A Weekend in Marco Island!

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Last weekend, Stevie and I took a little trip down to Marco Island, Florida! We wanted to celebrate our 12-year wedding anniversary (I can’t believe it’s been that long!) and also get a little babymoon in before this little one arrives in a few months. 5 months is always a sweet time to travel because it’s not too uncomfortable yet, so we planned a fast 2-night getaway so we could connect, read, eat and talk without our other two cuties pulling on our time.


We had never been to Marco Island. We had heard about it and had some flight points, so we picked the Hilton Marco Island Beach Resort and just went for it. The resort is gorgeously situated on the water, has a seriously delicious buffet breakfast and a killer amazing spa. We weren’t expecting the food on the island to be so legendary, but it is basically all Italian and all INCREDIBLE. I’m not usually one for pasta and pizza on the beach because, I don’t know, I don’t want to feel carb-loaded when I’m in a bathing suit, but being pregnant has it’s perks. I’m always bloated! So we ate like we were in Italy! And it was magnificent. Really and truly.

If you’re visiting, we ate a fancy, celebratory meal at Sale e Pepe (incredible fresh pasta and fish!) which was a quick walk from our hotel and has the most beautiful views of the ocean. The pizza and salad at DaVinci almost made us cry and of course we had to indulge in gelato at Dolce Mare where they also home make chocolate truffles. Get the caramel sea salt. More incredible pizza at Joeys and we also loved brunch in Naples at The Cafe on 5th where they had the best juices and crepes ahhhh. I’m drooling just typing all this.

We took lots of pictures, and these are all from my iPhone!

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^ The view from our hotel! So lush and tropical.

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^My 5 month baby bumps vs. Stevie’s (below)

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A lot of the buildings lining the beach were actually condos and not hotels. This is a place for snow birds and we were actually visiting in the off-season! It was truly tropical weather. Like HOT and humid. Most of the snow birds hang out down there Jan.-May.

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Old Navy Suit (sold out in yellow, still in stock in black top and bottom)

^One morning we decided to split up and do whatever we wanted! I crave alone time SO much and Stevie always wants to play golf, so that’s what we did! I ate breakfast alone (SUCH a luxury), laid on the beach and read, and then went to the spa for a pedicure. It was seriously the most indulgent morning I’ve had in years.

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^My tan is so fake you guys. I normally don’t lay out in the sun but since I was only out for about an hour on this particular morning I went for it and ended up spending most of that time in the ocean because it was just SO hot. But I really love getting an organic spray tan at RAW Bronzing Studio and that’s how I look and feel tan without actually baking for hours in the sun ;)

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^Just having a mermaid moment

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JCrew suit (past season, similar here) Target Hat, Target Sunglasses

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Target Dress, Target Sandals

^It was so dark by the time we went to our dinner at Sale E Pepe, but it really is worth visiting! It’s styled like an Italian art museum, with frescos painted on the walls and arched walkways and fountains. It’s really special.

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^That dinner view. I meannnnn.

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^It was so tropical! I couldn’t get over the bird songs and the lush flowers and exotic plants.

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^Downtown Naples! We didn’t get to spend a lot of time here, but we want to plan another trip to explore more because it was SO stunning. I mean, look at this pink building! Is this real life?!

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^Pistachio and Hazelnut gelato. Glory be.

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ASOS dress (sold out, similar here), Target Sandals

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This trip was truly a dream. We ate SO well, we read on the beach, we even went to the spa together and got massages one morning! Stevie hadn’t had a massage in 10 years, so you could say he was due for a de-stressing morning. He was so funny when he came out of the massage room - we met up in the little spa garden and drank cucumber water and he was like, β€œI CAN’T BELIEVE HOW GOOD THAT WAS.”

I don’t feel bad about getting some pampering before entering into another season of sleepless nights and busy baby days. Feeling very grateful for the time we got together, to dream and talk and laugh and wonder about what the future of our family will be like with 3 kids! I am so so grateful to my parents for taking over and watching the big boys while we got away. This was an extra special trip, just getting Stevie all to myself for a few days of fun and relaxation. Hurray for beaches and babies!

Easter Dress Roundup!

It's been a while since I did a style round up, and I had so much fun putting this one together! Easter is such an amazing holiday, and I admit I still get giddy about Easter dresses like a 5-year-old girl. I blame my mother - she let us wear the frilliest dresses to church for Easter when I was growing up and all that twirling can really go to a girl's head.

Also, I included a few rompers and pant suits because gosh, there are so many good ones these days. If I had a million dollars I would love to wear the Mara Hoffman romper this year, but I will actually probably just wear a dress in my closet. I have so many that have gone unworn for a while (omg my postpartum body is so crazy - what size even am I??) Also, if Kate Middleton can re-wear her dresses, then I think it's mighty princess-y to wear one of my old frocks. Plus, that leaves room in the budget for SHOES.

What are you wearing this Easter?! I'd love to hear what colors and styles you're gravitating toward this season! xx

How to Wear Merlot 2 Ways this Fall.

Oxblood. Burgundy. Crimson. Ruby. Merlot. Gang's all here.

Since I can't drink it (the merlot, not the oxblood), I might as well drape myself in this mighty bold shade that just conjures up all the decadent delights of fall. I love mixing the merlot color with like-minded shades, or wearing it simply on its own as a statement. It works really well as a neutral in the fall, or as that necessary pop of color we are all looking for. I styled a few ASOS pieces 2 ways, showcasing my favorite color for fall - M E R L O T.

