
We had this funny dusting of snow this weekend. It was supposed to be barbaric weather. But it wasn't. For Georgians, any amount of frosty accumulation is reason for panic and madness and obviously, for all the school systems to close. As in, they don't always close but when they ultimately don't, kids are SO MAD ABOUT IT. Because no matter how much (or in our case, how little) snow dusts from the sky, these Georgia kids want to dive headfirst into their backyards and build a snowman. Doesn't matter if that snowman is only two inches tall. You can't deny southerners their chance at a winter wonderland.

So this past weekend it snowed, and honestly, it was seriously cold. It was as cold as our Cambridge and New York days, hovering around 27 degrees for more than a day. And it was windy. Those conditions, along with the freezing rain, turned the roads to ice, and then finally crescendoed into a Saturday morning of snowfall. So for all the silly teasing about Georgians going nutso over just a bit of winter weather, there really was reason for staying in and hunkering down.

Well, there was reason for it for about 3 hours. Then the sun came out and melted the snow. Oh Georgia.

But for those three hours! We enjoyed the snow as if we still lived in the Northeast. We made a big hearty diner-style breakfast (which was a bit challenging, since we are still on Whole30), and then got outside to play. We attempted to take our golf cart out to a park, but after being there for under 2 minutes, Everett flipped out and we had to hightail it home. That child wouldn't wear gloves. And it was blistery, blustery cold. So yeah, I kind of get it. I snuggled him really good on that g-ride home. By the way, he calls the golf cart the g-ride. Cutest thing ever.

But there was some yard frolicking and football throwing and yes, even some hot chocolate making. For my bro-in-law. Since we can't have it. But I made sure to take a reeeeeeally deep whiff of it before I passed him that holy mug. Gosh, this Whole30 is getting hard. I'll stop whining though. Pictures!!!

Family in the Flurries.jpg

I know the entire East Coast was hit with this particular winter storm. What did you do this weekend during the "Snowpocolypse"? Hope you stayed warm and toasty, friends!

P.S. - Tomorrow I'm having a little mom chat about babies. So stay tuned, if you're into that kind of thing.

Upper West Side Snow

It's Still Snowing.

Friends. Wherever you are, I hope there is sunshine streaming through the window and a hot steaming beverage nearby. I hope your feet are wrapped in cozy, thick-knit socks and your ears are toasty with warmth. But I mostly hope that winter is on its way out the door for you, no matter what that asinine groundhog says. Please, dear God, let this winter come to an end. Please. PLEASE!!!

I don't mean to sound desperately over the weather. But I am. I've done the New England winters for two previous years, but this New York winter has thrown me for a loop. I'm not sure why. Is it the howling winds? Is it the teasingly warm weekends (you know, in the 40's),  followed by painful "highs in the LOW teens" weeks? This winter has got to end. I hear you laughing. Yes, I know that I have a minimum of 8-10 weeks left of this mess. This MESS. Yellow snow. Icy sidewalks. Windburn smacking me in the face as I attempt to walk (and not slip on ice AGAIN) down the stairs into the subway. The dark cover of night arriving at 4pm. It's so dark, you guys.

Ways I've been managing in the cold?

- Whining.

- Journaling my whines. Sometime they're really clever. 

- Netflix.

- Going to museums. (Okay, we've only gone to one so far... but we aspire to visit more.)

- Cooking and baking. Ugh my waistline.

- Thinking about exercising. I'll let you know when I am ACTUALLY in a state to exercise again.

- Watching HGTV. I have a major crush on the Property Brothers. Stevie's response to that? "Yeah, I always knew it took two men to replace me."

- Incessantly calling my mom and sisters. I think they might be screening my calls at this point.

- Begging people to come visit me.

- Dreaming of warm vacations.

In the meantime, the snow around my neighborhood and the park is rather pretty. Let's just focus on that and pretend that Spring is just around the corner, k?

// Central Park //

// Central Park West //

// A bench. A snow-covered bench. //

// Aren't those people walking cute? I thought it was cute. //

// Who says we don't have woods? //

// In the summer, this garden is PACKED with exotic flowers. //

// Don't walk. //

// View outside my window. The progression of snow covering the wilt-y tree. //

Happy Friday.

We are expecting more snow this weekend. So my wish for you... I hope your weekend is warm and fun and WARM.

