Dream Project: Casting and Collages

Life Is But A Dream.

The Dream Project is becoming my life. It's funny though, because I wouldn't characterize it as "living the dream" quite yet. I spend my days submitting myself for auditions, going to auditions, prepping for auditions and reading books about, you got it, auditions. It's pretty all-encompassing. Thank goodness I have Carrie, who keeps me sane and pretends that I am behaving like a normal human being.

And she does art projects with me. That's the true sign of a good friend.

Ever since I was a little girl, I've been making collages as a way of getting my creative juices flowing. I would cut out pictures of anything inspiring, funny and empowering. You should give it a try; it's a very revealing exercise that literally captures a visual of what inspires you at the moment. Every season of life is different and showcases a new facet of the journey. For me, it's especially fun to look back over the different collages through the years and see which words, colors and ideals I was drawn to "back in the day." So, of course, I thought it was only natural to make a dream collage as I embark upon this new chapter of life. Carrie came over, we assembled the appropriate treats and crafty tools and got to work.

Inspiration and Invitations.

Thankfully, every time I look at my new collage, I am reminded of what inspires me in this current season. Confidence, going for dreams and lots of light, haha. Something must be working because I booked a role and spent Monday on the set of a short film. Wahoo! I had so much fun working with Derick, Sue and all the crew at Mass Media Vision and playing a really silly character. I'll share clips and photos with you as soon as I have them. (Currently working on a new acting site, so I will put everything up there and link over to it in the next few weeks.)

Feeling uninspired? Feeling the winter blahs? I encourage you to scan your old Instyle and Health magazines and cut out anything that stands out to you. Give yourself 30 minutes. Maybe make a hot beverage. Enjoy a bit of "me" time and see what comes of it. I bet you will be surprised/impressed/inspired by what you see. And by how amazing YOU are.

The Dream Project: Just Do It

The Dream Project has been going swimmingly. Just absolutely swimmingly.

Last week was a big week for me. I dove into a sea of auditions, and although I haven't heard back from any yet, I am over the moon about how much fun/terror/fun it's been.

My week included:

- An audition for a comedy web series

- An audition for a student film

- An audition for a feature-length film (eek!)

- An acting class with Tom Kemp, focused on auditioning for TV and Film

The Myth.

Let me tell you something. There is a misconception about acting. People think it all looks like this:

// Exhibit A: Can we get a wind machine up in here? //

Can you say DIVA?! Cue this jam. This photo always makes me chuckle. It's a still from a short film I did a few years back. I have no idea how they caught me in such a breezy, thought-provoking moment. It's really important to reflect on these moments and realize that SOMETIMES the world of an actor is ridiculous. The real life of an actor-wannabe (that I was fondly reminded of this week) is just a hustle. Just a big fat hustle for WORK. Much like this:

// Photo Courtesy of a very sneaky Steven L. Hale //

// Exhibit B: That dirty hair just screams, "GIVE ME A JOB!!!" // 

This is it. The job hunt. Submitting myself for tons of auditions and seeing if I get any bites. I mean, does it get more glamorous than this? I think not.

The Down Low.

In all seriousness, this past week wasn't just fun because I was finally getting out there. That was great, but I honestly enjoyed the process so much. I feel like I grew as an actor in just a few days of putting myself out there, challenging myself with new material and pushing the limits of my own vulnerability. I felt myself actually improving with each audition. The last one went so well, I don't even care if I don't get cast. Seriously. It was just so much fun being in that room, in that moment, in character. I know I'm getting all artsy here, but that is the honest truth.

Walking away from each audition this week, I had that, "I'm so happy to be alive" feeling, and I wouldn't trade that for the world. Don't get me wrong. I still sweat like a pig and I was nervously clutching my script so much that it sort of got tattered and kept flopping over in my hands. Hopefully, just hopefully, they don't count off points for nervous passion?

The Dream Project: Let it Begin

"It isn't necessary for you, the actor, to like yourself - self-love isn't easy to come by for most of us - but you must learn to trust who you are.

There is no one else like you.

"I started re-reading an old acting book called "Audition" by Michael Shurtleff. It's the actor's bible, in a way. And aren't we supposed to be in the Word everyday? Ha, bible humor. Some Christians out there just chuckled a little. Okay they probably didn't. Anyways, I've begun re-reading this book because I am baby stepping my way into acting (with my eyes closed and my armpits sweaty) because, I guess, this is what it looks like to try to go for your dreams. Fear, terror, sweat and the occasional chest pain. I am so looking forward to this.


I've reached an impasse in my life. I'm 25 years old and I've had the same dream since I can remember. I was a tiny little child dressing up in my Strawberry Shortcake bedsheets (I made them into a princess gown) and I draped my mom's necklaces on my head as a crown. Alright, every little girl played dress up and wanted to be a princess, but I didn't. I just wanted to play the princess. I also wanted to play the bad guy, the fearless leader, the timid underdog, the quirky sidekick. I wanted to play characters. Pathetic as it may sound, I still do. And I'm not getting any younger, so it's about time I pursue this gig all-out and see if I get any traction. In the case that I DON'T, well then... plan B. I'll let you know when I figure out what that is. I enjoy water color painting, so perhaps that? You should probably be rooting for me in this acting thing. I'm not that good at water colors.

There is a point to all of this.

Dream. Project.

I am excited to announce a launch of The Dream Project, which is (drum roll, please) a happy new endeavor I made up and I'm dragging my dear friend Carrie into. I decided that I probably need accountability on this long road to pursuing the actor's dream, and my friend Carrie, well, she's on a dreamy journey, as well. We both have dreams. We both have time on our hands. And we both have a ticking clock, as we are moving away from each other and Boston in a few very short months. We could use each other's talents, brains, time and resources to kick start ourselves into our destinies. So that's just what we're gonna do.

The Plan.

Every good project has a plan. Even more importantly, every good project has action steps. Carrie and I meet once a week, make a list, and then have at it. To be totally honest, we see each other a lot more than once a week, and we tend to color and munch on snacks, which is why it's important that we dedicate specific time to this project. Her brain processes things completely differently than mine, which makes her an excellent companion. I can already tell this is going to be a beautiful thing.

I wanted to share the beginning of this long endeavor with you. There are many details that I will fill you in on. Lots of change and excitement in the coming weeks and months in my household (moving to NYC, pursuing a creative career, just minor stuff, you know....)

I'm scared to pursue my dream, but I'm even more scared of what I will become if I don't. An old bitter woman. Ew nobody likes her. Stick with me as I dream big and audition my tail off.