
We had this funny dusting of snow this weekend. It was supposed to be barbaric weather. But it wasn't. For Georgians, any amount of frosty accumulation is reason for panic and madness and obviously, for all the school systems to close. As in, they don't always close but when they ultimately don't, kids are SO MAD ABOUT IT. Because no matter how much (or in our case, how little) snow dusts from the sky, these Georgia kids want to dive headfirst into their backyards and build a snowman. Doesn't matter if that snowman is only two inches tall. You can't deny southerners their chance at a winter wonderland.

So this past weekend it snowed, and honestly, it was seriously cold. It was as cold as our Cambridge and New York days, hovering around 27 degrees for more than a day. And it was windy. Those conditions, along with the freezing rain, turned the roads to ice, and then finally crescendoed into a Saturday morning of snowfall. So for all the silly teasing about Georgians going nutso over just a bit of winter weather, there really was reason for staying in and hunkering down.

Well, there was reason for it for about 3 hours. Then the sun came out and melted the snow. Oh Georgia.

But for those three hours! We enjoyed the snow as if we still lived in the Northeast. We made a big hearty diner-style breakfast (which was a bit challenging, since we are still on Whole30), and then got outside to play. We attempted to take our golf cart out to a park, but after being there for under 2 minutes, Everett flipped out and we had to hightail it home. That child wouldn't wear gloves. And it was blistery, blustery cold. So yeah, I kind of get it. I snuggled him really good on that g-ride home. By the way, he calls the golf cart the g-ride. Cutest thing ever.

But there was some yard frolicking and football throwing and yes, even some hot chocolate making. For my bro-in-law. Since we can't have it. But I made sure to take a reeeeeeally deep whiff of it before I passed him that holy mug. Gosh, this Whole30 is getting hard. I'll stop whining though. Pictures!!!

Family in the Flurries.jpg

I know the entire East Coast was hit with this particular winter storm. What did you do this weekend during the "Snowpocolypse"? Hope you stayed warm and toasty, friends!

P.S. - Tomorrow I'm having a little mom chat about babies. So stay tuned, if you're into that kind of thing.