Love love love.

Ladies in the Snow

Ladies Weekend.

You can't deny the power of a girls weekend. It's the circled dates on the calendar that you look forward to for months. It's the light at the end of a frazzled holiday season. It's the relief, due in part to that glass of wine, but mostly due to just having those heartfelt girls near to you. You can see the warmth in their eyes, hear the music in their laughter, feel their sweet empathy and let go of all worries. You don't have to talk about work. Who wants to talk about that? You can just laugh. Let loose. Be free. For those 48 hours, it's all about fun... probably with a few tears thrown in there for good measure. I mean, we are women, right??

I had some of my best girl friends in town this past weekend, and... well, they just wowed my socks off. Mostly with their wit. But also with their humility, perspective, grace and vulnerability. These girls. They are the lifeline, the lively, the lifers. Isn't it wonderful to know who will be by your side forever? These treasured women flew in from all corners of the earth - Mobile, Al., West Palm, Fl. and NICARAGUA - all to stay in my tiny abode here in New York. What blessed souls. I'm sure they returned home with a new-found appreciation for space. Though I already miss them, I am most thankful for our times together. It's the best Christmas gift. I hope everyone has friends like these.

We traipsed all over this town, even in the midst of the heavy snow that fell upon us all day on Saturday. Hence the wet socks and the necessary trip into Urban Outfitters to buy more. All photos are taken by these sweet ladies: Natalie at Fresh Life Findings, Alex at The Wonder List and Erica at This Side Photo.

// It was Santacon in West Village // The big tree in Midtown //

//Central Park //

// Cafe Lalo (remember this from You Got Mail?) //

// Cafe Lalo treats //

// Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree (really tricky to capture) // Radio City Music Hall //

// On the stoop of Kathleen Kelly's apartment (We might have a slight You Got Mail obsession, yes.) //

// Art on my windowsill. //

These girls just made this cold weather a little bit sunnier. I hope you're having a wonderful week, counting down to Christmas!

Blizzard in the City

Finding Nemo.

Actually, Nemo found us.

Happy Monday to all of you! I hope your weekend was as fun as mine. Stevie and I stayed inside, munched on treats and watched movies on Netflix. And, at his request (I am not making this up), we started the latest season of Parenthood on Hulu. The man is obsessed. The snow fell and fell and fell and I was just glad that I, along with the rest of the city, had taken a trip to the grocery store before the blizzard set it. It was so lovely watching the snow come down, because for a couple of Georgians, we had never seen weather like this. Swirling, furious, relentless snow. And 24.9 inches later, all of New England was covered in a fleecy blanket of pure white. It was like a holiday card. Dreamy. Magnificent. Child-like wonder overtook us as we sipped our steamy coffee and gazed out our 4th-floor windows at the charm of the square.

The Romance. Is Over.

Unfortunately, the white has turned to sledge, which is a tasty shade of revolting brown. You simply cannot leave the house in anything but ski gear because your shoes will be ruined and your clothes will be covered in sleet. So yeah. Let's just say, I get why Northerners can be gruff. This weather doesn't bring out your best. But let's not focus on the ugly, let's just enjoy the magical wintery moments of bliss, shall we?

Ah, yes. A precious moment: this car. Is buried.

Leaping into snow. Because you just gotta.

Literally tumbling backwards in the snow. We did not mean to trip and fall, but the snow took three of us down.

Get Warm and Stay That Way.

So after several hours of prancing around in the fluffy accumulation on Saturday, we took a brief break in The Cellar, a wine bar right around the corner from where we live. Also one of the few places in Cambridge that was actually open after such an episode of weather drama. Stevie ordered me a martini, James Bond-style, and I did not refuse it. I've never had a straight up martini, but I kind of liked it. I would also like to drive a James Bond car, honey. Order me one of those, please?

Now that the snow is in giant heaps stacked on the sides of the road, I will be venturing out less than ever. A blizzard is fun, but the aftermath is unsavory. Think of me, all you southern belles. Remember me as you soak the sun into your tan skin. My own skin is fading into a milky shade of filmy white that is almost transparent. Not attractive. And can't venture outside without donning the equivalent of construction worker gear and an ice pick. So really, enjoy that green grass and sun shining high in the sky.