A Little Mouse for Halloween.

This little guy makes me laugh so much. He wouldn't put on his costume all day long, even though his preschool had a party and parade. But after a little bribing ("Everett, there will be candy if you put on a costume...") he seemed to catch on that Halloween is FUN. I've actually never given him a piece of candy ever, but I know he's had some here and there with cousins and grandmothers and at school. So he understood the incentive! And boy, what a cute mouse he made.

We rode our golf cart a few neighborhoods over where the houses aren't decorated too scary and the sweet neighbors wait on the porch with candy. We like to go extra early, because I don't want to expose Everett to anything too scary. This little Halloween tradition has been in our family over the past few years, with all of Everett's local cousins. And friends, too!

I like dressing up, but this year that was the furthest thing from my mind. If anyone asked, I was a woman having contractions (true story you guys) and Stevie was my supportive husband, helping me get through them. Hence me stalking slowly behind them in the golf cart while they walked like normal people. Walking brings on those contractions, so I am trying to curb it. Braxton Hicks they call them, ha. More like Baby lightening punts straight into my special area. This is real life. But I had a really cute view from behind my man and my mouse, so it was manageable :)

Thank goodness for my super woman buddy. She swooped in from time to time in the midst of wrangling her own clan of super heroes, bringing me lots of good cheer.

I mean, how cute are these cousins??

Our clan of heroes, animals, villains and FRIENDS. So grateful for this crew. And so grateful to Aunt Lauren, who sponsored Everett's mouse costume :)

I hope your Halloween was a blast, too! And now that we're past this holiday, I can officially prepare for the very BEST holidays of the year without being in too much violation :) Much love to you, friends!

Halloween In St. Augustine.

Last weekend was, quite literally, a blur. A stupendous, messy, spastic blur. It actually feels more like a dream than something really that actually happened, when I sit down to think of it. My family all convened in St. Augustine, Florida to celebrate my sister's wedding. But we also celebrated my niece's birthday the night beforehand with a massive party and oh yeah, this was all on Halloween, too. It was crazy fun and also just a little bit crazy. I am so grateful when my family is all together because it's a rarer occasion these days. It's one of those things that has to be cherished, and every time we're all together, I can't help but hope and wonder when the next time will be. Is that fatalistic or something? Never living in the moment? I don't know, but I try. I really try. I just love these souls so much!

My beautiful Aunt Shirley flew in for all the occasions and I truly can never get enough time with that amazing woman. She's the kind of person you want to corner at a cocktail party, stuff hors d'oeuvres in your face and just listen to - listen to her brilliance (she's a PhD in psychology, WHOA), listen to her traveling tales, listen to her Italian embellishment. It's just the very most fun.

My sister knows how to party. She dressed up her daughter the birthday girl as Star Bright, and she was Star Light (Star Bright's mom I think? I'm not up on my unicorn fanfare). I was completely lame this year and sort of forgot about costuming me and Stevie - oops! There's been a lot going on! But Everett went as a little fish. To be honest, he wasn't really that into it either. I think he was mesmerized by his Auntie Star Light, to be honest. Okay, I was a little too. I mean. LOOK AT HER.

That's a horn.

That's a horn.

That's a tail.

That's a tail.

That's my sister.

That's my sister.

We are weird people.

I love it.

A few more of the evening's festivities:

That's my family - we are strange, we are off-center, we are goofy and over-dramatic and overly-celebratory and emotional and about a million other grand adjectives. I adore these precious cogs in the universe, weaving in my world a steadfast harmony of perfect, fearless love and overwhelming acceptance and appreciation for each other. I am learning learning learning all the time about this love - this love that trusts and celebrates and doesn't entertain a worry for the future. I'm grateful for this family that allows me to practice that love, day in and day out, letting me make epic mistakes, holding my hand while I figure out the right way, and encouraging the heck of that journey. Love is such a journey, friends. I am learning how to cultivate this pure kind of love, so I can be the best wife, the best mom, the best daughter and sister - and those are all the same kind of love, but they're really different too. Sometimes I fail at showing the right kind of love. Sometimes I'm a crummy sister. Sometimes I'm a selfish wife. Sometimes I'm a scared mom. But I am trying, re-trying, re-working this stockpile of love in my gut, attempting to get it right. To show it right. To be right-minded. And really - aren't we all? Well, those are my Halloween revelations for you. I guess that star light really hit me smack in the head. I hope your Halloween was happy and fulfilling and sugary, my friends :)

PS - I am heading into another wedding weekend! My dear old friend is getting hitched and I get to be with her every step of the way this weekend. I am the luckiest, being surrounded by ALL THIS LOVE. xox.

Halloween Shenanigans.

Halloween Shenanigans.

I have never been trick or treating before. Until Friday night.

My parents (and surprisingly, also Stevie's parents) weren't into celebrating Halloween back in the day. They didn't agree with the origins of the holiday, and so instead of encouraging us to dress up and trick or treat, we often enjoyed the day as a family in a different way. Many times, my mom would check us out of school and we would have a fun day going to the movies or a museum. My parents really made the day special so that my sisters and I didn't feel like we were missing out on something that all our friends were talking about. I love that about my parents. They really stuck to their guns and raised us in a way that felt right to them. They aren't the kind to cave into peer pressure. It is a really great example that they set.

So is it wrong that I still wanted to dress up my baby as a tiny little fox for Halloween this year?

I absolutely. Could NOT. Resist.

My parents shook their heads at me. Until I showed them these pictures.

Foxes. Are so in.

I decided a few weeks ago that I wanted to dress Everett up as a baby fox. Because. Well, foxes are VERY in for baby boys. They are all over toysgear & clothing this fall. And since apparently I'm a mega sucker for tot trends, it was decided then and there, in that Target aisle, that we shall be a fox family for Halloween. Mad props to my stylist sister, who helped me concoct the costumes for this grand event. Though when I handed Stevie the sparkly hair paint so that he could be the patriarchal "silver fox", I'll admit he put up more than a little resistance. But I just told him I would dress as a vixen and most of the argument ended. Little did he know that I would be the most wholesome, COVERED vixen ever to tread such ground. Heh. Plus! I had already bought Everett a little fox onesie! And it can't be returned! Tags had been removed! Muahahhaa. Call me the sly fox, thank you very much.

I made our ears and tails by (loosely) following this amazing tutorial. Gosh Pinterest is full of so many goodies when it comes to costume creation. I'll admit that as the countdown to Halloween was impending and I was still unshowered, teeth unbrushed and haphazardly choking on faux fur, I might have resorted to just stapling our bits of tail parts together. Forgoing the much studier hot glue situation. Oh well, it all worked. Other than Everett loathed his ears, so they only lasted for the pictures. And only a few of them.

// Toothpaste, Gingerbreadwoman & the sweetest Turtle I ever saw. //

// Kitty cats and Dinosaurs. With quite a bit of pizazz. :) //

// In all our costumed glory. //

"Trick or Treat!"

We trick or treated in an adorable Mayberry-esque neighborhood with all of Stevie's brothers and sisters, parents, and of course, our awesome nieces and nephews. We went before the creepiness of dark was upon us, and we were already done with the thrill of candy rush by about 7pm. It was pretty perfect. I love this family that I am so privileged to be part of. And my parents and his parents? They've relaxed a whooooole lot about the Halloween shenanigans. In the words of my darling mother, "We did what we thought was best for you. And now you do what you think is best with Everett."

Well, I think a little baby fox is perhaps the best thing I've ever seen. Of course, I haven't dressed him up as Santa yet. OH THE THINGS TO COME.