care. So I love them all!

Discount Codes + Deals for YOU!

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Follain (for skincare products)
15% off online: use code ref15_3i83z7

Blanqi (shapewear + maternity support)
$20 off your first order when you use this link to shop!

DoTERRA (supplements + essential oils + some skincare)
*25% off your first AND every order by clicking here (for supplements I use daily)
***(also, I will send you a welcome package of samples and a custom gift for you when you purchase a $100+ wholesale membership starter kit!)

Earth Mama (skincare and other pregnancy-safe products)
*Spend $50 and get 20% off with code BYOBundle
*Also, THIS is a really great starter kit if you want to try out some of the Earth Mama pregnancy products!

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Other Items I’ve Been Using:

Oh Baby. Growing #3!

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Gal Meets Glam Makenna Floral Maxi, Target Torri Two Brand Leopard Sandals, Stella & Dot Shai Bracelet

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We are so excited to add another wonderful little person to our family!

This first trimester has been my most challenging, ever. I’m a few days shy of 14 weeks and really hoping and believing that I will start feeling better, like really soon! My days are still characterized by the nausea, the exhaustion and just the PREGNANCY BRAIN. It has all been so much worse this time… it’s really true when people tell you that every pregnancy is different. This one has been so challenging and it doesn’t compare to my other pregnancies, so I’ve almost had to forget my other experiences and not compare this one to those. Which has been hard! I can’t tell you how many times over the past few months I’ve said things like, β€œI should be able to do this!” Because in the past, I could.

I didn’t really mean to take a break from blogging and Instagram, but my energy levels absolutely tanked and it’s been really quiet around here - so that’s why! Just keeping myself and my boys going has been where ALL my energy has gone. Because Stevie is gone a lot during the weekdays for work, I’ve crashed on the weekends and tried to soak up all the sleep. Can you tell it’s been a really special time?!

How I found out //
I always seem to know before I actually know. I woke up one morning feeling so off, so exhausted and grossed out by brushing my own teeth (such a telltale sign.) I decided to take a test and there it was - pregnant! I took 3 more tests to confirm. I kept coming back to look at them throughout the day. I couldn’t believe it! And yet, I could. I was elated. I still am!

How I told Stevie //
He was out of town when I found out, so I waited an entire day and night to actually tell him. I wanted it to be in person, although it was the LONGEST 24 hours of keeping this secret with just myself. It was kind of fun though. I actually wrapped up the 4 tests I had taken and put them in an iPhone box (the phone company had recently sent me a new phone so it was just lying around.) When he came home, I pointed to the box on the counter and said, β€œIt’s the weirdest thing - look at what the phone company sent me. ” He opened the box and just stared. Then he goes, β€œTHE PHONE COMPANY SENT YOU THIS??!” I died laughing. He seriously didn’t get that those were my tests for like a full 60 seconds.

How I’ve been feeling //
Really, really bad. Haha. Trying not to sugar coat it but I’ve seriously never been this sick pregnant. My mornings are okay mostly but by the evening I feel like I’ve caught the flu. My days end in a dramatic crescendo of nausea, exhaustion, and staying huddled on the couch. Also, my digestion has been a problem this time around so THAT’S BEEN FUN. Really believing/hoping that the next few weeks mark a big change because I am so ready to feel that second trimester magic. But even though I’m feeling crummy, I feel weirdly grateful because I know it means that my body is doing what it’s supposed to.

Pregnancy Cravings? //
I have yet to find what I’m looking for, but for weeks I’ve been craving a fresh squeezed lemonade icee. I don’t know where to find such a thing so that craving has gone unmet. Other than that, I’ve just had aversions to most things and I feel like I’ve been eating super unhealthy just to avoid eating gross things like salad and vegetables and meat. Even typing those words out makes me nauseous. I ate 1 piece of broccoli on Easter Sunday and I was sick the rest of the day.

Finding out Gender? //
Oh we most certainly will. I’m very curious!

How the boys are responding //
So, so well! I’m not sure Daxton totally comprehends it, but Everett is over the moon with excitement about β€œour baby”. He has been setting aside toys in his bedroom for the baby, and he’s been touching my belly everyday and saying, β€œMommy, your belly is getting a lot bigger!” He’s also very observant, and been telling me that there aren’t enough parents in our family for the number of kids we will have. He’s right!!!


But truly, even in the midst of so many FEELINGS, I am so excited to hold another baby. We have wanted a bigger family and it took a little longer than I thought it would this time around, but I am so grateful to grow another life. I feel sensitive about sharing because I never want to hurt anyone who is going through their own journey of trying to get pregnant - it can be really emotional and seeing others’ birth announcements can be jarring. I really get that. If that is you please know that my prayers are with you and I hope that my sharing bits and pieces can be a place of hope and encouragement.

I appreciate everyone’s kind words and wishes on Instagram and Facebook - thank you for the love and support you’ve shown our family! xx

Introducing a Summer Dress Up Series: PINK HAIR + Black, White & Pom Poms.

