Weekend Things.

Weekend Things.

On Sunday afternoon I sat underneath this Japanese Maple tree in my parents yard and looked up.

It made me think a little bit.

You can choose to look a lot of ways. You can choose to look down at your phone and see all the things you need to do on your iCal, all the people that you compare yourself to on Instagram, or all the time you can waste play Candy Crush. Or you could choose to look around you, and see the many many things you "need" to do - laundry, to-do lists, cleaning, work email, etc. Or you could choose to look up. Look up and notice the sky. Feel the quietly warming air. Notice the birds that are soaring freely above. Notice the Japanese Maple blooming right before your eyes.

It was a little bit of a wake-up call.

I think I'm gonna start looking up more. It's really so very pretty to look up.

A few fun things from the weekend:

It Is Written.

I found out that a blog post I wrote a while ago about Mompetition was quoted in a parenting round-up article by the USA Today Parenting Community! You can see it here (I am #74, haha, it's a small quote in an obviously ginormous article - BUT STILL.)


Everett got a package in the mail from his friend Elias from ALASKA. Well, they haven't exactly met yet, even though they were born on the same day. They're birthday buds. Anyway, he got the raddest toy with his name monogrammed right on it and he hasn't taken it out of his mouth since then. I am officially obsessed with Bannor Toys. Thank you so much!

Burpees with Baby.

A snapshot of my view doing burpees by the lake. Everett kind of smirks at me while I do them, and if I'm not looking at him I'm down on the ground looking at the lake. It's kind of brown. Because, Georgia. PS if anyone has any tips on losing baby weight and getting back into shape, I am all ears! I can't seems to shake off these extra lbs. pooling around my waist, hips and thighs. I know, I know, I had a baby and "things will never be the same", but I've been working hard to get back at it. And at this point, I'm doing all I know to do and my old tricks aren't having quite the same effect that they used to.... thoughts? Hacks??


Spring. We've been waiting for you. Even though you come with the pollen (my solemn foe), you also come with blooms and humidity and saturated colors and I CAN TAKE MY BABY OUTSIDE. Praise report. Because staying cooped up with him is torture for both of us. So thank you, dear spring, for forcing your way upon winter. I welcome your bravery.

Hot Date. Like, Picante.

We went on a date the other night. It wasn't the kind of date where you dress up snazzy and put on perfume. It was more like, the baby is down for the night, hand the monitor over to my mom... and then what? We debated even going, because of the exhaustion. But gosh, we are tired each and every night so that doesn't seem like a good enough reason to crash into bed and binge-watch Netflix AGAIN. So we decided that good southern Mexican food (which Boston and New York could never offer good versions of) sounded so delicious. I have this rule about Mexican food places though. I don't like smelling my purse the next day. So we dressed down into our sweats and went "casual" AKA I didn't brush my hair and I got to pull out my "Jenny from the Block" sweat suit that everyone I know hates. Seriously. But its so comfyyyyy. And anyways I throw everything in to the washing machine the second I get home because I have a crazy nose and can't handle it. But the margarita is so worth it! Also it was my first marg in 18 months. Yes, you read that correctly.


Last week's winner for the Milkmaid Nursing Pillow giveaway has been announced (you can still use the code OYKRISTEN for 15% off on the site!), but there is still a giveaway going on for the Baya Diaper Clutch. Make sure to enter now, it closes Tuesday at midnight!

Have the happiest Monday :) What are you excited about this week?

Happy Thanksgiving.

Giving All That Thanks.

Last year, Stevie and I spent Thanksgiving with our dear friends in Cambridge. It was a big decision to stay in Massachusetts and not return to our beloved Georgia for the holidays, but with my work schedule and his school schedule, it just felt like too much. I remember breathing a sigh of relief when I knew we weren't coming home, which is strange, since I am often accused of being family-obsessed. But it just felt good to stay in one place for a few days, rest, read and NOT travel. My lovely friend Carrie and I cooked and baked the day away and spent the evening explaining our curious Thanksgiving traditions to about 8 of our international friends, who joined us for the affair. It was quite a meal. It was a wonderful, peaceful way to spend the day, and we topped it off by sipping homemade cider late into the night. And we slept an awful lot.

But you know what? Stevie and I are such homebodies. We seriously missed being home with our large-and-in-charge families. So this year we bought tickets early (that is the key), and found ourselves in the lovely land of Georgia for the week of Thanksgiving. And it has been, well, let me just say that my heart is full.

