Easter Weekend!!!


I have such intensely vivid memories of hunting Easter eggs. I close my eyes and I am instantly present again, traipsing through the Winters' back yard with my 700 million cousins, and we are all taking this egg hunt as seriously as 8 years old can. IT'S WAR.

Climbing under generations-old azalea bushes, fingers combing the cool grass, tennis shoes fanning out the pine straw, the adrenaline orchestrating the beat of my heart.

Must. Get. Eggs.

Must. Eat. Treasure.

Must. Trade. Candy.

My favorites were always the Starburst and Twix, and then as I got older, into high school, the Starburst Jellybeans. My mom always got me the Starburst Jellybeans, she was still making me up a little Easter basket until a few years ago and she decided to let me grow up.

I kind of hate that she stopped.

I bought the Easter candy too early this year (two weeks too early, who was I fooling?), and I was a bad girl sneaking it every night after the kids went to bed. Those Starburst Jellybeans. Never made it into any Easter eggs this year.

This weekend my kids got to celebrate with their cousins, traipsing through the freshly-laid mulch and pine straw in search of their eggs. I admit, I filled many of them with fruit snacks and yogurt raisins, because I really try to limit candy - because I eat it! - and also because I don't want my kids to get hooked on it like I was as a kid. But lets be honest, Everett had his fair share on Easter and I let him. YOLO.

I love this holiday and I love Jesus and I love my family and I love Starburst Jellybeans and I love my yard and I love my strange-colored green house and all it's 80's quirks that I refer to as "charm" even though let's be honest, they're quirks and it's kind to even call them that. I love that our family gathered at our little green house and celebrated this wonderful sweet day together and I don't take any of it for granted because I know that KIDS REMEMBER EASTER. And I am so so glad. Best holiday ever.

I hope your weekend was dreamy and filled with so much love! He is risen! xx


P.S. - Wearing a few clothes that I purchased for a summer wardrobe capsule. My shirt here, my shorts here and my shoes here. The boys are wearing this and this and Stevie is wearing this.

Easter Dress Roundup!

It's been a while since I did a style round up, and I had so much fun putting this one together! Easter is such an amazing holiday, and I admit I still get giddy about Easter dresses like a 5-year-old girl. I blame my mother - she let us wear the frilliest dresses to church for Easter when I was growing up and all that twirling can really go to a girl's head.

Also, I included a few rompers and pant suits because gosh, there are so many good ones these days. If I had a million dollars I would love to wear the Mara Hoffman romper this year, but I will actually probably just wear a dress in my closet. I have so many that have gone unworn for a while (omg my postpartum body is so crazy - what size even am I??) Also, if Kate Middleton can re-wear her dresses, then I think it's mighty princess-y to wear one of my old frocks. Plus, that leaves room in the budget for SHOES.

What are you wearing this Easter?! I'd love to hear what colors and styles you're gravitating toward this season! xx

Easter Sunday!

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Easter Easter Easter. I love Easter Sunday! I feel so grateful because I got to spend time with all my family (well, the ones that live in this state) for church, dinner and an egg hunt on Sunday. Stevie and I have previously spent a lot of years in other cities for Easter, so it feels really good to make up for lost time, now that we are back in our home town. It was a wonderful hoopla of a party, complete with a southern-style potluck, kids and Easter eggs galore, and a healthy helping of springtime rainfall. We got outside for a quick moment to snap these photos before the rain ensued.

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Everett was so lively this year, and was much more engaged with the festivities of my childhood that I hold so dear. We decorated the cross at church (we put flowers on it to remember what Jesus did for us), and after Everett's afternoon nap (and a lot of scrambling around the house to clean up!) Stevie and I hosted both sides of our families for dinner and a drizzly egg hunt. A little rain couldn't stop us! My only regret was the my sister Kara and her little family couldn't be with us for such a memorable day. Ugh, we need that family jet right about now, to transport us back and forth from her home in Florida to ours :)

While I stood around with my parents and in-laws, we couldn't help but laugh in wonder at all these adorable kids, who were INTO the egg hunt. Last year Everett was just a little babe (remember when he still had brown hair??), but this year he is in full-fledged toddler mode and wants to keep up with his bigger cousins. They all had so much playing in the yard and hunting for eggs. Every time Everett found an egg, he threw it like a ball. He called them eggs, but definitely treated them like balls. I don't really want him to get into football (I mean, the injuries!), but unfortunately I think Stevie is grooming him for it. I mean. Look.

If that's not a football stance, well then, I don't know my football.

A few more! Okay, a lot more...

My nieces and nephews all have those piercing, watery blue eyes, huh? They're so gorgeous and I looooove them. We had so much fun hosting and celebrating in our home (and yard!) this Easter. I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend, too!

P.S. - Make sure to check back tomorrow -  I'm sharing some Spring looks with Banana Republic!!