4th of July Berry Cake!

I love the 4th of July! It's so fitting that it's basically the half-birthday of Christmas, because I feel an almost Christmas-y festivity about this holiday. I love the decor and the patriotism and the community vibes - there is nothing bad about this holiday! I especially love staying home and being in our little town, because people really go all out, decorating their golf carts and driving them to the local parade and fireworks. It's just good exuberant fun for all. I make this delicious berry cake every year (it's my big sister's recipe) and I can't believe I haven't shared it here on the blog before. Last year we actually had a #kitchenfail and I dropped this cake on the floor just after I pulled it out of the oven. There was no saving it, it literally smashed into a sopping mess. It was a sad moment, and even sadder when we pulled out forks and tried to eat the parts that didn't actually touch the floor... don't judge. It's really good cake.

The secret ingredient that makes this cake really really special is the moisture factor - the strawberry yogurt gives it an almost pound cake effect (without the extra calories!) And even though Cool Whip is not something I usually reach for in my kitchen, when it's mixed with the yogurt, it is the dreamiest topping. Basically this cake is fit for a unicorn. Make it and wow all your people on the 4th!

- 1 box white cake mix (usually calls for eggs and oil, as well)
- 1 large tub strawberry yogurt (I love the Stoneyfield brand)
- 1 tub of Cool Whip
- strawberries (sliced lengthwise) & blueberries

1.) Preheat oven and oil a 9x13 glass pan. Prepare cake mix according to the box. This usually calls for a few eggs, oil (I replaced vegetable oil for coconut) and water. Blend everything together.

2. Add in 1 cup of strawberry yogurt to the cake mix. Mix well, until completely blended in. The mix should take on a slightly pink hue - this just makes it good unicorn fun.

3. Pour cake mix into the oiled pan. Bake according to instructions on box, about 33-35 minutes. Cool cake completely before adding whipped topping.

4. To make topping, combine 3/4 tub of Cool Whip with 1 cup of strawberry yogurt. Mix well with a spoon, until completely combined. Spoon on top of cooled cake.

5. Top in a flag design with sliced strawberries and blueberries :)

- I baked this cake the night before to ensure that it was completely cooled before adding the topping. If you don't give it enough time to cool, the whipped topping will liquify. Which probably would still taste good, but look kind of unpatriotic.
- This would also be really fun if made into cupcakes! Just follow the recipe on the box for cupcake instructions.

I hope you have the absolute happiest, most patriotic holiday with your friends and family! Celebrate the joy of being an American! And if you happen to make this cake, please tag me on instagram, I'd love to see your creation! - @oykristen #Oy4thofjulycake

P.S. - You can shop my stars and stripes tank here.

Happening Lately + Happy Links.

It's been quite a few weeks! Does anyone else feel that way? Gosh this Spring weather has me feeling all sorts of hopefulness about life. It's just wonderful. I wanted to share a few things we've been up to and some fun links around the web that are making me smile BIG this week.

This Little Collage:
Top Left: Colored my hair again. It's going from ombre to straight up bronde. // Top Right: I found roses growing in my yard. I almost cried because I almost BOUGHT SOME to grow this summer. Best discovery ever. // Bottom Left: My friend Liz brought over freshly picked organic strawberries. Because she's the sweetest human on this grand Earth. I made strawberry bread. // Bottom Right: As you know, Everett's puppy Oscar has been coming to life lately, even to the point of eating pizza with us. The most recent display of Oscar's independence was when Everett "took him potty". I wasn't pleased. But I was laughing. //

Happy Links!
The Target+Marimekko Line launching April 17. I want it all. Which isn't working out too well for my new "get rid of everything" philosophy, thanks to Marie Kondo.

Oh, and you want to know about Marie Kondo? She's the one making me throw everything out that doesn't "spark joy" anymore. This book and her disciplined approach to eliminating clutter will inspire you. And really mess with your closet.
Eagerly awaiting the release of the Sonnet James Spring Line which launches April 19. I am panting like a dog for another one of these dresses.

This gal's hair tutorials have me inspired. I don't have much time to get fancy, but when I have some unwashed day-old hair, I like to try out some of her braid inspirations.

I'm hosting a little Stella and Dot party at the end of this month (which is drool-worthy jewelry and accessories), and I wanted to share this link with all of you to join the fun virtually! I'm swooning over this leather wrap, this gold cuff, this split ring and these chandelier earrings. When you get to the check out screen, make sure to type in my name "Kristen Hale" as the hostess, because that gives me some credit for pointing you in their direction :) Happy shopping friends!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand finally, this cookbook is out, as of yesterday! I am a big fan of Gwyneth Paltrow's previous cookbook's, because they are brimming with super healthy meals that taste really indulgent. I never feel like I'm "eating healthy" with her recipes - so excited for this new book!

Last but not least, I'm published! I'm super proud that my travel review of yurting at Sweetwater Creek State Park (though it's the tiniest article I've probably ever written) was published on Atlanta Magazine Online! Make sure to check it out and maybe leave a comment to make me look popular. P.S. You can check out more of my recently published work on this page. I even wrote a cover story on a 20-time Ironman athlete this month! The fun never stops over here, friends. Although the napping should probably start.

Happy linkage to you!