The 3 DIY Essential Oils Roller Balls I Use on My Kids During the Winter.


This winter has been a doozy for sickness, and unfortunately, our family hasn't been able to avoid the fray. We've dealt with our fair share of the gunk, and because of that, I've created a few specific essential oil roller ball recipes to use on my kids while they haven't been feeling 100%. I hope they are helpful to you and your little ones!

Also, I want to mention that I love and use DoTERRA essential oils - they are 100% pure and safe to use on children when properly diluted. In fact, they are safer, cheaper and more effective than most regular solutions I've found. If you would like to learn more about why I believe these essential oils are THE BEST, please feel free to reach out!

Okay, on to the DIYs! Here are 3 blends I use on my kids during the winter season:

Bye Fever Recipe:
- 3 Peppermint
- 3 Eucalyptus
- 3 Frankincense
- 1 Bergamot
* Top off with fractionated coconut oil.

I use this on my kids when they are running a fever and I want to break it. I apply this to the back of the neck, up and down the spine and on the bottoms of feet (put socks on quickly after!) I apply this every 2-4 hours as needed and especially before nap time! We also like to roll it on while saying, "Bye fever!"

OnGuard Recipe:
- 10 drops OnGuard oil blend
* Top off with fractionated coconut oil.

OnGuard is an immune-boosting blend, and while DoTERRA sells this in a pre-diluted roller ball, I like to use my own to keep at home as well! I use this on my kids when they are showing signs of feeling under the weather - sneezing, coughing, runny nose, etc. I apply this on the back of the neck, up and down the spine and on the bottoms of their feet.

Teething Recipe:
- 5 Lavender
- 5 Roman Chamomile
* Top off with fractionated coconut oil.

This has been my go-to for Daxton's teething relief. That sweet boy - he's been cutting teeth for months and has been miserable! I roll this blend under his ear lobes, along his jaw line and on the back of his neck. He loves it! In fact, he tries to put it on himself (which is really, really cute), even though I won't let him ;)

All of these recipes are formulated for 10ml roller balls.

I hope you enjoy making some of your own for your kiddos! xx

DIY Trio of Essential Oil Bath Salts.

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Since discovering a passion for my DoTERRA essential oils, I've been reawakened in my love for DIY as well. Now don't get me wrong - I've been talking about recovering the chairs in my dining room for 3+ years now. But mixing up some essential oils in test tubes with some rock salt? That is not only something that is relatively easy (okay really really easy), but it also can be enjoyed right away!

My sister Rachel originally helped me make a batch of these EO bath salts as party favors for my 30th birthday back in the fall. And friends! When I say these are easy to make, I'm not teasing you here. They are EASY, and they make awesome Galentines gifts, along with batchelorette, Valentine and birthday presents! Who doesn't love being pampered with beautiful, nourishing and pure products? I like to give these in sets of 3, so that the giftee can experience all the different blends!

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- Set of test tubes with cork toppers
- Organic Epsom Salt
- Essential Oils (I love and use DoTERRA oils - get yours here!)
- Funnel
- Labels (you can make your own or buy some!) or washi tape
- 3 gallon-size zip-top bags

1.) Pour 3/4 oz. of Epsom salt into a gallon-size zip-top bag.
2.) Drop in essential oils (see blend recommendations below) and zip up the bag.
3.) Shake the bag until the oils are well mixed.
4.) Using the funnel, carefully pour the salt into a test tube. Seal the containers.
5.) Attach label or washi tape so you can tell the difference between the batches.

Clear Your Mind Blend
- 8 drops Lemon essential oil
- 8 drops Rosemary essential oil

Calm Your Heart Blend
- 8 drops Lavender essential oil
- 6 drops Frankincense essential oil
- 2 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil

Respiratory Boost Blend
- 12 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
- 4 drops Peppermint essential oil

Each of these blends makes 1 test tube, but feel free to triple or quadruple the batch to fill all the containers.

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Soaking in an Epsom salt bath is an excellent way to detox the body from toxins and chemicals, as well as supplement the necessary magnesium that most of us are deficient in. The essential oils provide a boost of energy, immune defense and calming properties to help target those specific needs.

A tub soak of this nature is best paired with a mud mask (I just got this one and I'm excited to try it!) along with the Magnolia magazine and a glass of wine. But then again, maybe that's just me.

I hope you have fun giving these bath salts a try! Let me know in the comments section how it goes for you!

7 Natural Tools that Helped Me Overcome Anxiety.


Last week I shared with you a very personal journey that I've taken with postpartum anxiety. Whether you're a new parent like me or not, anxiety is a very real thing and is not to be pushed down or ignored. One of the healthiest, most therapeutic measures that I took in getting help with my anxiety is actually talking out loud to someone about it. Once I spoke the truth out loud, it felt like I wasn't harboring a big secret anymore. I was free to talk to anyone and everyone and get the appropriate help.

As I mentioned in the last post, taking a prescription medication made a huge difference for me, and truly worked as a bridge in bringing me back to my best self. However, that wasn't "the fix". For me, there were many natural solutions involved in helping diminish my anxiety completely and getting to a place where I no longer felt like I was coping, but thriving. Today I want to share these with you!

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1. Exercising.
Getting into an exercise routine was essential for me to get out my stress and focus on "me" for a dedicated time every day. It was really hard to find the time with a nursing newborn and busy toddler (and my husband's crazy travel schedule for work!), but each workout felt like a victory for my own personal health. Feeling my body heal and strengthen with each workout was absolute therapy. I'm so grateful to Pure Barre, and my sister-in-law Lauren, for keeping me accountable and motivated in my workouts, especially those dreaded 6am-ers!

