Easter Sunday!

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Easter Easter Easter. I love Easter Sunday! I feel so grateful because I got to spend time with all my family (well, the ones that live in this state) for church, dinner and an egg hunt on Sunday. Stevie and I have previously spent a lot of years in other cities for Easter, so it feels really good to make up for lost time, now that we are back in our home town. It was a wonderful hoopla of a party, complete with a southern-style potluck, kids and Easter eggs galore, and a healthy helping of springtime rainfall. We got outside for a quick moment to snap these photos before the rain ensued.

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Everett was so lively this year, and was much more engaged with the festivities of my childhood that I hold so dear. We decorated the cross at church (we put flowers on it to remember what Jesus did for us), and after Everett's afternoon nap (and a lot of scrambling around the house to clean up!) Stevie and I hosted both sides of our families for dinner and a drizzly egg hunt. A little rain couldn't stop us! My only regret was the my sister Kara and her little family couldn't be with us for such a memorable day. Ugh, we need that family jet right about now, to transport us back and forth from her home in Florida to ours :)

While I stood around with my parents and in-laws, we couldn't help but laugh in wonder at all these adorable kids, who were INTO the egg hunt. Last year Everett was just a little babe (remember when he still had brown hair??), but this year he is in full-fledged toddler mode and wants to keep up with his bigger cousins. They all had so much playing in the yard and hunting for eggs. Every time Everett found an egg, he threw it like a ball. He called them eggs, but definitely treated them like balls. I don't really want him to get into football (I mean, the injuries!), but unfortunately I think Stevie is grooming him for it. I mean. Look.

If that's not a football stance, well then, I don't know my football.

A few more! Okay, a lot more...

My nieces and nephews all have those piercing, watery blue eyes, huh? They're so gorgeous and I looooove them. We had so much fun hosting and celebrating in our home (and yard!) this Easter. I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend, too!

P.S. - Make sure to check back tomorrow -  I'm sharing some Spring looks with Banana Republic!!


Live Like No One Else.

This weird thing has been happening. And I'm fully to blame.


 It started with Intentional October. I was so excited to get laser-focused on things that would help improve my overall health - sleeping more, exercising more, spending time praying and reading my bible, and focusing on my writing. And intentional October was such an awesome experience! It wasn't without its challenges or surprises. My son broke his leg during that time and of course, everything became about helping him heal, and my perfect schedule was put on the back burner. But still, I gleaned so much from the experience of making a schedule that accommodated the healthy choices and writing goals that I wanted to implement. It was a learning experience.

Then came Whole30, a food experiment that had me hyper-focused on how the foods that I put into my body really affect me. I discovered what helped me sleep better, exercise grade, rest more fully and appreciate that healthier choices actually resulted in a happier lifestyle. Whole30 was really hard because it absolutely challenged my norms- wine at night, chocolate everyday (duh), carbs when I need a fast snack. Those things weren't Whole30-approved, and breaking those habits were a lot more emotional than I ever would have thought they would be. But I am a better woman, wife and mom because of that food experiment. And we are still eating Whole30-style these days about half the time!

And then there Is Dave Ramsey, and his Financial Peace University. Stevie and I volunteered to host this finance class at our home for a small group of people at our church. It's a 9-week course that focuses on how to manage finances in a way that teaches how to save, plan for the future, get out of debt and live a fulfilled life on a budget. And you guys. This class is absolutely messing with me. Because I thought we were pretty "good" when it comes to managing our finances. We've had a budget for years, share a joint account and we meet with our financial planner once a year to "check in" and discuss our goals. However, this class has shown me the holes that we didn't realize were there, and has challenged my financial mindset - namely, the way that I feel, and therefore treat, our finances. I didn't realize the areas where I was short-sighted. Areas where I was fearful. Areas where I was foolish. Because of what I've learned over the past nine weeks, I am thinking twice when I flip through the sales at Anthropologie. I'm like, do I really need more stuff? Do I?? It's convicting, but in a great way that has me assessing how I want to plan for the near future for my family. I don't think there is anything wrong with spending money- it's a resource and it should be used. But I'm just saying- it's causing me to really think as I use those resources.

