Turmeric Oat Milk Latte.

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I’ve been hearing about the benefits of golden milk beverages for a long time. But they always sounded kind of strange to me. I assumed they tasted like dirt but people were just drinking them anyways, because of the added health benefits. When doTERRA launched the new Turmeric essential oil last month, I thought, “Okay, now it’s time to test out a recipe.” After some tweaking and product testing (aka me and Stevie drinking a LOT of variations), I finally landed on this recipe and I LOVE it. It’s so warm and sweet and herbal - perfect for cozying up at night with a good movie!

Why a turmeric latte? Because turmeric is SO good when taken internally. It bolsters the immune system, reduces inflammation, supports healthy circulation, aids in metabolism and is commonly known as a nervous system booster. AND it adds a powerful flavor when used in the kitchen! So yeah, turmeric, you da best.

And why oat milk? Truthfully, I discovered this was a thing when we were in Santa Barbara this past summer. I couldn’t believe how good it tasted in a latte, and it was a lot easier on my stomach. Since having my babies, milk has bothered me more and more, so I try to avoid it. Don’t feel bad for me - I’ve got my oat milk these days ;)


- 1 drop doTERRA Turmeric essential oil
- 1 drop doTERRA Ginger essential oil
- 1 drop doTERRA Cinnamon essential oil
- 1 drop doTERRA Clove essential oil
- 1 drop doTERRA Black Pepper essential oil
- 1 cup oat milk (I’ve been using this Pacifica kind)
- 1 tsp. Moon Juice Beauty Dust
- 1 tbsp. maple syrup

1. Combine all the essential oils in a latte mug.
2. Add maple syrup.
3. Steam oat milk in a milk frother (I use this one that came with my Citiz Nespresso).
4. Add in the steamed milk and Beauty Dust, then stir to combine.

Voila! Look at you, you golden milk drinker!


This is a great late-night drink to enjoy before bedtime. It’s a creamier and frothier and just puts you in the right coziness headspace that you need to fall into a deep, deep sleep. I can’t believe how much I love this drink!

p.s. - Believe it or not, these photos were all shot on my iphone and edited in VSCO because my SLR camera has been acting up. Trying to figure out what I’m going to do about that!

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Sources: Latte Mugs, Appetizer Platter, Serving Tray (similar), Coasters (similar)

My New Essential Oil Business Cards with Basic Invite!

Thanks to Basic Invite for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.

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I just got back from Salt Lake City where I attended the 2018 DoTERRA Dream Convention and it was THE BEST. I cannot wait to share more about what I learned and all the exciting products that are launching next month! I’m a little bit freaking out about all the good things I get to share.

As my essential oils business has grown over the past few months (in November it will be 1 year!), one thing I’ve been thinking about is getting a separate business card made just for that. So when Basic Invite reached out to me to try out their custom business cards (and when I saw how adorable their designs and colors are!), I was floored.

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Now hear me out when I say that I am a true paper product girl. I really love a beautiful paper product and I’m not afraid to say that I’ve run the gamut, trying out lots of different paper companies over the years for different needs (look out, Dunder Mifflin). The Basic Invite business card designs are really sharp. When I sat down at my desk to order, I thought I might want to customize the color of my business cards, based on the fact that Basic Invite is one of the few paper product websites that allow customers almost unlimited color options with the instant previews online. Once you select a design, you can alter the color of each element on the card with over 180 different options so you can make sure the card is exactly how you like it. I played around with some different mint and turquoise shades for a while but found that I actually loved one of the pre-made designs with a pink marbled look and rose golf foil, so I went with that. And I love how it turned out! Ever since rose gold foil has become a thing in paper products, I hope there’s never a day in the future where it won’t be a thing.

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If you’re a little unsure of how your card will look and you need a little good faith policy, you can actually order a custom sample. This way you can see exactly how your card will look and how the paper will feel, before committing to a huge print job. I sort of had buyers remorse after I chose my card design, only because I really wanted to try out the plastic business cards as well! If that sounds intriguing to you, too, check out some of the samples at the bottom of this post. And maybe for the next round I will play around with that option because I honestly love my choice, too - how many business card designs are too many? #dontanswerthat

Since I mail a welcome package to each of my new essential oil customers, now I can include one of these beautiful cards in the package as well. Although we live in the digital age, I am still such a paper lover and I can’t resist a beautiful business card. Especially when I am the boss and I can choose pink and rose gold and totally get away with it!

