How to Combat Stress.

Sleep much? 

I took a moment to breathe this morning.


Full disclosure. I've had insomnia since we moved to NYC. I just can't sleep. Lists keep running in my head like the opening, scrolling scene of Star Wars. Long long lists that appear to extend into the darkness of outer space... it's odd. "

Long ago in a galaxy far, far away....

I dreamed of moving to New York!" And now here we are. It's an odd exhilaration, because I've also been on an extreme high, thrilled to walk down the street to the drycleaners JUST BECAUSE I AM IN NEW YORK. I feel like I'm hopped up on coffee all day long (even though it's only half), yet my frenzied heart can't rest when the nighttime comes and the lights get turned off. Frantic, flooded with to-do's, drowning with feeling like I'm ever-so-late to the game. What game? I don't really know. Isn't that the lie we all believe when we're trying to do something new? I am attempting to juggle several things and it's keeping me awake. It's sort of silly. But not, because the bloodshot eyes are starting to make me look like I'm on something. I know I'm not the only person in the world to experience this. But I've got to get it under control. Because sleep is necessary to accomplishing all those to-do's!

So, I decided to set all my lists and to-do's aside and just reflect. Just for a hot minute. 60 seconds, that's all.

Ha. It hit me all at once. The bevy of beautiful people who are WONDERFUL and love me so vastly. The smiles of my loved ones blur together into a sloppy, gleeful image in my mind, and wow. I am so grateful. My thoughtful sister who sent me a powerful book on art in the mail last week and my dearest friend who sent me a delightful Anthropologie housewarming present in the mail this week. The flowers my Aunt sent. My mom, who has called me and encouraged me everyday. My cousins, my sisters, my Dad, my friends. They care. Sheesh I am so blessed. I am overwhelmed with the unfathomable, infectious, present-infused love. And I am so incredibly thankful for these genuine pillars of strength in my life. These people quite literally create a firm foundation; I believe I can be big and strong because they tell me I can.

Get Grateful.

So I just want to encourage you today. Stress, anxiety, tension; they're all natural responses to transition. And if you're experiencing transition, whether severe or thrilling or somewhere in between, you don't have to experience an on-going bought of the painful stress. Take a moment, allow yourself to focus on the beautiful gifts around you, the joy of your relationships, even the lovely colors of summer. Whatever it takes. For your mind to quiet, your face to relax, your eyes to finally close. Your gratitude breeds peace. And once you have that peace, it's yours to keep.

Try It.

If you need to do an exercise to pull you out of a funk, unearth some of that pretty stationary that I know is sitting somewhere in a side drawer. Take a moment to think about 3 people who have really impacted your personal journey in the past year. It might be your mom, it might be your husband, it might even be a co-worker that you're not that close with, but has recognized your contributions and verbalized it. Whoever comes to mind, take 5 minutes and write it down. Tell them why they are wonderful to you. I promise that you will feel. So good. And now... look what you've done! Not only did you quiet your mind and find your peace, but now you're giving it away to others! Mmm win/win. Stamp it. Mail it.

Final Note.

In case you haven't heard it yet, you are enough. All the to-do's, the busyness, the job stress, the family tensions and the responsibility you feel toward all of it. Of course you have your reasons to be stressed. Of course you are justified in all your emotions. And there is probably so much that "needs" to be done today. However, you just need to know. You are. Enough. Just you. So give yourself a slice of grace today. Because seriously, you are enough.

Love to you today.

Sunday Reflection: Developing that Character

Let's Dive In.

I've taken my precious time easing into this new year. Spending five weeks at home in Georgia sort of stunted my dive into the new year; I just kept feeling like I was still on Christmas break. Until last week. Yes, I'm aware it's almost February. The point is, I've had a bit of an awakening.

Oh, Self Awareness. How I (sort of) Loathe Thee.

In the recent days, I've had the privilege to be made aware of a few of my own personality quirks. "Quirks" is a nice word to use when describing oddities in one's own habits and character. I am thankful to have people in my life who love me enough to tell me the truth about my own quirks. (Again, I am using "quirks" to add an endearing characteristic to my somewhat less-than-exemplary qualities. It helps soften the blow.) The point is, we should all be so lucky to have people in our lives to point out our own blind spots. Kind of like when you have food in your teeth. Awkward as it may be, we NEED friends who will tell us. And if you've got them, hold on to them for dear life.

2013 is Here. Whether Or Not You're Ready For It.

The point of my confessional is that the new year is here and I believe that means there is a bit of grace for renewed behavior. I don't mean resolutions; I mean self-awareness. Self-awareness that I am still becoming who I am. And I am quite a bit unperfect. But I have hope!

Get Love In Your Life. The Painfully Good Kind.

If you don't have someone in your life to tell you what's up, I encourage you to get in a relationship that will give you that. Someone who loves you enough to be real; someone who is vulnerable with their own weaknesses and someone who is unafraid to confront. Love confrontations usually hurt but they are significantly important. Because right around the corner of a love confrontation is a glittering opportunity to behave nobly. I believe that.

If you do have a dear friend who knows you well enough to tell you the truth (in LOVE, that's a big part of this arrangement), then I encourage you to seek them out. Have a conversation. Give them permission to speak into your life and help you improve your "quirks" (you're starting to like that word, aren't you?) They will probably be surprised, but I assure you they will be touched by your vulnerability. And in all honesty,what do you have to lose? Your pride? Well, I can tell you from personal experience that losing pride is in your best interest. The possible outcome from this character-enriching experience? Well, hopefully, an even more amazing you.

Character is more important than professional success or fashion statements or intellectual bravado. It is fuel for all the other components of your life to flourish beautifully. Let's aim for that. Beautiful character will endure the seasons of our lives and shine through our wrinkly skin when we're a million years old.

Favorite Thing: Cookie Exchange

Happy Tuesday! Do you remember my attempt last week at making hottie Christmas cookies? Well, it was for a purpose. I don't make a habit out of whipping up cookies from scratch. My dear friend Carrie organized a cookie exchange and the Anise Italian Cookies were my contribution. Joined by my fellow Cambridge buds, we exchanged home-made goods and shared a little story about the cookie's significance to us.

Milk and Cookies

These lovely ladies really know what they're doing. I tasted cookies I've never even heard of before, including German delicacies and cookies sent to soldiers during WWII. See? Eating can be cultural AND historical. Santa is so, so lucky.

"They're Italian and kind of peppery...?"

I had to explain my monster cookies, although there wasn't much to be said for them. I just moved on real fast. We can't all be June Cleaver.


We got a little visit from some hungry boys. They simply couldn't stay away at the thought of yummy appetizers and cookies being consumed. See how my husband tries to talk his way in the door? Emily and Carrie got a kick out of it. Why don't guys get it? Sometimes, boys just aren't allowed!

Yum. What a perfect way to celebrate with my fave ladies before we all take off for the holiday break. Have you ever participated in a cookie exchange? If so, did your cookies take the cake?

Bon Appetit!