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We had legitimate snow last week here in Georgia. It even stayed on the ground for days! Of course, school was cancelled the entire week and things got a little cabin fever-esque over here, but the snow sure was fun. Everett and I made a hideous snow man that just melted two days ago. He was more like a snow lump. And we made snow angels! And then we had a legit snowball fight and I felt like I was living a scene from a New England novel, but nay - we're in Georgia ya'll! It was so fun. It was so cold. I think it hovered around 20-25 degrees on the day this day that the snow fell, so we played very quickly and then got inside to sit by the fireplace. Whole30 didn't allow me a mug of hot chocolate, but that's what I dreamed I was having while I really sipped on flavorless tea ;)

I hope you are having a happy Tuesday, friends! xx