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I’ll be honest with you. As I was ordering these cards a wonderful premonition of Christmas cards swept before my eyes, and I know, I know, IT’S TOO SOON. But all I can say is that I maybe peeked and Basic Invite has a darling suite of merry christmas cards options which also features the custom color option along with over 40 different colored envelope options. And an address capturing service and free recipient address printing on all Christmas card orders, which really takes the headache out of addressing all those holiday cards. So I am being a basic mom and making a plan for my card photo now. Because really, it is too soon? Don’t answer that either.

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I’m linking to a few of my favorite designs below, both in business cards and stationary. Right now Basic Invite is offering all of you 15% off with coupon code: 15FF51

Let me know if you decide to take advantage of this deal and try out some of the business cards (especially the clear ones!)

DIY Essential Oil Bug Spray.

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It's that time of year - when the mosquitoes love to FEAST in the sunset glow. I love spending time outside with my boys, but we do seem to have some enemies out there with us, especially right around twilight. My poor little Daxton boy seems to be anointed with my blood type and we get especially bitten up in the summer months if we forget to apply bug spray. I really hate conventional bug spray because most are loaded with toxic ingredients and with our skin being like a sponge, I just can't in good conscience put that garbage on my children. But I have a great, easy bug spray DIY that I've been using since last summer which is completely natural, non-toxic and safe for kiddos - and it works! My boys have gotten used to having this sprayed on as soon as we get outside, and I do re-spray if we've been outside for more than an hour. This DIY is based on DoTERRA's pest-repellent oil blend, TerraShield which is so awesome and smells much, much better than regular bug spray. So it's a win-win! So without further adieu, enjoy this essential oil DIY!

- 2 oz. glass bottle (I got my ombre bottle here)
- Quinn's Witch Hazel
- DoTERRA TerraShield oil blend

1. Measure out 1/3 cup of water and pour it into the 2 oz. bottle.
2. Add 25 drops of Terrashield essential oil to the glass bottle.
3. Top off the bottle with Quinn's unscented witch hazel (this should be between 1/3 - 1/2 cup).
4. Shake bottle to distribute and voila, you're ready to say, "Shoo mosquitoes!"

-  I prefer to use unscented Witch Hazel so that the only scent is from the oil itself.
- When making any kind of blend with essential oils, you want to make sure that you are using a glass contained. Plastic or other material can "pull" on the essential oils and release toxins, etc. into the mixture, whereas glass, aluminum and stainless steel don't have that effect with the EO's.
- I like to make several of these bug spray mixtures and keep on in the car, one in the stroller, one at home, and anywhere else you would find yourself reaching for bug spray! Like the Boy Scouts say, always be prepared!

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Interested in learning more about DoTERRA essential oils? I would love to share more about why I love them, how I use them, and how you can get some in your home, too! You can shop for them here, or leave a comment and I can invite you to one of my online classes where you can learn more! xx

Our Daily Family Essential Oil Routines.

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Essential Oils have become a big part of our family life over here. Almost two years ago I started using them here and there, and progressively discovered different ways I could incorporate them more and more. What began with purchasing a simple starter kit (to have on-hand for my labor and delivery with Daxton!) has grown into a full-blown lifestyle for our family and I am so grateful! I love having so many safe alternatives for allergies, viruses, anxiety, rest management, energy support, immune defense and more!

I've shared about oils here and there but I wanted to give you a specific outline of how and why my family uses essential oils throughout the day to support our health and wellness.

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1. Diffuse in the AM!
I diffuse something every morning once I get my kiddos downstairs and begin our breakfast routine. I like to diffuse something bright and cheerful, like an energizing blend of citrus oils (Elevation and Citrus Bliss are some of my favorites!) Because of pollen season, I've been diffusing a equal blend of Peppermint, Lavender and Lemon (this trio is available here!) a lot lately. I have also been loving DoTERRA's Yoga Collection, which is composed of 3 killer good oils called Arise, Align & Anchor and these three are all so grand and make me feel super happy for the day.

