Sunday Reflection.

Be Still.

I am working on creating stillness in my life. It's so easy for me to get caught up in a whirlwind (I feel like that is an over-used term in my life.) I get busy because I dream a lot, find ways to do the dozen or so ideas I have, over-commit, say yes to every grand opportunity, and then I suddenly find myself scrambling, trying to keep up with the incoming responsibilities associated with all my "yes-es." Am I alone in this? I know I can't be the only one with this recurring bad habit. And yes, too much of a good thing (or a lot of good things) can still be a bad thing. Because if the peace is lost, then, well, the peace is LOST. And I sort of crave a peaceful life environment. It's not for everyone, I suppose, but I want my mind to be still; my thoughts to be chaos-free, my heart to be serene and open. I WANT that, but I am not always living it. I don't think my circumstances should dictate my inner-peace. Shouldn't my inner-peace dictate my circumstances? I once heard a very wise woman say "Peace and rest aren't the same thing. Stop using those terms interchangeably." I think what she meant is that peace doesn't necessarily look like chilling out on a lawn chair. Rest looks like that. But peace can look different on different people. You can be running a country with the entire weight of your people on you, but maintain your peace. You can have every single minute of your day packed tightly with meetings and work, but still have peace. Or, you can do essentially nothing with your day, under the charade of "rest" but still not feel at peace.

This is less of a "Eureka, I've solved the problem for world peace!"-moment and more of a general meandering train of thought. My week has been crammed with wonderful craziness, and today I'm taking a deep breath (eating a few scones) and feeling the need for a bit of quiet, a bit of stillness. Today I'm creating space for peace AND rest, because I like them both a lot. They aren't coming naturally to me, based solely on my schedule and commitments, so I have to create time for them. Peace and rest. They deserve me and I deserve them. And, the good news is.. so do you.

Happy Sunday to you.

Sunday Reflection

// High Tea at Taj Hotel // Getting "RE(a)D "y // Chick-fil-A empathy // Serenbe serenity // Georgia hydrangeas // There she is //

What. A. Week.

I don’t even know how to put this week into words. To say that I experienced an extreme of emotions would be an understatement. It has been a whirlwind of joy, terror, comfort, anxiety and homesickness. My heart is weary from feeling.

I had the opportunity to enjoy the company of so many people that I love, many who live in entirely different worlds from each other; from Boston to Atlanta and varied pockets in between. I celebrated with the beautiful women in my bible study at a fancy affair in downtown Boston. I got the chance to visit with my soul-sister in law and her delightful children on a random whim. I got to party with my BFFs at a super-duper-anticipated pop concert. I got to run and cross-train (while having wonderfully deep conversation) with my stinkin’ amazing bro-in law. I got to have a dreamy brunch with my parents as we discussed the possibilities of the future. I spent an entire day in my pjs with my cousin (who is exactly like a sister, just a blonde one.) And I got to waltz around a chic farm haven with my sincerely sweet sister.

Unfortunately, I also got to watch in horror as my city was locked down and ravaged with fear as a manhunt for a suspected terrorist ensued. I was glued to the news for 15 hours on Friday as I anxiously prayed for the safety of my husband, who was home alone and unable to leave our apartment, per the request of Boston authorities. I was honestly so worried he wouldn’t have enough to eat. It sounds ridiculous, as people were fighting for their lives in the hospitaldue to the terrifying acts committed over the course of the week by this suspect. But it’s the truth.

Processing It.

Harboring anxiety is awful, but it’s honestly so difficult to overcome fear in the face of adversity. Once you give your heart over to that fear, you usually don’t get any peace back. It’s not a mutually beneficial exchange. Clearly, this is something I am still working on, not allowing my circumstances to rock my inner-peace. But being apart from my best friend and knowing he was alone to handle the scare of a terrorist on the loose in our neighborhood was a little too close for comfort. Though my heart was stirred, these are the moments when I am so thankful I know Jesus and have this precious compass of faith. While I don’t understand why terrible things happen to innocent people, I believe God is always good and He listens to the prayers of his people. I also believe he heard America’s prayers as we joined together, asking for this suspect to be located and no more innocent life to be lost. I believe His guarding angels commanded a presence just as thick as the police authorities during the hours that we, as a country, watched the news and fiercely prayed with all our hearts. This is my belief.


My heart is conflicted as I meditate on gratitude. How to be grateful for peace and safety when I know others are suffering the loss of their children, husbands and loved ones? People just like you and me, who have been punctured with such an awful injustice. They are laid up in hospital beds, their bodes bruised and their hearts pulsing in anguish. Join with me today and pray that God may bless them, keep them, expand their territory and heal their bodies and spirits in a way that only He can.

Sunday Reflection: Developing that Character

Let's Dive In.

I've taken my precious time easing into this new year. Spending five weeks at home in Georgia sort of stunted my dive into the new year; I just kept feeling like I was still on Christmas break. Until last week. Yes, I'm aware it's almost February. The point is, I've had a bit of an awakening.

Oh, Self Awareness. How I (sort of) Loathe Thee.

In the recent days, I've had the privilege to be made aware of a few of my own personality quirks. "Quirks" is a nice word to use when describing oddities in one's own habits and character. I am thankful to have people in my life who love me enough to tell me the truth about my own quirks. (Again, I am using "quirks" to add an endearing characteristic to my somewhat less-than-exemplary qualities. It helps soften the blow.) The point is, we should all be so lucky to have people in our lives to point out our own blind spots. Kind of like when you have food in your teeth. Awkward as it may be, we NEED friends who will tell us. And if you've got them, hold on to them for dear life.

2013 is Here. Whether Or Not You're Ready For It.

The point of my confessional is that the new year is here and I believe that means there is a bit of grace for renewed behavior. I don't mean resolutions; I mean self-awareness. Self-awareness that I am still becoming who I am. And I am quite a bit unperfect. But I have hope!

Get Love In Your Life. The Painfully Good Kind.

If you don't have someone in your life to tell you what's up, I encourage you to get in a relationship that will give you that. Someone who loves you enough to be real; someone who is vulnerable with their own weaknesses and someone who is unafraid to confront. Love confrontations usually hurt but they are significantly important. Because right around the corner of a love confrontation is a glittering opportunity to behave nobly. I believe that.

If you do have a dear friend who knows you well enough to tell you the truth (in LOVE, that's a big part of this arrangement), then I encourage you to seek them out. Have a conversation. Give them permission to speak into your life and help you improve your "quirks" (you're starting to like that word, aren't you?) They will probably be surprised, but I assure you they will be touched by your vulnerability. And in all honesty,what do you have to lose? Your pride? Well, I can tell you from personal experience that losing pride is in your best interest. The possible outcome from this character-enriching experience? Well, hopefully, an even more amazing you.

Character is more important than professional success or fashion statements or intellectual bravado. It is fuel for all the other components of your life to flourish beautifully. Let's aim for that. Beautiful character will endure the seasons of our lives and shine through our wrinkly skin when we're a million years old.