What I love about this first look is how sassy and free it feels, while still being super functional. The backpack is perfect for my stage of life - running after a toddler (okay, waddling, because I'm currently 8-months pregnant), and keeping all the increasingly pudgy parts of my body well-covered while maximizing comfort (that cardigan!) and fun (that hat!) I love this look, especially because it makes me still feel like I am in the fashion game.

Don't break my heart and tell me any different.

Outfit Details:
Look 1:
ASOS Midi Cardigan c/o, Blanqi Support Tank c/o, ASOS Maternity Rivington Denim Jegging in Oxblood with Under the Bump Waistband c/o,  ASOS Leather Embossed Backpack c/o, Sebago Claremont Boots, Urban Outfitters Hat (similar here)

This sweater dress is pretty much everything to me right now. Worn alone (like I did on this day), or over jeans or leggings, it's an essential piece for fall. Especially when you are growing at the rapid rate like I am. I especially love the ribbed fabric on the sides and the bitty turtleneck. Just a hint of Audrey Hepburn in that turtleneck, which is really all a girl needs to feel ladylike. And again - that color. It's making me feel all the crunchy leaves and taste all the hot beverages.

Outfit Details:
Look 2:
ASOS Maternity Knit Swing Dress in Cashmere Mix c/o, Kate Spade Varick Street Abbie Bag (on sale in this color!), Stella & Dot Alila Cuff

What is your favorite shade to wear for fall? What colors make you "feel" your wardrobe in a new way for the season?

Many thanks to ASOS for sending products to style for this post. As always, all opinions expressed are my own. Thanks for supporting brands that make running this blog a joy!

A Birthday Date & A Bump That Doesn't Lie.

It was on this day that I realized just how very pregnant I am - and just how long I still have to go. 11 weeks til the due date, friends.

I was supposed to be at Disney World on my birthday, joshin' around with Cinderella at the Be Our Guest restaurant and having a few laughs with my sister-in-laws. I'm actually really grateful that we decided to cancel our trip (the rest of the family soldiered on without us), because I was having some pretty painful Braxton Hicks on my actual birthday, and the choking Orlando heat combined with miles of walking would have probably been miserable. For me, and for everyone who would have had to listen to me. And for the kankles that would have most definitely taken on a life of their own and probably heaved-ho away from me as fast as they could klunk-klunk-klunk. So I actually felt really at peace about that decision. But still. Disney is the happiest place on Earth, right? I think I'm allowed a good 5 minutes of pouting about that one.

The best thing about my birthday this year was being with Stevie and Everett. Stevie is the most positive person I know, and he really made an effort to do all the things I wanted on my day. He planted my fall garden for me, and then we went to dinner at The Hil at Serenbe, which was very delicious and very smashing. Get the lamb risotto! It was also my last meal having sugar, so we reeeeeeally enjoyed the chocolate souffle for dessert. Being the good, kind man that he is, Stevie is going to cut back with me (so that I don't grow an extra large giant inside of me), so pray for our saccharine-loving souls. The panicky memories of doing the disciplined Whole30 program haven't eluded us. I am actually searching for some recipes that feel like treats but don't have any added sugar. A few of you have already emailed me with awesome recipes to try - thank you so much! I am open to your suggestions, friends!

Turning 29 feels really good. I have no problem rolling into the final year of my twenties, because I have felt like an old person for a long time. I got married young, and even though I didn't start having babies too, too young, I've definitely been adulting for a good solid decade. It's nice that my age finally matches my life. Although I am compiling a little pre-30 bucket list of things I want to do/see/eat/visit before my next birthday, and I think dancing on a table or two wouldn't be the worst thing to happen within the next year. :) It's good to have goals, right?

I am 29. Very pregnant, a little pouty, but absolutely, perfectly content.

Outfit Details:
ASOS Top (clearly not maternity, similar here), Free People Bralette, ASOS Maternity Skirt, Anthropologie Shoes (sold out similar here on sale!), Anthropologie Kimono (similar here), Pulicati Leather Tote (similar here), Urban Decay Lip Color in Disturbed

Lady in London Red.

Because when you're invited to a smashing wedding in London, you just go. Even if you're five months pregnant and have no idea where to find a formal maternity dress. Have I said "thank God for ASOS" enough? I know I sound like a broken record over here but I have been so pleased with my maternity finds from ASOS that I have to share. And hilariously enough, this dress isn't actually maternity but I just had a feeling that the empire cut would work for this 5+ month bump :) And it did the trick!

This was the perfect date night, one that I will always treasure. Not only was it really special to get gussied up and have a night out on the (foreign) town with my man, this wedding was such a standout. One of those that causes you to, over and over again, catch the sparkling eyes of your spouse and remember your own wedding day. Cherishing the years you've forged together. The speeches made us well up with tears. The meal made me wish for a bigger stomach (oh wait). The band made me regret not learning to play the saxophone in middle school and the dancing made my feet hurt (in that good kind of way). This was one of those nights that I will remember fondly in the months to come, when I am wrapped up in bed with my newborn baby boy and not going anywhere for quite a while.

One really good date night. And one really good dress. And one extremely good man. Too much to ask for? I think not, friends. I think not.

P.S. - More London maternity style here, here and here.