2. Drink Up!
I also take this opportunity to add 1-2 drops of a citrus oil to my first glass of water in the morning. Why? Drinking water with citrus helps detoxify the body, ridding it of chemicals and helping to balance the pH levels. Lately I've been on a kick with Grapefruit oil, but I also love Lemon & Tangerine oils. They're all good!

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3. Work Groove!
Once 2pm rolls around and my kids are down for their naps, I get busy! Haha, not that I wasn't busy with them before hand... ;) Believe me, there are days where I need to take a nap, because motherhood is exhausting  - and when I feel that I need it I take the time to rest! But most of the time, I use this block of time in the afternoon to get work done (like this blog post!), and I usually need a pick-me-up. At this point in the day, I usually brew up a mug of hot tea (lately I've been adding this Beauty Dust into it) and I roll on my go-to "get stuff done!" oil - Motivate! I love rolling this on my pulse points (wherever you would apply perfume), but I also have a diffuser necklace that has this oil in it, as well. That way I can smell it whenever I want! This oil just gives me the amplification I need to get my work groove on before I have to switch gears again into Mom-so-hard ;)

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4. Laundry Flip!
Usually right before my boys wake up from their nap, I try to flip a load of laundry. That's gotta get done at some point, right?!I learned a few years ago about how toxic dryer sheets are (I'm talking about the potential cause of migraines, asthma, allergies, rashes - the list goes on and on!) because of the chemicals in them. It's not a myth, simply google "are dryer sheets toxic" to find a slew of research on the subject. Gross! I prefer not to serve my children a chemical cocktail every time I bring their folded laundry into their bedrooms. So I use wool dryer balls instead (found on Amazon!), which are less expensive and a completely toxic-free way to fluff laundry. I like to add a few drops of my Lemon essential oil to my dryer balls so that my laundry has a fresh, clean scent.

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5. Boys' Bedtime!
I like to use my essential oils to help my kids wind down at night and help get to sleep and stay asleep (can I get an amen, mamas?) I do this first by adding a drop of Lavender essential oil into their nighttime bath. This helps them calm down and get into a restful mode - more cuddly and sleepy and less, you know, about wrestling.

Next I make sure to diffuse Serenity in their bedrooms, which is a beautiful blend that has so many delicious sleepy-restful oils in it! I have little diffusers in all our bedrooms so we can all get the benefit of nighttime diffusion. I got several of these on Amazon and they have held up pretty darn well (plus, this diffuser has a color-changing nightlight, so it's a big hit with the boys!) I have noticed a marked difference when I diffuse this in my boys' rooms - they fall asleep easily and don't wake up. If you're a mom, I'm sure you've experienced your toddler coming out of their bedroom 10+ times a night "needing" water, "needing" to go to the potty, "needing" to snuggle (when they actually just want to see what you're watching on Netflix - or is this only my child??) When I remember to diffuse Serenity, this doesn't happen!

During story time we also roll something on their feet - usually a diluted rollerball of OnGuard or Serenity. OnGuard is an amazing immune-defense blend, so if it's flu season or if they simply have a runny nose, I like to roll this on the bottoms of their feet to prevent any sickness. Why the bottoms of the feet? The pores on the bottom of the feet are larger and allow for easy absorption of the oil into the system. Plus, when I put socks on their feet afterwards, I don't have to worry about them getting oil all over their hands (or bed!) I've made up some custom blends for my boys to address teething, flu and fevers - I shared about that here ;)

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Beware of ticklish toes! Everett howls with laughter so I usually try to distract Dax with a book while I put on his teething oil :) BTW these pics are blurry because this is real life - lighting in the evenings is not ideal! But I wanted to let you guys have a real-life picture of how this oil routine goes ;)

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6. Lights Out!
After the boys are in bed and Stevie and I have had dinner and relaxed a bit, it's time for lights out! I love to get something going in the diffuser while I'm getting ready for bed, so that when I actually settle in, the oil has had a few minutes to diffuse and fill the room with a comforting scent. My absolute favorites are Serenity, Forgive and Breathe. These oils smell SO good and are super relaxing. If I am super sleepy and really need to get some serious rest, I will pop a few of the Serenity supplements, which are a natural rest complex and let me just say - THEY WORK. You wake up feeling super rested and satisfied with your sleep!