2. Journaling.
I kept a log in my journal of everything I was feeling. This really helped me track my personal progression, especially the shifts in my emotions and the situations that triggered them. Then I could go back and see the differences as I was coming out of the anxiety. It's super helpful to look back on it now and see how far I've come!

3. Counseling.
Seeing a counselor and talking through my feelings helped me identify that I needed more help at home than I had. This was a hard reality to swallow. I often feel like I have so much support and help, and I feel guilty when I feel like I need more, especially because I know others who have much less immediate support than I have. But counseling has helped me realize that I can't compare my needs to other's needs. I just have to get my needs met, whatever that looks like.

4. Blogging.
I kept doing all the things I loved, like writing this blog! This place is such a healthy practice for me, and a space to exert my creativity and discipline into something that is my own. I also love the community that gathers here, making comments, sharing their stories and connecting. Instagram has become an active extension of that, and all of you who read here and interact have truly been a huge part of my recovery! Thank you for reading and sharing your heart here, it means the world to me and keeps me motivated and inspired to dream up new content to share!

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5. Essential Oils.
It was around the time of my son Daxton's birth that I really dove into the world of essential oils. Learning about the power of these oils and how they can aid in everything from headaches to digestion to anxiety and everything in between has truly been a game changer for me and my family. Implementing a series of routines with the oils has helped keep me in a place of calm and peace and I am so grateful that I have found a natural line of defense in these precious plants. Because of my overwhelmingly amazing experience with these precious oils, I shared here this week that I have decided to join Doterra as an essential oils advocate + educator! Hurray for hidden opportunities that emerge out of a dark season!

6. Unplugging and playing.
I started taking intentional time away from my phone and computer, and instead focusing on my kids. That probably sounds like such a line - but I really did! I realized that the constant scroll was keeping me in a place of always feeling like I needed to brainstorm new blog content or immediately respond to an email when it came in. But then I remembered - no, my first and most important job is raising my kids. I don't want them to always see mommy with a phone in her hand. So I started leaving my phone in my bedroom for certain parts of the day. This allowed me to take intentional time to actually play (this gets harder with two kids versus one, because there is always *something else* I should be doing, like folding laundry or cleaning up in the kitchen.) But there is nothing like getting on the floor and playing with blocks or pretending to be super heroes. It really did give me more energy and helped burn off the constant need to be plugged in.

7. Dating my Husband.
Who needs to go on a date? Probably everyone reading this! Stevie and I aren't amazing when it comes to frequency of dates, but we really have been making an effort to go on a date outside of the house at least 1-2 times per month. That connection is just so necessary. Just the other night we went to have fish tacos at this little restaurant around the corner from us, and it was just so good to get out and not cook dinner. It was nothing fancy, we were both wearing sweats and I was wrapped up in his windbreaker, and we sat outside and drank red wine and laughed. If the whole world were to fall away, I know I could count on the good, loving heart of that man, and that makes me the happiest, luckiest girl in this world.

So there you have it, friends. My two cents on the matter. Anxiety is a bear, but its not unstoppable. If you are dealing with anxiety, please please talk to someone close to you and get some help in your life. Ain't no shame in airing your pain! Whatever is going to bring you back to your best self is absolutely worth the effort it takes to get there. All my love to you, friends. xx

My 3 Favorite Autumn Diffuser Recipes.

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This is an exciting week for me! I've launched my own Doterra business and I am so thrilled to share my ecstatic passion for essential oils with everyone! Once upon a time, I rolled my eyes at "those crazy oil people" who claimed that oils could fix anything and everything. It just goes to show that you should neverrrrr judge people, because you might become just like them! #currentlycrazyforoils

This journey has been such a wonderful one as I have come to experience the incredible healing properties of these essential oils in my own personal life. I will continue to share on this blog about the different ways that oils have been implemented into my family's routine, but today I want to share a few fun diffuser recipes that will make you want to bake 10 pies and body slam into a pile of leaves ;)

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My diffuser is cranking every day. It's a sad day when I forget to do things like take my vitamins or get my diffuser going with something that will set the tone for my day. Sometimes I choose to diffuse something because it smells really good, and sometimes I have a specific reason why I am diffusing a certain blend. If someone in my family is under the weather, or if I'm feeling really tired that day, I will diffuse something specific for those reasons. But when it comes to diffusing a blend just for fun, autumn scents are just my favorite! Here are a few that I love and have had going in my house for the past several weeks.

Recipe 1 - Bake me a Pie.
- 3 drops Clove bud
- 3 drops Ginger
- 3 drops Wild Orange

Recipe 2 - No Sneezing Up in Here!
- 4 drops On Guard
- 4 drops Citrus Bliss

Recipe 3 - Living that Leaf Life.
- 2 drops Frankincense
- 2 drops Wild Orange
- 2 drops Cedarwood

I love trying out different blends and it is honestly one of the many ways I love being creative with my oils. Do you have a favorite seasonal blend? If so, I'd love to hear about it and try it out!

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If you're If you're interested in learning more about Doterra's essential oils, I would love to introduce you to them! I am hosting a few in-person educational classes this month and next month, along with several Facebook classes. I would be honored if you joined in! Please email me - oykristen AT gmail DOT COM - and I will make sure to get you on the invite list!

For those of you who are interested in purchasing some essential oils, this month Doterra is offering 20% off several enrollment kits. And for anyone who chooses to become a Wholesale Member (it's basically a Costco membership for oils), I am giving an extra-fanciful welcome gift including: a 5ml bottle of Wild Orange, a luxe roller ball of my own custom calming blend, a premium sample pack from Doterra's personal care line and some of my favorite oil resources. If you would like to go ahead and learn more or make a purchase, click here and hit "JOIN AND SAVE".