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LOFT Midi Skirt, Target Pom Pom Top, Etbotu Bamboo Clutch, Anthropologie Earrings (old, similar here and here), Soludos Lace-Up Espadrille Sandals, BECASA bracelets (premier collection launches here tomorrow!), Kristen Ess Rose Gold Shampoo

My pink hair! It only lasted a few days but it was oh so fun. It's mostly sold out everywhere, but you can score some temporary pink hair using this Kristen Ess Rose Gold Shampoo ;) (If you're a brunette, this probably won't work for you unless you have some highlights - you can see that's how it worked for me.)

On to the clothes! Last summer I had so much fun putting together the "Milk Friendly" style series because that was the season of life I was in - trying to find stylish ways to step up my mom look without sacrificing comfort (all while nursing a babe!) This summer I'm in a different stage and I am excited to have more freedom to dress up without a bump or the need to whip out the milk makers at any given moment. Dresses and skirts will always be my favorites to wear because they are so feminine and pretty and versatile... so this summer I will share a dress up series entirely devoted to dresses and skirts. There are so many goodies to share!

For starters, I scored this Loft skirt during one of their (many) 40%-off sales and I am already loving it so so much! The detail of the gold buttons with the gray stripes on the white cotton is just perfect. I found this pom pom top at Target and almost lost my mind because it's so cute and also, because pom poms are so fun. Maybe it brings me back to all those pep rally cheerleading days. And I am so glad I decided to take the plunge and get this little clutch for summer - I've been using it non-stop and it's just so boho and unique. And I think I will be wearing this look with all kinds of different shoes this summer, but it so easily paired with my trusty old Soludos espadrilles that I couldn't resist. They are definitely my most-worn summer shoe - so feminine and SO comfy. Lastly, this batch of bangles on my arm were sourced in Paris by my friend Emily who is launching her own coastal-inspired lifestyle brand called BECASA, launching tomorrow, 6/7! She is one of those people who has always has impeccable taste and I am always intrigued to see what styles she gravitates toward. Plus, these bracelets look great with a tan (mine is entirely fake - I go to RAW Bronzing Studio), and are such a great summer accessory to add to almost anything. Is it just me, or does turquoise always win in the summer?

Between wedding showers and baby showers and hopefully a few summer dates (!), this look is something that will definitely be on rotation for me.

Tell me, what are your favorite summer pieces when you need to dress up? What are you reaching for this season?

Easter Dress Roundup!

It's been a while since I did a style round up, and I had so much fun putting this one together! Easter is such an amazing holiday, and I admit I still get giddy about Easter dresses like a 5-year-old girl. I blame my mother - she let us wear the frilliest dresses to church for Easter when I was growing up and all that twirling can really go to a girl's head.

Also, I included a few rompers and pant suits because gosh, there are so many good ones these days. If I had a million dollars I would love to wear the Mara Hoffman romper this year, but I will actually probably just wear a dress in my closet. I have so many that have gone unworn for a while (omg my postpartum body is so crazy - what size even am I??) Also, if Kate Middleton can re-wear her dresses, then I think it's mighty princess-y to wear one of my old frocks. Plus, that leaves room in the budget for SHOES.

What are you wearing this Easter?! I'd love to hear what colors and styles you're gravitating toward this season! xx

Jump for Joy.


I'll be honest. Family life is harrrrd right now. Not bad-hard. Just all-encompassing hard. Stevie and I keep looking at each other, when we've both been anointed with spit-up and pee and both the boys are screaming their brains out, and kind of sarcastically say, "You having fun yet??"

We had a LOT of years of goofing off and traveling and dating and having tons of fun, so it's not like we didn't really make the most of our time, pre-babies. We really, really did. We are just in the stage of life where family is our THING and whew, we are in it, you guys. We are in it. Bottles, bedtimes and boogers; discipline, diapers and diets (for me, not them). Haha don't we sound like SO MUCH FUN. Come over. I dare you.

But even in the midst of this stage of life, I literally can jump for joy because I am a blessed, blessed woman. I have so much to be thankful for and I wouldn't trade one second of my circumstance for anyone else's. I truly wouldn't. These people are my joy! Now let's talk about this little jumper/romper situation.

I love it.

There aren't enough clothes in the world that are cute/functional for breastfeeding, so I am going to do my best to share with you when I find something that ticks all of those boxes for me. We mamas gotta help each other out, amen? I found this little number at Target and I love pairing it with my trusty old leather Keds. I got so much crap for buying these Keds about 5 years ago (because apparently its a very grandmotherly thing to wear, white leather sneakers), but I LOVE them. I will gladly graduate to granny status now if that means wearing and enjoying them because oooh, they comfy. And white leather means they clean up so nice with a little rub of nail polish remover every now and then. And apparently these kinds of sneaks are "cool" right now, so that just goes to show ya - follow your own instinct and wear what you think is cool, no matter what anyone else says! And while we are at it... just trust me when I say that fanny packs are coming back, too. All in due time, friends. All in due time.

I also want to point out that this is a great piece to have in your closet when you are like me and in between sizes. The postpartum body is one that is seriously hard to dress - what shirts will fit your new knockers? What pants will actually get over these thighs? Rompers are looser-fitting and only require 1 choice: pulling it out of the closet. It doesn't need a pant/top as a buddy, so it's much less likely to stress you and and cause extra anxiety. I'm all about reducing the stress!

What pieces are working for you these days? Any spring trends that have you excited? Happy Monday, friends!