All of these things - intentional October, Whole30, Financial Peace University - they have positioned me in this mode of coming at life. Not letting life just happen, but really attacking my day, every day, with tenacity and intention. "Live like no one else" is something that Dave Ramsey quotes a lot, meaning that you adjust your life in a way that works for you and your family and planning for your future. Just because everyone buys a new car at a certain stage of life, or spends money on societal "must haves" doesn't mean that I must have it. Assessing where every dollar goes, assessing where my time is spent, assessing the foods going into my body. It's crazy hyper focus! But you know what? This crazy thing is happening because of it - momentum.

I'm sharing all of this with you for a reason. I've had my paradigm messed with over the past six months. In so many areas of my life. But because of the intention that my husband and I have set before ourselves, we are seeing momentous shifts in our finances, more writing gigs abound (for me) and we are literally, feeling healthier. We are sharpening up, and it's been kind of painful, but kind of awesome. Sometimes it's hard to recognize when you're in a season of growing, but I am extremely aware that I am mid-growth right now. I have a lot to learn (oh so much), but I really like who I am becoming more than who I was a year ago. And it feels good to actually see and sense a difference.

True Story. I Cry When I Vote.

Revised, Kenneth Russell Chamberlain - Free Pictures at Historical Stock Photos.com

It happens every time. They hand me that yellow card, I walk over to the polling station and click it in, and then suddenly - I am not thinking about the election or the candidates. I am overwhelmed with the gratitude that I get to vote.

Women in the United States didn't get that chance for nearly 150 years.

Today, millions of women all over the world still don't get that chance. The right to vote. No one cares what they think or believes that their mind can form an important, informed opinion. They don't have the respect of their peers and they don't have the ear of anyone. Their thoughts don't matter.

But here I am, living privileged enough to exercise my right to vote. To live in this post-suffrage United States where I can drive my unchaperoned self to the polling station, cast my ballot and my vote counts. Because what's in my head - it matters. It took a long time for women and African Americans to get the recognition that they always deserved, and although I wish the journey wasn't such a messy, storied one - here we are today. With a right that no one can remove. And my country recognizes that right and recognizes me. And I don't know you guys, but every time I hit the polling booth, I am just flooded with these feelings of gratitude and pride and my face gets really hot and I start to well up. I know it sounds kind of emotional and a bit silly. I know I need to keep it together long enough to actually complete the act of voting. But usually by the end of the session I am kind of a mess and hurried to get out of there. Well, I make sure to grab my sticker. But then I hightail it out of there.

Those polling volunteers probably think I'm emotional about the candidate. Or maybe related to one of them.

It's a big deal, this ability to vote. I really want to encourage all of you to rock your right to vote and actually do it. Please do it. It breaks my heart when I see someone so apathetic about voting because "our government this and that". Complaining will gain us no further rights to make a thoughtful change in our world. Being hopeful, getting educated, seeking out answers - it will get us so much further than just not voting and instead spending the next 4-8 years complaining about our country's leadership. We all know those people. Some of us might be those people. But you know what? No one wants to be around those people. Do your best to get out of your head and assess the issues that matter the most to you - then focus on what you think the solution could be. Don't focus on the problem and why the other side is "so screwed up". Focus on the solution. And let those solutions guide you toward a candidate you could align with. Let us honor those who it made it their life's work to give everyone an equal right to vote. Let us remember those who are living and breathing on this Earth today, with a mind and a heart, living without the right to vote. Let us do our research and take responsibility for this privilege and right. Get engaged, friends! In the blink of an eye it will be November 8, and we should be ready to vote. And no, you don't have to cry. But you can remember me when you're in the polling booth, because I probably will.

*Image via Historical Stock Photos

Happening Lately + Thank You!

Happy Weekend, friends!

I don't normally post on the weekends, but I wanted to share a quick update about what's happening over here in our corner of the world and give you some thanks.

Stevie's been in and out of town lately for work, so Everett and I have been partners in crime, sending an insane amount of selfies to the different parts of the world that Stevie finds himself in. We miss him so much when he's gone. In fact, as Everett is getting older and more aware, he's reacting more intensely the longer his daddy is gone :( It's an adjustment for all of us.

I've been writing more and more lately, and honestly, I'm having trouble figuring out the balance of being the good mom I want to be and doing the kind of quality work I want to do. But this influx of work has me assessing how I spend every moment of my day, and I am doing my best to churn wasted minutes into productivity. I definitely don't have it all figured out. But I am on a learning curve!