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P.S. - I've been re-reading Pride & Prejudice as my pre-bedtime book and I miiiiiiiight have made a specific rollerball blend inspired by the book. It may or may not be called "Most Ardently" and it may or may not be so freaking good, you guys. Not to brag or anything but I like to think of it as the essence of Elizabeth Bennett. Okay, bookworm moment over.


Let's have a giveaway, shall we? Gosh I love giving away presents to you people.

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Since I love you guys and such, I wanted to give you a chance to try out my laundry routine by gifting you a set of 6 wool dryer balls and a 15 ml bottle of DoTERRA Lemon essential oil! Hop on over to my Instagram to enter :)

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Do you have any questions about this daily routine with essential oils? Let me know in the comments how you use your oils or if you are willing to try something you read about here!

Ready for More?

Don't have any essential oils in your life and you're ready to give them a try? I can hook you up for 25% off the retail price! Send me an email at oykristen(at)gmail(dot)com OR click "Hook me up!" and follow these 3 easy steps:

1. Click the link below.
2. Select "Join & Save" for 25% off anytime with your wholesale membership.
3. Select Your Kit! I recommend the "Home Essentials" or "Family Essentials", because those have a lot of the oils I mentioned in this post ;)

Green Beauty Cheat Sheet.

This is a compilation of the natural beauty, skincare and personal care items that I have discovered and tested during my Green Beauty Trials. I wanted this information to live in a place where it could serve as a quick-reference guide for those of you that are looking to clean up your beauty routine. This way you can see what I've used, my personal rating, and links to any blog posts that features that item or topic. My rating system is simply 1 - 5, 1 being least performing and 5 being best performing! I checked all these products for their clean levels and toxicity on the Think Dirty app and the EWG app/site. You can always reach out to me if you have specific questions about a product, I am happy to share! I hope this is helpful to you :)

** This guide has been updated as of June 2019.

Currently Using: W3LL People Bio Correct Multi-Action Concealer in "Light" 5+++++

I've Tried:
- RMS Beauty Un-Cover Up 4
- Beautycounter Concelear Pen 3

I want to Try:
Nothing! I love what I'm using so much!

* I shared about my concealer here.

Currently Using: ILIA Multistick in "A Fine Romance" and "At Last"

I've Tried:
- RMS Lip2Cheek Tint in "Beloved" 4
- Kjaer Weis Cream Blush in "Blossoming" 5+
- ILIA Multistick in "I Put a Spell On You" 3

I want to try:
W3LL People Nudist Cream Stick in "Nude Rose"

*I shared about blush here.

Currently Using: RMS Beauty Living Luminizer 5

I've Tried:
- Galaxy Milk Illuminate Beauty Oil 4

I want to try:
- Becca Cosmetics in "Champagne Pop"

*I shared about highlighter here.

Personal Care

Shampoo & Conditioner:
Currently Using: Innersense Color Radiance Shampoo & Conditioner 5 along with DoTERRA Melaleuca essential oil 5

I've Tried:
- Josh Rosebrook Nourish Shampoo & Balance Conditioner 3
- Rahua Color Full Shampoo & Conditioner 4

Dry Shampoo:
- Little Barn Apothecary Dry Shampoo 5

- Innersense Refresh Dry Shampoo 3
- Yarok Feed Your Hold Hairspray 5
- Innersense I Create Hold 5

I want to try:
Nothing! I love what I'm using so very much!

*I shared about shampoo & conditioner here

Currently Using: DoTERRA OnGuard Natural Whitening Toothpaste 5

I've Tried:
- Toms of Maine Clean Mint Toothpaste 1

I want to try:
- N/A (at the moment, at least!)

This page will continue to be updated as I test products! Please feel free to reach out if you have questions about specific products - I want this to be a helpful resource to you! And also, be on the look out for sun care, nail care & kid's sections coming soon! xx