The Motherload.

I woke up on Mother's Day with a bad attitude.

I just had a bad attitude. Just because. I don't really, actually know why. Well I do, but it was like a million little mundane things that were making me crazed. Nothing of real substance. And I just about chewed Stevie's head off before I even rose from the bed, and as soon as the flurry of emotional words escaped my lips, I wished I could scoop them out of the air and cup them back into my mouth, swallowing their poisonous power.

But I couldn't.

That's the thing about words - they are absolutely forever. I have learned to bite my tongue over the years, holding back my venom when it won't serve a positive purpose (because really, when does venom serve a positive purpose??) Sometimes I fall short, though, and resort to my childhood, childish ways. I have quite a knack for hurting with my words. I'm good at it. And I hate that I'm good at it.

Stevie and I reconciled, dealt with the reasons why I was feeling frustrated about, you know, everything, but my outburst had me thinking the rest of the day about my immature behavior.

Happy Mother's Day to me. Womp womp.

Being a mom has illuminated so many truths. But this thing of attitude affecting action - it's something that I watch my son emulate every day. My words are so powerful in his little life. And based on what I say, and therefore do, is exactly what that little guy will say and do. For example, when he burps, he says, "Excuse you!", because he's heard me say it to him so often. He doesn't say, "Excuse me", he says "excuse you". Because that's what he heard me say. It's kind of funny, but it's also really interesting. My words remain with him - the big and the very small.

Being Everett's mom (and Stevie's wife!) has taught me so much about the flaws in my character, the places where I am below measure in grace, patience, and selflessness. But days like Mother's Day really puts it in perspective for me - it raises the questions. What am I building in my family? What kind of mother do I want to be remembered as? One with a sharp, critical tongue? Or one with a calm, generous, listening heart. ( <-- that one.) One who doesn't jump to conclusions. One who loves loves loves and then loves some more. And then even more.

And then MORE.

My little boy is getting unbelievably big. He is smothered by my love, but I wonder what else he is soaking up by spending time with me. Those little behaviors that I don't realize I say or do, that he is keenly aware of and emulating day by day. Because even though he looks like a little Stevie Mini-Me (I know, I know), he actually talks and acts a lot like me. I hope that I'm doing a good job with him, helping mold him into the best version of himself. (This isn't a self-deprecating thing, I know he is learning positive things from me.) But what I mean is the little things, the ones that could slip through the cracks in case I catch them and fix them. I hope that next Mother's Day, I can say with some confidence that I've grown up a little bit and learned to keep my cool and extend my heart a bit more kindly. To all the boys in my life. It's such an honor to be Everett's mom. I am the luckiest.

I hope your Mother's Day was restful and fun and full of love and celebration. Ours was wonderful (after my wrong side of the bed wake up call), and we spent time lounging around my parents pool and eating take out. No clean up! Thanks to my sis Rachel for taking pictures. Much love to all of you :)

P.S. - My thoughts about my glorious mom last year on Mother's Day and the year before, too.


Shop My Stella and Dot Trunk Show for Mother's Day!

Last week I hosted a little trunk show at my house, showcasing the spring line of Stella and Dot jewelry and accessories! I wanted to share some of my favorite pieces with you and invite you to shop my party, because S+D is offering my friends some specials right now (be sure to scroll below to shop my links and use my special code). With Mother's Day coming up, I wanted to extend the invite to you, all of my online/out of town peeps, to treat your mama (and perhaps yourself) to something special.

Here is the direct link to my online soiree :)

Nolita Small Crossbody Bag with Raffia Fringe - $69

Nolita Small Crossbody Bag with Raffia Fringe - $69

City Slim Clutch - $49

City Slim Clutch - $49

To be completely honest, I was surprised when my friend (and Stella and Dot stylist) Jordan began setting out the jewelry in my dining room for display. Everything was so much prettier in person - so much more delicate, expensive-looking and more quality than I had expected. I'm used to seeing the Stella and Dot gear online, but seeing (and wearing!) it in person really sold me on the quality of the products. And the other element that surprised me was the way that the jewelry is designed. Almost every single necklace is made so that it can be worn in 2 or three different ways, where you can add or remove layers to change the look of the necklace, or wrap around your wrist and wear as a bracelet, etc. Several of the necklaces are multi-sided, so they are gold on one side and silver on the other. I wasn't really expecting everything to be so versatile - even many of the bags contained a matching clutch! A lot of bang for the buck, in my opinion.

Zoe Lariat Necklace in Gold - $98

Zoe Lariat Necklace in Gold - $98

Stella and Dot Party Alila Lace Cuff.jpg
Alila Gold Lace Cuff - $98

Alila Gold Lace Cuff - $98

Unique Signature Engravable Momento Locket - $89

Unique Signature Engravable Momento Locket - $89

Freya Fringe Necklace - $118

Freya Fringe Necklace - $118

Alright, drum roll please... Stella and Dot is offering my friends 50% off the items below when you spend $50 or more shopping my party! This is a great deal that is only available to party-goers, but since you practically joined the party via this post (!!! virtual party for the win!), the deal applies to you! To take advantage of this special, make sure to type my name "Kristen Hale" as the hostess when you get to the check out page. Happy shopping, friends! I hope you find something great for that special mama in your life :)

P.S. - Since apparently I'm oozing with deals today, I wanted to remind you that Le Tote is offering my friends 20% off the first month's subscription box to rent/buy/wear garments and accessories using code OYKRISTEN. You can read more about my wondrous, laundry-free experience with Le Tote here.