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Low and behold, Everett and I have been sick. AGAIN. I am baffled by how often he and I have caught this cold virus thing this season. I know tons of people have been fighting this cold crap, but why?? Is it because of all the insane changing weather? It was 75 degrees two days ago, and as I write this, its 27 degrees. So this past week I put a pause on all my workouts and have been sleeping as much as possible when he sleeps. I started taking this Buried Treasure Acute Cold and Flu Immune Support, due to the glowing recommendation from Natalie, my dear healthiest friend (who is literally never sick due to taking this stuff). It's only been two days and I'm already feeling better. PRAISE. It must be the Myrrh ingredient listed on the bottle. I mean, if it's good enough for Christ, right? Everett's on the up and up again, too. I hate to be that person who is like, PLEASE GET HERE, SPRING. But with all this shifting weather, I'm just ready for some consistency. So yeah, Spring is on my radar. Plus, I've been dreaming some garden dreams.

This is real. My camelia in the back yard is blooming! Everett and I go outside and visit the bush each day.

This is real. My camelia in the back yard is blooming! Everett and I go outside and visit the bush each day.

I'm officially on my last week of Whole30, you guys. I can't believe it. It's been a really good, really hard experience. Harder than I would have imagined. But I actually feel healthier (other than the random cold situation) and I will definitely share more about it here once I'm completely done. I am excited for Wednesday! If you think of me at about 7pm (Everett's bedtime), I will be breaking out some wine and chocolate in celebration of reaching the finish line.

This photo was taken pre-Whole30. Fear not, dairy police.

This photo was taken pre-Whole30. Fear not, dairy police.

I wanted to take a moment to say an extra special THANK YOU to everyone who took my reader survey for the blog. There was some really insightful feedback and I read every single comment and statistic. I appreciate all your thoughtful input and suggestions. I love the kind of content that I create here (duh, it's my blog), but you gave me some really interesting things to think about as I move forward with my blogging calendar. I will be incorporating some of your suggestions into new content, so you can look forward to me stretching myself in new ways in the coming weeks months! Don't worry, I'm not planning on making any major changes - in fact, most everything here is going to remain steady as always. I will be incorporating a bit more beauty and wellness content this year, since its part of my life but I've purposely not shared much about those things in the past. But I am a girl! Those are parts of my life and I'm more comfortable owning that and sharing those things these days, and since so many people asked for more of that, I am happy to branch off in that direction just a bit.

I am really grateful for all your support, friends! Thanks for being such peppy encouragers. I hope you have the happiest Superbowl weekend :) xox


We had this funny dusting of snow this weekend. It was supposed to be barbaric weather. But it wasn't. For Georgians, any amount of frosty accumulation is reason for panic and madness and obviously, for all the school systems to close. As in, they don't always close but when they ultimately don't, kids are SO MAD ABOUT IT. Because no matter how much (or in our case, how little) snow dusts from the sky, these Georgia kids want to dive headfirst into their backyards and build a snowman. Doesn't matter if that snowman is only two inches tall. You can't deny southerners their chance at a winter wonderland.

So this past weekend it snowed, and honestly, it was seriously cold. It was as cold as our Cambridge and New York days, hovering around 27 degrees for more than a day. And it was windy. Those conditions, along with the freezing rain, turned the roads to ice, and then finally crescendoed into a Saturday morning of snowfall. So for all the silly teasing about Georgians going nutso over just a bit of winter weather, there really was reason for staying in and hunkering down.

Well, there was reason for it for about 3 hours. Then the sun came out and melted the snow. Oh Georgia.

But for those three hours! We enjoyed the snow as if we still lived in the Northeast. We made a big hearty diner-style breakfast (which was a bit challenging, since we are still on Whole30), and then got outside to play. We attempted to take our golf cart out to a park, but after being there for under 2 minutes, Everett flipped out and we had to hightail it home. That child wouldn't wear gloves. And it was blistery, blustery cold. So yeah, I kind of get it. I snuggled him really good on that g-ride home. By the way, he calls the golf cart the g-ride. Cutest thing ever.

But there was some yard frolicking and football throwing and yes, even some hot chocolate making. For my bro-in-law. Since we can't have it. But I made sure to take a reeeeeeally deep whiff of it before I passed him that holy mug. Gosh, this Whole30 is getting hard. I'll stop whining though. Pictures!!!

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I know the entire East Coast was hit with this particular winter storm. What did you do this weekend during the "Snowpocolypse"? Hope you stayed warm and toasty, friends!

P.S. - Tomorrow I'm having a little mom chat about babies. So stay tuned, if you're into that kind of thing.