No matter where you are today, whether you're in a new place celebrating with new friends, or at home playing out the tried-and-true traditions with your loved ones, I hope you're soaking up this season in your life. I hope you are loving where you live, the work you do, the people you surround yourself with, your patterned life with all it's windy turns. Because the years are moving along. If you don't realize it you will find yourself... older. And hopefully wiser! But even more hopefully, surrounded by those beautiful people who pull you back to your roots and push you to innovate, grow, change and be the best you ever. Thankful for these gorgeous souls today. Because where would I be without them.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours today!

When Mom Comes to Town

My Mother.

She is an intricate creature. She literally comes in a room and sweeps it with giggling joy, spontaneous curiosity and a slam-dunk of wisdom. She does all of that. Within like 5 seconds of walking into a room. She's no ordinary mom, I'll tell you that. She has played surrogate to dozens of my friends over the years. She listens to their problems, she really looks in their eyes, and then asks simple questions that draw out the choice that is best. It's awesome brilliance. That woman. I've never met anyone like my mother. She is generous, too. Really really generous with everything she has to give. Her time, her empathy, her dollars. She will give anything away to help you be best your best YOU. She is genuinely concerned for others, whether it's a dear old friend, one of her daughters friends, a niece or a lady she just met at the nail salon. Her compassion for others is intoxicating, more than inspiring; it makes you realize you are in the presence of someone truly consumed by honest love. It's a dizzying, gracious experience. I grew up with it and I'm still left open-mouthed. All the time. She is impressive and yet doesn't take herself too seriously. She just laughs and moves on to the next.

// Yum yum yum yum //

So my mom came in town for my birthday. I can say with absolute certainty that she was my gift this year. She is so much fun, brings so much life, and I just really needed her this time around. You know when you just need your mom? Well, she was the most perfect remedy to a 6-week whirlwind experience of moving to a new city and doing things that are entirely uncomfortable. Finally, mom got here, and I could breathe in a sigh of relief. Did I mention that she is a LOT trendier than me? She showed up to my apartment in leather leggings. I died. And my oh my, she came ready to party. We shopped til we dropped. We exercised in the park, munched on every kind of famed New York goodness and toasted til we were silly. We covered some serious turf, traipsing all over Manhattan and seeing so many sights. Ah. I miss her already. I wept as her cab drove away. There is no one, seriously NO ONE, like my mom. Come back.

Tour of New England (Part 1): Portsmouth, NH

We had the loveliest treat. Our dear friends John and Trish Spicknall came to visit, and boy, were we glad. The winter blues had set in nicely and we needed a little piece of home. The Spicknalls are just that: they are warm, they are deep, they are silly. All things we love and value in these dear friends. Since they had previously visited and had done a lot of the "Boston-ish" stuff, we decided to take a day trip out into the lands of New England and explore a bit. This was a long day filled with wondrous adventures, so many adventures, in fact, that I have to break up this post into three parts! The photos are delicious. Please enjoy my recommendations for New England fun.

First we jumped into the (rented) car and visited visited Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Three things to do while in Portsmouth:

1. Get brunch at the Friendly Toast.

The Friendly Toast is a breakfast/lunch spot located in Downtown Portsmouth. It's quirky, shticky and seriously delicious. Introduced to us by The Sorrow Family years ago, we have been itching to return and enjoy the tasty brunch once again. The highlights? French toast made with cornmeal-molasses Anadama bread, house-made homefries, and the Greek Scamble top our list (and they have amazing fruit salad, too!) If you're driving through the area, it's a must. Plus, after brunch you might get the chance to chat with a police officer (with a wicked accent) right before they write you a parking ticket, and that rush of adrenaline can really put you in an expeditious mood.

2. See the view across the Piscataqua River.

The Piscataqua inlet is so lovely and worth taking a stroll to see. It's a quintessential New England harbor view of Maine. And if you time it just right, you can catch the sunset on the river while sipping a cold Harpoon from one of the many bars along Bow Street. Worth it.

3. Visit the New Castle Lighthouse.

My goal is to see them all (lighthouses, that is), and this one is a beauty. Situated on New Castle Island about 2 miles from downtown Portsmouth, the New Castle Lighthouse was erected in 1771 and has visibility for 12 nautical miles. This  monument is officially older than our country! Staring at this breathtaking beacon stirred within me such a gratitude to be living in New England. These are the moments that really connect me to the roots of this country. I'm proud to be an American, yes I am.

// A peak at the Piscataqua River // Bow Street //

// Oh, the dearest of friends. What would I do without her? //

// I hope I glow this gleefully when I'm with child! These two are the cutest, at The New Castle Lighthouse. //

Portsmouth is a lovely little place. But our day forged onward into Maine... More to come on this day's picturesque adventures :-)